Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter! Daddy tried to take Chase to church on Easter morning but it didn't work out so well. First. Chase refused to wear his new dress shoes. Then, when they got to church, it was so crowded that there wasn't anywhere to sit. Chase was getting really antsy and fidgety so he and Daddy came back home. In the afternoon, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Aunt Terry's in Wildwood for the family Easter dinner. They had an Easter egg hunt and Chase did really well in finding eggs. Mama says he seemed to have the most fun running around the yard. Then in the evening, they came to Nanaw's house -- Sam came too. He searched for eggs in Nanaw’s living room and did really well finding them and putting them in his Easter basket. He also seemed to really like throwing them out of the basket. Mama and Daddy gave him a Ferris wheel and carnival for Easter, and Chase seemed to have lots of fun playing with the Ferris wheel. Nanaw gave Chase an adirondack chair, a "Goodnight Moon" board book and a duck with baby.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday, March 30, 2013

When Nanaw went to visit Chase on Saturday morning, she got a delightful surprise: Chase's Daddy had given him an awesome buzz cut that morning. Chase looks so handsome with his new do -- so grown-up and manly. Mama and Daddy say he behaved quite well for the hair cut. Chase's other adventure for the day was going out to Wentzville to visit Grandma Pat and Aunt Patty. They gave him his Easter basket, and it was filled with all kinds of toys and other goodies, including anew Easter book "Thumper and Friends."

Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013

Mama and Daddy were off work today for Good Friday but Chase still had his adventure at Clayton Laptime. However, the adventure didn't go as well as it used to. chase and Nanaw got there a little early (for a change -- they usually arrive shortly after Laptime has begun). Miss Jeannie was blowing bubbles for the early arrivals, and Chase wanted to join them and certainly didn't want to sit on Nanaw's lap. When Laptime began, Chase still wanted to run around the room and Nanaw had to let him run loose or he would cry and fuss. He was very cute and social as he roamed around the room and behaved himself fairly well. When Chase and Nanaw got home, they went on another adventure, this one with Mama. First they tried to have lunch at McDonald's on Telegraph Road but there were no high chairs in evidence. So they went to the Taco Bell/Pizza Hut across the street and had cheese pizza. Then they went shopping at Kohl's where Mama bought Chase a blue checked shirt for Easter. Next they stopped at Payless and bought a pair of brown dress shoes for Chase to also wear on Easter. (Editor's note on Easter: Mama says Chase refused to wear the shoes to church.) When they got home from the shopping adventure, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Sam went for a walk. After the walk, Chase fell fast asleep in his crib, legs high in the air.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Today Chase and Nanaw were at Chase’s house. In the morning they went to Walmart, which seems to be one of Chase’s favorite places. He had lots of people talk to him and smile at him. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw went for a walk in his subdivision in the jogging stroller, the first time since last fall. Chase really seems to like going for walks – he looks around at everything. And once gain, when a flock of birds flew overhead, he said "bird." Mama and Daddy are off work tomorrow for Good Friday but Chase and Nanaw still plan to go to Clayton Laptime. Sam’s toy of the day was a red ball from cache of Christmas toys.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Chase and Nanaw were at Nanaw’s house today and spent a lot of time playing with Chase’s toys in Chase’s room. In the afternoon. They went for a walk in Nanaw’s subdivision, and Chase said "bird" when he saw birds fly by -- just like Grandma Pat taught him. He also said "shoe" when Nanaw handed his shoe to him.Later in the afternoon, Chase was in his high chair, watching Nanaw work in the kitchen. When Nanaw looked over at him, he was standing up! And he looked very proud of himself. So from now on, Nanaw plans to strap him into the high chair. When Nanaw took Chase home, he didn’t want to go in the house so Daddy took him in the backyard to run around – which he seemed to enjoy immensely. Later in the evening, Mama sent Nanaw a photo of the "race" that she and chase had in the hall. Chase was riding his motorcycle and Mama was racing the RetroRocket. The big dump truck was also involved: Mama piled it full of Chase’s dog toys and chase threw them all out.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Today’s adventure for Chase was going to Laptime at the Telegraph Road library. Many of his usual friends were there, including Nolan and Alexa. Chase was very antsy during the song and story part of Laptime and didn’t want to sit on Nanaw’s lap. He began to fuss and then cry, and finally Nanaw had to let go of him and let him run around the room. Once he was free, he seemed to have a great time running around and then playing with the toys and the other boys and girls. When Nanaw took Chase home, she stayed for experimental dinner. Mama made a delicious new chicken tetrazzini. Chase tried on his yoda bedroom slippers but didn’t seem to like them.



Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

Back to normal after Mama and Daddy’s vacation. Chase spent the day at Nanaw’s house, and the only adventure they took was a trip to the Columbia Post Office. As usual, at the Post Office everyone who saw Chase talked to him and smiled at him – he’s such a charmer. In the afternoon, Chase went out to play for a few minutes in the snow¸ crawling around on the ground. Then Nanaw put him in the stroller so he could watch her use the snow blower Uncle Mike gave her. It worked really well and cleaned off the driveway so Chase’s Daddy didn’t have to shovel it. Chase had snow on his glove, and he ate it and seemed to like it.