Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

On Wednesday morning, Mama gave Chase $4 to spend at the Bake Sale to benefit a little sick boy. Chase told Nanaw he wasn't going to buy anything at the Bake Sale; he was just going to give the money to the little boy so he'd feel better. Chase didn't quite understand that the Bake Sale money would be given to help the little boy. Wednesday was Nanaw's day to volunteer in Chase's classroom. She got lots of hugs when she came into the room, including one from Chase. Nanaw's assignment was helping the boys and girls make a treat: Snow Waffles. Snow Waffles are toasted waffles with butter and powdered sugar -- which is the snow. Nanaw had a great time -- she loves all the boys and girls. They're so sweet and so much fun. After school, Chase played with his Angry Birds and key chains and ate one of the cuties Mama sent along. Nanaw wanted to watch one of the Christmas movies but Chase told her, "You have options. The options are Monsters Inc. and Monster University." LOL. So they watch Monsters University. Chase is such a character. When Nanaw took Chase home, she stayed for a few minutes to watch Chase do his homework. He's so intense and precise about it -- very cute to watch.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Chase had a rough night on Monday and didn't get enough sleep. When he got to Nanaw's house on Tuesday morning, he slept on the couch for about 45 minutes, and that seemed to help. Chase and Nanaw were excited about the hockey game adventure they were going to have in the evening with Mama, Daddy, Uncle Mike, Aunt Becca and Uncle Stan. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to Dollar Tree, and he got four Angry Bird toys and was happy about them. Uncle Stan drove Daddy, Chase and Nanaw downtown to Syberg's where they met Mama, Aunt Becca and Uncle Mike. Chase had pepperoni pizza for dinner, and Nanaw had Cajun shrimp. Nanaw got to sit next to Chase on one side at the hockey game and Uncle Mike on the other. Chase had a really good time, cheering for the Blues, dancing to the music and making all the fan motions -- it was so cute to watch. They left before the end of the game because it was past Chase's bedtime; the Blues were leading 2 - 0 when they left and then scored another goal to win the game 3 - 0.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday was a jeans and casual day for kindergartners for participating in the Young Authors Writing Project. The boys and girls wrote their stories in class this semester, rather than writing them at home like they did last semester. Mama told Nanaw that Chase's story was once again about penguins, like his first story. On Monday Mrs. Herrmann posted a video of the class on the Seesaw app. She was showing the class's research project on penguins -- it was very cute. When Chase got home from school, he and Nanaw watched Rudolph's Shiny New Year and The Leprechaun's Christmas Gold. Chase played with his Ninjas and his penguin key chains. Unfortunately, Nanaw forgot to pack up the key chains so they're having a sleepover. When Nanaw took Chase home, first he gobbled down a donut. Then he and Mama put together some puzzles. Everybody was surprised and pleased at what a good job Chase did with the puzzles.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday evening was Mama's Grammy celebration. Nanaw went over to Chase's house around 4 p.m. to watch Mama use her pressure cooker crock pot to make pot roast for the Grammy dinner. It was fun watching, and dinner was delicious. Chase had a pepperoni pizza Lunchable. After dinner, everybody (except Sam) went downstairs to watch the Grammys. Mama said Daddy, Chase and Mama played outside for awhile. Daddy hung Chase's boxing bag that Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky bought him for Christmas under the deck, and Chase had fun playing with it. For while downstairs, Chase sat on Nanaw's lap to watch the Grammys. Then he watched videos on Daddy's iPad. Nanaw stayed for half an hour after Chase went to bed, then she went home.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Mama texted Nanaw on Saturday morning that Chase wasn't feeling well. He felt warm and told her he didn't feel well. So he wasn't going out to visit Grandma Pat with Daddy. Mama said she didn't know about going to Marie's for ice cream on Saturday night and would let Nanaw know. Mama said Nanaw could come to visit Chase if she wanted. So Nanaw went to visit Chase. As a present, she took a little stuffed animal from her cabinet for Chase. Nanaw thought it was a little squirrel but it turned out to be a mouse named Cheddar. It was a Beanie Baby that was born on March 24, 2002. Chase was happy to get the mouse. Mama, Chase, Cheddar and Nanaw played the Richard Scarry game and had great fun. Later in the afternoon, Mama texted Nanaw that Chase was feeling better and that they were going to Marie's around 6:30. Nanaw went over to Chase's house and went to Marie's with them. Chase and Mama had Superman ice cream in a cup; it's rainbow sherbet that tastes yummy. Daddy had a turtle sundae, and Nanaw had a hot fudge sundae -- very yummy.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018

Chase took his new water bottle to school and managed to spill water right away. Nanaw asked Mrs. Herrmann what her dog's name is, and she said Parker. She told Nanaw that Parker had a wonderful time in the classroom yesterday because the boys and girls gave him so much love and attention. Nanaw saved some of the Seesaw pictures of Parker with the class; she also saved a picture of the class doing a penguin walk -- very cute. Nanaw went to Walmart after dropping Chase at school and one of things she bought a Blues tee-shirt to wear to the hockey game on Tuesday. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to Dollar Tree. It's the first time they've been there since before Christmas -- what a long time not to go to Chase's favorite place. He brought along his wallet and money and his Dollar Tree gift card. He picked out four toys: a soldier, Ninja figures, a tea set and red slime -- what an eclectic group of purchases. Nanaw bought Chase his first piece of bubblegum from the vending machine, and he really liked it. Mama called Nanaw to tell her she had good results from her follow-up sonogram -- Yay! When Chase and Nanaw got home, Nanaw made popcorn for Chase, and then they watched two movies: Nestor the Long-eared Donkey and Frosty and Rudolph and Christmas in July.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Mama said Chase coughed a lot last night. Mama and Daddy gave him cough medicine and used to humidifier. He was still coughing in the morning when Mama brought him to Nanaw's house. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he had his winter coat zipped up and with the hood up, despite the fact that it was 67 degrees outside. On the way home, Chase and Nanaw went to the library to pick up the Christmas movie Nanaw had put on request -- the movie with Rudolph's Shiny New Year and Nestor the Donkey and books for Mama. Chase had a great time playing with the eyeball Legos. He got his favorite from the "bending" machine -- fruit strips. Back at Nanaw's house, Nanaw discovered that the library worker hadn't unlocked the movies so they couldn't watch anything. Nanaw will have to go back to the library on Friday to unlock the movie. Chase played with his key chains for awhile before it was time to go home. He told Nanaw she has to make a card for him tonight. He said it should be a get well card because he doesn't feel well. Nanaw said she would make a super card for him with stickers. Nanaw was very happy to see that the 20 penguin key chains Nanaw ordered for Chase for Valentine's Day arrived. Nanaw took a picture of them and sent them to Mama. Mama texted Nanaw about the missing Jack Skellingtons and Nanaw sent Mama a picture of them.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Chase was all better on Wednesday and went to school -- which made him very happy. He loves school. Chase was excited that it was Wednesday. That meant he has computer class and also that Nanaw was coming to his class to volunteer in the afternoon. Mrs. Herrmann wasn't there in the afternoon -- she had a doctor's appointment. Mrs. Sullivan was there taking care of the class. She told Nanaw they were going to make penguin headbands. It was grand fun, and Nanaw had a super time. She loves all the boys and girls in Chase's class. After all the headbands were done, Mrs. Sullivan had the class sit on the carpet while she read a book about penguins to them. It was so cute to see how engrossed they all were in listening to the story. When Chase and Nanaw got home, Chase played with abcya on Nanaw's laptop and ate popcorn.