Friday, February 15, 2019

Friday, February 15, 2019

Mama had the day off on Friday and took Chase to school. Then Mama and Nanaw had a mother-daughter day. First, they went to Telegraph Road Walmart. Nanaw bought Mama a gray shirt with white skulls on it; the skulls had hearts for eyes. Then they went to the Telegraph Road library so Mama could replenish her book supply. Next, they went to Bootsy's in Waterloo for lunch. They had to wait about 10 minutes to be seated but Bootsy's has a general store so there were a lot of things for them to look at. It finally started to snow while they were having lunch but the snow never got that deep and didn’t pile up on the roads. Nanaw picked Chase up from school, and it was still snowing.
Chase brought home a book titled My Littlest Valentine that had a little girl and a puppy in it.
When they got home, Nanaw got out the Fortnite toys she bought Chase for Valentine's Day. They opened all of them and put them in the special red box Nanaw got from Uncle Doug -- it had been filled with Christmas cookies. They played with the Fortnite toys for awhile. Then Chase had Nanaw download some game apps on her iPad for him. Daddy picked Chase up about 6:30 on his way home from work. Mama went dress shopping and to dinner with Brady's mom and Hunter's mom.

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