Friday, July 6, 2018

Friday, July 6, 2018

On Friday morning, Nanaw tried to convince Chase that they should go to the Magic House but Chase kept saying no, that he wanted to stay home. So Chase and Nanaw invented a game: Dinosaur Park featuring Chase's dinosaurs and his ROBLOX figures. They set it all up on the dining room table, and Nanaw took a picture to send to Mama. Nanaw kept encouraging Chase to think about going to the Magic House, and he kept saying no. In the evening, Chase had a great adventure: His good friend Jackson came to visit. All afternoon, Chase kept asking if it was time to go home yet. He couldn't wait to see Jackson. When Jackson got there, the two boys immediately went out to the trampoline to jump on it. They played there for a long time, until the Pizza Hut pizza came. Mama also ordered bread sticks. After dinner, the boys played with the water balloons Mama filled up. Then Aunt Jen used a special water balloon toy to create more balloons for them to throw at each other.
They both got soaked. Next, they had sprinklers and snakes and pops -- good times! Later they had ice cream --bomb pops and ice cream sandwiches. It was a wonderful evening, and everybody had a good time.

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