Thursday, March 8, 2018

Happy Birthday to Nanaw, Thursday, March 8, 2018

Mama took the day off to spend it with Nanaw on her birthday and they had quite the adventure. First, they stopped at Café on the Abbey for fancy coffee. Then they went in search of the house that looks like a castle on Hanover Road. They went to a super interesting toy store named circle of Knowledge where Nanaw bought a roll-up piano for Chase for his kindergarten graduation present. Then they went to Bed, Bath and Beyond. Next, they went to West county Mall and walked around Barnes & Noble. They met Nanaw's friend Cathy for lunch, then went to Macy's and then wandered around the mall. Mama bought various random things, and they had a great time. When they picked Chase up, they drove around a lot looking for the camel but never found him or her. -- so sad. In the evening, Mama, Daddy, Chase, Uncle Mike, Aunt Becky, and Nanaw went to Gianino's for dinner. Chase shared pepperoni pizza with Mama. Chase had Mama buy a Thomas train for Nanaw for her birthday. Mama also bought a craft kit that Nanaw and Chase can do together.

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