Thursday, November 1, 2018

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Because Chase's class was going to mass at the big church, Nanaw didn't do her volunteering in the class on Thursday. That was probably a good thing because of the cleaning lady coming, grocery shopping and packing for tomorrow's trip to Rockbridge. On the way home from school, Chase had a conversation with Nanaw about a new app he and some friends played on the class iPads. The name of it is Math Racing. When they got home, Nanaw installed it on her iPad and her iPhone. She and Chase sat in his room on his futon and played the game for awhile. It's really a good game for math, and kids probably really like the excitement of the race cars. Twice Chase walked in water puddles deliberately, and unfortunately, Nanaw told Mama about it. She wasn't very happy, and she gave Chase a timeout. In the evening, Mama texted Nanaw about a problem with their electrical power. Evidently something is causing problems in their neighborhood where the lights are dim. Ameren projected that it would be fixed by 11 p.m. Nanaw is taking along lots of toys to Chase for Rockbridge so hopefully he'll be happy about that.

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