Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

When Chase got to Nanaw’s house on Wednesday, he said he wanted to go downstairs and play the piano but then changed his mind, saying that Nanaw would make him get dressed fast. It was very funny. So he stayed upstairs and watched the weather channel on TV. He had Nanaw write down the names of his "crew" on a small piece of paper. He put the paper in his pants pocket and took it to school. In the afternoon, he told Nanaw the paper got torn but that Henry made another list. Nanaw went to Dobbs for a new battery, and the furnace guys finished up their work today. After school, Chase went to the auditions for the Christmas play. When Nanaw went to pick Chase up after school, Mrs. Neff told Nanaw that he’d gone to the cafeteria for Christmas play tryouts. Nanaw laughed and said she didn’t know she was supposed to meet him there. So Nanaw went to the cafeteria to find Chase. She sat at one of the cafeteria tables, and two Amelies came to sit with her. From Chase’s class, here are the ones who were there for auditions: Brady, William, Evie, Amelie, Brooke, and Emmalynn. Chase was absolutely filthy. His face was dirty and his hands were black. His jacket was full of dirt. He said he fell down outside in the dirt. The audition room was a madhouse with the kids talking and yelling. Fortunately, the actual auditions were done in a separate classroom. Chase said he sang Jingle Bells for his audition and that it went well. We’ll see what happens. He’ll find out if he got a part and what he needs to do for a costume and what the rehearsal schedule is.

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