Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Chase was still not feeling well on Wednesday morning with a bad headache so Mama gave him adult Tylenol. He said it helped the headache feel better. During the day, Mama texted Nanaw with a picture of Lars the Lemur when he was new. Mama was trying to figure out when Lars came to live with Chase. She gave Mama a couple of dates to research on Days of Chase. Nanaw found some blogs that said Grandma Pat gave Lars to Chase. But no one can remember when she went to the zoo or whether she ordered Lars online. So it will probably be a mystery. Nanaw just thought of another thing to search so she'll go do that and be back momentarily. Nanaw is back but unfortunately no luck on the search for the origins of Lars. Chase has a test tomorrow on The Outsiders but the teacher didn't return the packets. Fortunately, Nanaw had made a copy and answered most of the questions so Chase had something to study. Nanaw finished filling out the answers, and Chase studied at Nanaw's house and then was going to study at home in the evening. On Friday, he has a DLR test, a nouns test, and a preamble to the Constitution test in history. There's also the possibility that he'll have a geography test on Friday. Unfortunately, he has a haircut appointment tomorrow at 4 and baseball practice in the evening. Nanaw texted Mama to see if it might be possible for Chase to not go to baseball practice so he can study for all his tests.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

On Tuesday morning, Chase said he felt a little better than yesterday but he still had a headache. Nanaw had a new adventure today -- going to a chiropractor for the first time. For the past few months, Nanaw has had a clicking sound in her hip when she's walking. It doesn't hurt but it's sort of annoying and makes her not want to go for walks. So she went to Mama's chiropractor, and he did all kinds of interesting things. Nanaw hopes that it helps. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said he felt worse. He said his headache was really bad, and now his arms and legs had cramps and his stomach didn't feel well. Nanaw gave him Tylenol for his headache when they got home. He spent time lying on the bed in the computer lab, playing on his phone and eating snacks. After a while, he said he felt better and decided he felt good enough to do his English homework. Nanaw made a copy of his math homework for herself so she could do the problems. Chase had told her it was easy and fast to do, and he was right. The homework was nine easy-to-do and understand problems teaching students (and Nanaw) to learn how to do proportional relationships. Nanaw is sure that eventually the problems with get more difficult. Chase texted Daddy that he didn't feel well enough to go to hockey practice, and Daddy said okay.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday, October 14. 2024

On Monday, Mama was off from work and Chase was off from school for what we still call Columbus Day but what other people call Indigenous Peoples Day. Mama went to the grocery store in the morning, then brought Chase, his groceries, and Nanaw's newspaper over to Nanaw's house. They were going to have a shopping adventure. Mama had volunteered to be a room mother this year and one of their jobs is to provide the snacks for the monthly faculty meeting on early dismissal day, which is this Wednesday. They went to Waterloo Walmart, Sam's and then Arby's. Chase wasn't feeling good, and he had a headache -- Mama thought it might be allergies, and she gave him some medicine. After Sam's. Mama took Nanaw home and then took Chase and his backpack home. Mama wanted him to rest and then do some work on his science fair project while she went out shopping again. Later, Mama told Nanaw that he took a nap and felt better, which made both Mama and Nanaw happiy. At Walmart and Sam's, Nanaw looked for a new toilet seat for the hall bathroom but couldn't find one with metal screws and connectors instead of plastic. So she went to Home Depot and found on. She was going to try to install it herself but unfortunately, it turned out to be different than regular ones. So dear, wonderful Uncle Mike is going to make a special quick trip to Nanaw's after work tomorrow to install it. Yay for Uncle Mike!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Saturday and Sunday, October 12 and 13, 2024

Chase had a Bears baseball game on Saturday morning, and he got to pitch, which made him very happy. In the afternoon, he had a hockey game at the All American hockey arena off Lindbergh. Nanaw had a high school reunion in the afternoon and after the reunion was picking Chase up after his hockey game. Unfortunately, Nanaw fell when she tripped over a raised sidewalk as she and Chase were walking to her car. Some very nice people helped her up, and Chase said they were the family of one of the players on his hockey team. Chase was very kind to Nanaw and told her he hoped she was okay, and she was happy to tell him she was. On the way home, they stopped at Chase's house to get his clothes and stuff, and he hit a few baseballs in the back yard before they left. On the way to Nanaw's house, they went to Sonic to get Chase's supper. Nanaw ordered two orders of onion rings so she could have one but they only sent one. Sweet little Chase divided up his dinner (as shown in the first picture below) to give to Nanaw. Nanaw thanked him but told him he should eat all of it, Nanaw atejust ate one onion ring and fixed shrimp for her dinner. He's such a good boy. After dinner, they worked on Chase's math and history homework. Chase got all the math finished but Nana still has a few problems to do. They had fun with the history homework about the President's Cabinet. They kept asking Alex and ChatGPT questions; Alexa failed most of them but ChatGPT did well. Mama and Daddy picked Chase up at 8:30 on Sunday morning for his Bears baseball game out in O'Fallon, Missouri, close to where Nanaw's high school reunion was. Before his parents got there to pick him up, Chase texted Mama that she'd forgotten to pack his baseball shorts so she texted back that she'd bring them. Then when they got to Nanaw's, Chase said they'd forgotten the belt he wears with his baseball pants to keep them up. So Daddy went back home to get it. Mama said next time, they'd ask Nanaw to bring Chase home after a sleepover so nothing would be forgotten. Mama reported to Nanaw that after Chase's morning baseball game, they went to Burger Kind for lunch. Chase played out in the back yard in the afternoon, and they had Mama's homemade tacos for dinner.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Friday, October 11, 2024

Nanaw got up at the early time on Friday morning because she forgot that Mama had the day off and was going to take Chase to school. So Nanaw went back to bed. When she got up she saw Chase's math notebook on the counter. She quickly got dressed so she could take it to school for him. But it turned out that she was a few minutes late for his math class. She thought it was after lunch but it was before lunch. It was all Nanaw's fault that he didn't have the notebook, and she felt badly about it. After dropping the notebook off at school, Nanaw did a recon drive to find the hockey arena where she's supposed to pick Chase up at 4:30 tomorrow afternoon. Mama sent Nanaw a picture that the principal sent Mama of Chase with the microphone in the office where he read the morning prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance and the Mission Statement. After school, Chase played hockey in the hall and also played on his computer in the computer lab. Mama and Uncle Mike spent the day together today. Today's big adventure was a visit to the Clydesdales at the brewery. Mama has pictures of them petting the Clydesdales. Tomorrow morning, Chase has a baseball game; Nanaw has her reunion tomorrow afternoon; Mama and Daddy are going to a wedding tomorrow evening; and Chase has a hockey game in the afternoon. Then Chase and Nanaw are having a sleepover.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Thursday, October 10, 2024

On the way to school, Chase said he might be having a sleepover with Nanaw on Saturday night. Mama and Daddy are going to a wedding, and Nanaw is going to pick Chase up from hockey in the afternoon and take him to her house. He wants to have Sonic for dinner. Nanaw said maybe they'd have a fire in the firepit in Nanaw's front yard on Saturday evening. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told Nanaw he had chicken fajitas for lunch, and they were good. He said the crew played Infection at lunch recess; Infection is a version of Tag, just like Sharks and Minnows is. Then, they talked about his homework. He had three things to do: he had part of the math assignment to finish; he had to write a globalization paragraph of 3 to 5 sentences for the geography worksheet; and he had to edit the draft of his science fair project, based on the teacher's comments / notes. Nanaw did the math assignment also. She likes to do math and hopes that someday Chase will like math as much as she does. Mama did a post on Facebook about Sam going to heaven, with wonderful pictures of Sam. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

On Wednesday morning, Chase and Nanaw were surprised that Thursday's science vocabulary test had been moved to Wednesday, according to Homework Central. Chase studied the study guide and then Nanaw quizzed him on the vocabulary words. They decided that from now on, they would check Homework Central when they got home in case one of the teachers added something new or made changes. Nanaw looked through Facts before she picked Chase up and saw that he has four A's and four B's. She looked at his homework grades and saw that many of them were not very good. When Chase and Nanaw were back at Nanaw's house, Nanaw told him she wanted to have a conversation about homework. She explained that he needed to take more care with doing his homework to make sure his answers were as correct as he could make them. She had noticed that sometimes he guessed at the answers rather than going back through the materials and finding the correct answers, especially in the reading packet and the history packet. She also suggested that if there were answers he wasn't sure about and couldn't find in the packet materials, he could check online. His quiz and test scores have been better because he's been studying a lot more. So maybe the same thing can happen with his homework grades.