Sunday, March 31, 2019

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Nanaw accompanied Chase and Mama to helping Strays to do the monthly Rescue Readers activity. They were happy to see Chase’s friend from school, Will, his brother Ben, and his mother Jill there to read to the dogs and cats. Evie and her sister Emma weren’t there; Evie had told Nanaw that her mom and dad had to go somewhere in northern Illinois over the weekend so she wouldn’t be at Rescue Readers. She and Emma were going to spend the weekend with their grandmother. Chase read to Koda again, the same dog he read to last time. Nanaw wished that Koda would get adopted into a good family. Chase read Wall Woof; then they went to find a Biscuit book, which Chase also read to Koda. In the evening, Nanaw came over to Chase’s house for a yummy roast beef dinner. Mama also fixed cheesy hash brown potatoes. After dinner, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs to play hockey. Nanaw’s shoulder was still hurting from where she fell on it, so Nanaw played hockey by kicking the ball pretending to be a puck rather than using a hockey stick to hit it.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Nanaw went to visit Chase on Saturday morning. She told him she wasn't able to play hockey for a few days because of hurting her arm and shoulder. Both Nanaw and Chase were sad about that but Nanaw told him it was only for a short time. While Mama went to the grocery store, Chase put on his roller blades and was skating around the kitchen, with Nanaw watching. It was very cute. Then Chase and Nanaw played Scrabble Jr. Chase won and was very happy about that. It was a fun game, and they both enjoyed it. Next, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs to play with his McDonald's. It was stored in a far corner of the living room so Daddy had to get it out for them. They had fun with the people and the trays and the cars. Then Chase discovered a lost ball in the McDonald's from the foosball game that broke and got thrown away. He was very excited about it. Nanaw made a mental note to buy another foosball game for Chase. Nanaw tried to set up a messaging app on Chase's iPad so they can exchange messages but so far hasn't yet figured out one that will work. When Mama returned from the grocery store, she brought Chase a wonderful present: a big red Cardinals' bird mascot.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday, March 29, 2019

Chase and his classmates were so excited on Friday morning because their caterpillars were in the chrysalis phase. Mrs. Neff wasn't in the classroom yet, and the students were having a rowdy good time. Chase got his third quarter report card today, and he did well, again. On the way home from school, Chase wanted to stop at what he called the Columbia Public Library. Evidently, his class had gone to the library on Friday but didn't check out any books. He said some girls got in trouble but he couldn't tell Nanaw what it was they did. At the library, he found the hidden Yertle the Turtle and won a little notebook with pretend money on the cover. Chase checked out three books: a mosquito book, a rocks and minerals book and a Hungry Caterpillar book in German (LOL). When Chase and Nanaw got home, Chase played downstairs with his pretend hockey stick and stuffed "amamals" and did some drawing while Nanaw walked on the treadmill. Nanaw is trying to protect her right arm and shoulder because she took a tumble last night; in the dark living room, she tripped over Sidney and fell, hitting her right shoulder and arm. She's extremely happy she didn't break anything. Chase, Mama and Daddy were going to the Tuner Hall fish fry again Friday night with Brady and Hunter and their families.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Thursday, March 28, 2019

When Nanaw took Chase to school, the boys and girls in his class were all very excited about their caterpillars. The caterpillars had moved to the lid of the jar they were in and had assumed the J position. Nanaw did her volunteer work with the groups later in the morning and had a wonderful time with the boys and girls. Once again, they studied butterflies. Both groups were a little better behaved, which made Nanaw very happy. Most of the kids in the groups had received rock star behavior status, except for Chase and Lizzie. Nanaw can't figure out what Chase is doing to prevent him from getting rock star behavior status. But he's her sweetheart no matter what, so it doesn't matter. Chase's kindergarten teacher from last year invited Nanaw to come her classes' chicks so after her volunteer work, Nanaw went to see the chicks. Camden's brother Emmett showed her the two chicks who had just hatched and were in the incubator. After school, Chase and Nanaw stopped at Chase's house to let the puppies out. The puppies were more interested in lunch meat than going to the bathroom. On the way to Nanaw's house, Chase told Nanaw she was the best grandma in the world and that made Nanaw cry. When Nanaw took Chase home, he wanted Daddy to set up his new hockey net downstairs so Nanaw could see it. It's a huge net with holes in it so Chase can practice his hockey shots. He really likes his new net.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

When Chase got to school on Wednesday, one of his friends wanted to give him an action figure but Chase said he already had a lot of them. So he suggested that the friend give the figure to another friend and that's what happened. Very cute. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she asked him if he wanted to go to Powder Valley but he said he wanted to go to Nanaw's house to play. He said Nanaw's house was the greatest house ever and that so was his. Nanaw told Chase he was going to have a sleepover with her on April 27 and that they were going out to the little house. So then Chase said the little house was the third greatest house ever. He showed Nanaw a Thank You Prayer to God that he did today: He thanked God for Dad, Mom, Nanaw, Sylvester, Food, Water to Drink and Getting to Play with Nanaw. Mama wanted to know what about Sam and Tyler. Chase had no answer to that. Nanaw said the page was pretty full so maybe that was why Sam and Tyler didn't make the cut. Once again, silly Nanaw forgot to take a picture of Chase so she asked Mama to take one and wonderful Mama did so.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Chase had lots to tell Nanaw when she picked him up from school. First, he said they should tell Mama that he didn't chew on his shirt. He was very proud of that and thought he might get points from Mama. Then he told Nanaw how he talked to two of the lunch ladies about things that he likes to eat. They all three like soda, popcorn and ice cream. Chase told them that he gave up popcorn and ice cream for Lent. They had sherbet for lunch but Chase said he didn't eat any because it's ice cream, and he gave that up for Lent. They also had broccoli for lunch; he ate it and told Nanaw it was good and he liked it. He also had chicken nuggets and noodles. On the way home, Chase and Nanaw stopped by Chase's house to let Sam and Sylvester out. Chase waited in the car and asked Nanaw to bring him a snack. Nanaw gave Sam and Sylvester lunch meat; Chase's snack was peanut butter crackers and two Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies. Chase played outside at Nanaw's for awhile; he also played in his room and on the laptop.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday, March 25, 2019

When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her that one of his classmates who he plays Roblox with is going to unfriend him on the game. But Chase it's okay and that he doesn't care. At Nanaw's house, Chase played with his new golf clubs, and then watched hockey videos on the laptop. Chase and Nanaw did his math homework before he went home because there wouldn't be much time at night because of the ice skating lessons. When Chase got home, he did his spelling homework. On the way to his ice skating lessons, he read the book Babar and His Family to Mama and Nanaw in the car. Daddy had to work late so he met everybody at the skating rink. Chase is doing better and better with ice skating. He still falls down a lot, and Mama thinks he sometimes does it on purpose. Chase rode home with Mama and Nanaw instead of Daddy because Mama promised him he could listen to the Penguins hockey game on her satellite radio. When Nanaw got home, she and Chase exchanged messages on the Roblox Chicken Nuggets game. Nanaw loves doing that.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Daddy took Grandma Pat out to Wentzville to Aunt Patty's house so she can tale Grandma Pat to the doctor on Tuesday. But she'll be back soon. Nanaw went to visit Chase on Sunday afternoon, right before the thunderstorms started. She was glad she missed getting caught in the downpour. Chase was wearing what he calls his hockey goalie gear, and he and Nanaw went downstairs to play hockey while they waited for dinner to be ready. Dinner was delicious chicken wings that Mama made in the air fryer; they had BBQ sauce and Syberg's sauce. Mama also made buttered rice -- Yum! Chase had a lunchable, one of the ones where you make your own pizza, which he really liked doing. After dinner, Chase and Nanaw went into his room to play with his stuffed "amamals" -- which was great fun. Then they went downstairs to play hockey with Daddy. For a change, all three of them were on the same team. Then they played with Chase and Nanaw on a team against Daddy. They wore Nanaw out so she went upstairs to visit with Mama. When Chase came upstairs, he and Nanaw played Roblox chicken nuggets and sent messages to each other.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Nanaw went to visit Chase on Saturday morning but Mama wasn't there. She had gone to Aunt Becca's house to feed Buddy and let him out. Aunt Becca and Uncle Stan are in Alabama visiting Aunt Becca's friend who had surgery. Daddy had to go work on cleaning up the baseball field, while Mama went to the grocery store. Nanaw visited with Grandma Pat for awhile, then she and Chase played hockey downstairs. Then Chase wanted to bring the big stuffed "amamals" and the little stuffed "amamals" downstairs so they could play hockey, too. Chase brought down the little ones and Nanaw made several trips to bring down the big ones. They had a lot of fun playing hockey with the "amamals" and with each other. When Mama got home from the grocery store, she and Chase and Nanaw went to Walmart. Mama wanted to buy Chase an outdoor toy. Mama bought him boxing gloves, and Nanaw bought him a big plastic golf bag with golf clubs -- that Chase and Nanaw can use to play hockey. Mama reported to Nanaw that Daddy said Chase was not good at church: He was chewing on his shirt and the pew and generally being antsy.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Friday, March 22, 2019

Chase only had a half day of school on Friday. He and Nanaw had a great adventure in the afternoon at the Science Center. When they got there, they saw that the Science Center was super crowded. Chase doesn't like when there are crowds, and he said, "We have to get rid of these people." Chase and Nanaw went to the game room first; it's Chase's new favorite place at the Science Center. To their surprise, they saw a friend of Chase's from school: Camden, who was there with his dad, little brother and little sister. Camden and his brother and Chase played with the foosball game for a long time and had lots of fun together. Chase and Nanaw stayed in the game room for a long while. Chase jumped on the floor dragon game and the floor soccer or basketball game -- Nanaw heard someone call it basketball; Nanaw had thought it was soccer but maybe it's basketball. Next, they went outside to visit the chickens. It was warmer outside than the last time they'd been there so there were more chickens outside. Chase had fun talking to them and watching two of the chickens scratching in the grass looking for food. Chase said he saw a pumpkin in the grass and leaves where they were scratching but Nanaw didn't see anything. Chase also jumped on the tree stumps outside, visited the dinosaur dig and the tornado smoke area, and lots of his other favorite displays, plus the new ones. In the evening, Mama, Daddy and Chase met Brady's family and Hunter's family at Turner Hall for the fish fry. Chase played basketball with Henry, Brady and Hunter.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Nanaw had such a good time volunteering with Chase's class on Thursday but she forgot to take pictures of the boys and girls. The reading for the day was Butterfly Life Cycle. The class is going on a field trip to the Butterfly House in two weeks so they're learning all about butterflies. They have caterpillars in their class, and the boys and girls are anxiously awaiting them turning into butterflies. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he was missing the top to his water bottle. He said one of the boys took it away from him. Chase and Nanaw went back into the school to find it but they couldn't find it. Then Mrs. Neff came and asked if we were looking for a red top. We said yes, and she said someone just gave it to her and she had put it in the lost and found. So Chase has his red top back. When Chase and Nanaw got home, they went to the computer lab, and Chase watched hockey videos while Nanaw answered emails about the redesigned church website. The first picture below is of some of Nanaw's birthday flowers that still look good.