Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Wednesday, September 16. 2020

When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said, "Something amazing happened today." Then he told her he took one of the Accelerated Reading tests and got a 100%. Then he said he took another one and he got another 100%. He was so happy and proud about his scores. Chase didn't ask to go to the little library park after school because he knew that Brady and Andrew weren't going to be there -- they had other things they had to do. Nanaw told Chase that when they got home, they were going to do his homework because Mama was going to Auntie LaLa's house after she finished work. Plus, Chase had baseball practice tonight. First, Chase and Nanaw did his 15 minutes of Accelerated Reading. The book was titled "Friends" and was about Charlie Rooster, Johnny Mouse and fat Percy (a pig). Chase had fun messing with the timer, pausing it when he was eating carrots and couldn't read. It was very funny. In the 15 minutes, he managed to read the book 2 1/2 times. Next, he had to write his 20 spelling words three times each. Nanaw checked over the paper and found that for several of the words, he hadn't written them three times so she had him fix them. 

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