Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Daddy had the day off from work so he took Chase to school. Nanaw was very happy when it was time to pick Chase up from school. She asked Chase what he had for lunch, and he said soft tacos, which were very good and which he ate all of. He said he played soccer at all three recesses and did really well and had fun. In his backpack was a picture he drew at school with Dad (the picture says Cool), Chase and puffins. Nanaw asked where Mama and Nanaw were, and Chase said he didn't put them in. Nanaw asked Chase if he could draw a picture with Mama, Nanaw and the puffins; Chase said no but that he could add them to his first picture. Nanaw asked if anyone was out sick today, and Chase said two were but he couldn't remember who. Once again, Chase fell asleep on the way home. Evidently, school wears the little fellow out. When they got home, Chase and Nanaw went to Chase's room and watched the weather channel for awhile. Then they went to play on the computers. Chase played several games of Roblox. Nanaw made sure to get Chase home early so he could do his homework and eat dinner before it was time for his first skating lesson in Webster. Mama and Daddy were taking him. Nanaw gets to go on the 27th.

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