Monday, June 10, 2019

Monday, June 10, 2019

Nanaw had planned an adventure to the Science Center for Monday but had to change those plans because she had to do church website work. So Chase and Nanaw went to church to pick up the CD. On the way, Chase read one of his books; then, on the way home he read the other one. They also did addition and subtraction and spelling. When they got home, they did Chase's regular schoolwork -- reading pages in the reading workbook and pages in the subtraction workbook. Nanaw got out her big calculator and had Chase check his subtraction answers, and he had a great time doing that. He even asked to do more pages so he could check his answers on the calculator. Then Nanaw had Chase type the typing sentence twice on his laptop: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. He thought that was fun. Chase decided he didn't want to do the Ninja obstacle water course today because it was too chilly outside. At noon, Chase and Nanaw made Tang popsicles and all afternoon, Chase kept waiting for them to be frozen. Finally, at 4 p.m., Nanaw told him they were ready so he ate three of them. Mama asked Nanaw to look for bag Jack, and Nanaw found him downstairs. She put him on the bed so he could hang out with Chase's triplet bears.

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