Thursday, September 30, 2021

Friday, October 1, 2021

When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he was so excited about Will coming over to play with him. Right when they got to Nanaw's house, Will came riding up on his bike. Chase was happy to see him. They started playing soccer and football. Nanaw brought out grape Kool-Aid and Cheez-Its for them. Unfortunately, Will doesn’t like grape Kool-Aid. Fortunately, Chase does. For awhile the boys came inside the house to Chase' room to play with the Hot Wheels. Then they went back outside. Will had to go home at 5 when Nanaw took Chase home. Mama was at her friend Kim's house, giving her a lesson on how to use the Insta Pot. Daddy asked Chase if he wanted to fishing at Nanaw's lake, and he certainly did. Nanaw had to do her grocery shopping but went to the lake when she got home. They didn't catch anything but Chase had fun. Chase told Nanaw they were going to Taco Bell for dinner. Then he said, "Would you like to join us for dinner?" Then he added, "If you don't have dinner plans." It was the cutest thing ever. So Daddy went to Taco Bell, and Chase stayed at Nanaw's to play with the kitchen in his room. Nanaw and Daddy had Crunch Wrap Supremes, and Chase had a cheese quesadilla. When Chase left, he put his arm around Nanaw and said, "Thank you for having dinner with us." So dear and sweet. The first picture is of the two books from Kellogg's. It was supposed to take eight weeks but it only took a few days.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Nanaw was so excited to go to the library and print out 60 pages of one of her mysteries. She's going to go every day and print out 60 pages until she has all 18 of her books printed out. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, they learned that Brady and Emma were going to the park with their mother and grandmother so Chase and Nanaw went also. Chase and Brady played soccer, and Emma found a little girl to play with. Unfortunately, it started to pour down rain so they all had to leave the park. When Chase and Nanaw got to Nanaw's house, Chase played with the bowl of water in the sink and his little toy fishing rods and the fish. Uncle Mike came to cut the grass. When Nanaw took Chase home, she realized she'd forgotten to bring the stuffed animals so she and Chase went back to Nanaw's house to get them. Chase said, "Yay! More tablet time." Mama told Nanaw that Chase was picky and difficult about his dinner again tonight. Nana is going to have a serious conversation with him about how lucky he is to have a mom who loves him so much and takes such good care of him and who makes sure he has good dinners every night. I’ll tell him a lot of boys and girls aren’t so lucky. 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

When Chase got to Nanaw's house on Wednesday morning, he was excited to tell Nanaw an adventure that he had last night. He insisted that Nanaw follow him into Pawpaw's shower. He told Nanaw that last night he was taking a shower and when he got to his private parts, he looked down and saw a tiny frog in the shower. Daddy came and took the frog outside. Chase was worried that the frog wouldn't be able to get back to his family but Mama reassured him that the frog would definitely be able to find his family. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her they did the math section of the Iowa test today, and he got to use the calculator and he said it worked out well. He wanted to go to the park so they did but Brady wasn't there so they went to Nanaw's. Chase played outside for a long time, and he wanted Nanaw to be outside with him so she watered the bushes and grass. He had some of Nanaw's lazy lasagna as a snack. Mama fixed the same thing for dinner but she didn't use the Rigazzi sauce. The sauce she used had pieces of tomato in it, and Chase didn't want to eat it. Hunter was supposed to come over to play with Chase but his dad forgot to tell him. But Mama hadn't mentioned it to Chase so he wasn't disappointed.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her that today they did science and social studies on the Iowa test. There's no homework this week and no tests, not even spelling. Chase also said that Will might come over, and he did. Will brought some of his Hot Wheels with him. Chase and Will played in Chase's room with the Hot Wheels for awhile. Then Nanaw had them each bring five Hot Wheels into the kitchen (she brought five also). Chase had offered Will one of his chicken tenders so Nanaw fixed them for the boys, and they ate them at the kitchen counter and played with the Hot Wheels. They also had pretzels and Cheez-Its. Nanaw made sure that Chase drank his chocolate milk, and she gave Will a bottle of apple juice. After their snack, the boys played in the front yard -- football and soccer. Mama came a little before five to pick up Chase for his orthodontist appointment. Chase was really cute about wanting to say good-bye to Will.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Monday, September 27, 2021

When Chase got to Nanaw's house on Monday morning, Nanaw showed him his cleaned up room. He liked it a lot, and Nanaw felt it was worth all her hard work. Nanaw promised that they would play in his room after school. Nanaw picked Chase up after school, and he said he had a good day. He said they did the reading section of the Iowa test. He also had band, Spanish, science and social studies. On the drive home, Chase told Nanaw that Will might come over Friday after school, and Nanaw told him that would be good. At Nanaw's house, they went into Chase's room and played there until it was time for Chase to go home. Chase played with the cars and the Army guys. He put them on the air hockey game and played some kind of game with them. He's very creative in thinking of ways to play things. Nanaw enjoys watching what he does. Nanaw found the little figures she's been looking for -- the Nanaw-looking one who stays in front of Walmart and the baseball Barbie. Nanaw was very happy to find the missing figures. It was a wonderful afternoon, and maybe they'll do it again tomorrow. Chase and Nanaw cleaned up the room again because the cleaning lady is coming tomorrow.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Daddy picked Chase up from Nanaw's house about 8:45 Sunday morning so they could go to church. Chase looked so handsome in his church clothes. Mama says Chase watched baseball and football games with Daddy today, and then they played outside for awhile. Nanaw went over to Chase's house a little before 5 so that she and Mama could go to KFC in Waterloo to get chicken for dinner. Mama got a bucket of chicken, plus three original wings for Nanaw and chicken tenders for Chase. Nanaw was going to play cars with Chase but it got to be too late and Nanaw wanted to go home to watch TV. Mama had a chocolate pudding pie for dessert but Nanaw left before she served it. Mama said she would bring a piece of pie for Nanaw when she brings Chase to Nanaw's house Monday morning. Chase is off from school on Friday, October 8 and Monday, October 11 for a four-day weekend. Mama says they can do something fall-like on Monday.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Mama didn’t go to the grocery store Saturday morning, and Chase had his last soccer game of the season. Around 2 p.m., Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Aunt Becca's house for her 40th birthday party. Mama said Chase had a great time playing with soccer cousin Elias. About 6 p.m. Daddy brought Chase over to Nanaw's house for is sleepover. Chase and Nanaw went shopping, to Columbia Dollar Tree, the Dollar Tree by Walmart and Walmart. They bought lots and lots of toys: footballs, Hot Wheels, remote control cars and lots of other things. They went to Sonic for dinner but that didn't work out well because all the stations were closed with caution tape. So Nanaw went through the drive-through. Chase just wanted a grape slushy with Nerds and lemonade but they forgot the lemonade. Nanaw doesn’t think she wants to go back to Sonic. When they got home, Chase and Nanaw played with his new toys. Chase had brought two bags of guys, and Chase spread them all over the bed. Chase and Nanaw went to bed about 10:30.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Friday, September 24, 2021

Chase didn't do too well on his reading test today. Mama said he only got a 68%.  Chase told Nanaw it was his fault. It was an open book test, and Nanaw asked Chase if he actually looked up the answers or if he guessed and he said he guessed. Mama and Nanaw are going to talk to him about that. After school, Chase told Nanaw that Will was coming over to play. A few minutes after they got home, Will showed up on his bike. Chase and Will played outside for awhile. Nanaw showed them the baseball rocket and got out soccer balls and bats and baseballs for them. Chase got out the footballs, and he and Will went down to Nanaw's back yard and played football. Nanaw brought out snacks for them -- apple juice, Cheez-Its and Goldfish.  After awhile, the boys came inside and played in Chase's room (making it even more of a disaster than it was). They went downstairs and got the Thomas rug so they could run the Hot Wheels on it. They also brought the Ultimate Garage out from Chase's room to the living room. Nanaw was happy that they had such a good time playing together.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Thursday, September 23, 2021

When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her he got 20 out of 20 on his spelling test. He also said he brought his reading book home, which made Nanaw very happy because it meant he could study tonight for his reading test tomorrow. At Nanaw's house, Nanaw set up the Chromebook on the dining room table so Chase could study the online content for his social studies test tomorrow. Then she had him read the story, My Librarian Is A Camel. Nanaw took Chase home at 5 p.m. because he had a soccer game in Belleville at 6:15. Nanaw stayed because she was going to the game. It was chilly outside so Mama and Nanaw took along jackets in case it got colder. And it did. They both were warm with their jackets, though. It was a long walk from and to where the truck was parked to the soccer field but Nanaw managed to do it. On the way back to the truck, Nanaw was trailing behind and sweet little Chase slowed down and came back to walk with her. At the end of the game, Chase played goalie, and Mama and Nanaw were worried that he'd be horribly upset if he allowed any goals. He allowed some goals but he wasn't upset about it. He said he enjoyed playing goalie.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Chase was supposed to have an orthodontist appointment this afternoon but Mama said they rescheduled it to next week because his retainer hadn't come back. When Chase and Nanaw got to Nanaw's house, Chase stayed outside to play football and soccer. Nanaw kicked the soccer ball around with him for a few minutes. She needs to play with Chase more, and she will do that. When Chase came into the house, Nanaw had his Chromebook set up so he could study his social studies for the test on Friday. Nanaw told Chase to be sure and bring his reading book home tomorrow so that after school, they can study for the reading test on Friday. They'll also study social studies again. He did well on studying social studies and answering questions on the example quiz. He brought his clarinet home and played some notes for Nanaw. She thinks he likes playing the clarinet and maybe will stick to it. He played outside for a few more minutes before Nanaw took him home. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

After school, Chase and Nanaw had a very busy afternoon. First, they wen outside to play. They played with the baseball rocket. Chase got lots of hits and so did Nanaw. After the baseball rocket, Chase pitched with the new baseball Nanaw bought for him. He did really well, better than ever before, getting two balls right in the strike zone. Then, as Mama predicted, the ball went into the street and then into the yard across from Nanaw's. Both of them went to get the ball, and Nanaw said they shouldn't play with it anymore. After the pitching practice, Chase wanted to stay outside and play football. Nanaw went inside to get things ready for spelling and multiplication practice. Nanaw went outside to get Chase, and they went in to do spelling and multiplication. Chase did an excellent job on spelling and a really good job on multiplication. After they were done with schoolwork, Chase wanted to paint so Nanaw got all the paint and brushes and gave Chase paper to use. Later in the evening, Mama called to see if Chase left his backpack at Nanaw's, and he did. It was in Nanaw's car. So on her way to do the training on the website, Nanaw dropped the backpack off at Chase's house.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Monday, September 20, 2021

Chase had a 4 p.m. dentist appointment on Monday so Nanaw was supposed to take him to his house instead of her house after school. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he seemed quiet and not himself. Nanaw tried to find out if anything was wrong but Chase said no. Then he told Nanaw how one of his classmates told the teacher he'd said a bad word but Chase said he didn't. I told Chase he had to tell his Mama and Daddy about it, and he didn't want to. He was talking to Nanaw about it when they walked into his house and Daddy overheard what he said. So Chase finally told Mama and Daddy what happened, and they were not very happy with him. Nanaw tried to do the multiplication flashcards and the spelling words with Chase but he wouldn't do them. He was very upset and saying all kinds of things. At one point, he said to Nanaw, "Sorry I'm being mean to you." 

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Mama says Chase slept till 8:30 Sunday morning because it was past 11:30 when he got to bed Saturday night after the Songs for Soldiers concert. Mama said she slept till then also and also took a nap.  Nanaw went over to Chase's house on Sunday evening for a pot roast dinner. Yum! When Nanaw got to Chase's house, she asked him about Saturday night. He said he played in the bounce house with Brady and Emma, and he had pretzel bit and a snow cone. He said he liked the music. Chase and Nanaw went into Chase's room and played soccer with the guys until dinner was ready. The pot roast, carrots, potatoes and crescent rolls were delicious. Chase had a second helping of carrots and potatoes. After dinner, Nanaw sat in the living room with Chase, watching football and baseball. Then Chase wanted to play hockey on one of his games so they did that till Nanaw went home to watch TV. Mama wants Nanaw to work on the multiplication tables with Chase so that's what they'll do.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Nanaw went over to visit Chase at 8:30 on Saturday morning because he had soccer practice at 10 a.m. Mama went to the grocery store while Nanaw was there. First, Chase showed Nanaw an invention he made with an engineering toy he got -- probably from Uncle George and Aunt Sharon. It was really cool -- it lit up a light and made some noise. Nanaw really liked it. Chase and Nanaw played demo derby for a long time. Chase had lots and lots of rules and directions about areas, including on-deck, warm-up, pit stop and food truck area. Two of the food trucks were from Tequila's and Top Shooters. Chase and Nanaw did a lot of crashing into each other with their cars in the dome (a thing Chase has that looks like a football stadium). It was great fun. Then they played soccer with the demo derby cars on the Gascar chair. It didn't work so well with all the cars trying to hit the soccer ball. So they did it with each of them just using one car, and that worked a lot better. In the later afternoon, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Brady's house and then walked with Brady's family to the big park for the Songs for Soldiers concert. There was a play area for kids with bounce houses. Mama wanted to stay for the 9:30 Night Rangers concert. The only song Nanaw knows from them is Sister Christian.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Friday, September 17, 2021

Chase had two tests at school today: Social Studies and Religion. He did well on both of the tests -- 18 out of 18 on the Religion test and 16 out of 17 on Social Studies. After school, Chase wanted to go to the park with Brady but Nanaw didn't want to go -- it was hot outside and Nanaw wasn't feeling too well. When they got to Nanaw's house, Chase wanted to play with his kitchen Play Dough. He made two hot dogs for his and Nanaw's dinner. Then he made a cake with strawberries on it and brought Nanaw a piece. It was so cute -- Nanaw took pictures. Somehow Chase had to delete the Google Play app from the tablet. Maybe he and Nanaw can reinstall it. Mama wasn't home with Nanaw took Chase home; she was out running errands. Mama texted Nanaw that Chase had a letter from the teacher sent home saying he'd been messing around on his Chromebook. Mama had to sign the letter. Chase told Mama he'd been working on the bookmarks graphics on the Chromebook. 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Chase had a math test on Thursday and was proud to announce that he got 32 out of 32. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her that he'd forgotten his religion textbook to study for his religion test tomorrow. Nanaw wanted Chase to go back into the school and get his religion book but he wouldn't do it. He said there was a study guide online that they could use. When they got back to Nanaw's house, they studied the religion study guide and the worksheet Chase brought home. Nanaw found an online quizlet and Chase did part of it. Nanaw wanted him to do it in the truck on the way to his soccer game but Mama said no. Nanaw went to Chase's soccer game with Daddy, Mama and Chase. Lots of Mama's mom friends were there. Jill was there with Hank, her brown dog that Mama likes so much. Daddy and Mama said that Chase's soccer team gets better with each game. They lost the game but the score was close, 5 to 4.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Nanaw had an exciting Chase adventure on Wednesday. Chase's school was having their grandparents' day celebration. First, there was mass. The church was full -- Nanaw heard that there were 400 people. Chase came in and found Nanaw and came to sit with her. She was so excited to see Chase and gave him a big hug. Chase did all the Catholic things -- taking communion, making the correct gestures, dipping his hand in the holy water, etc. After mass, everybody went to visit the students' class rooms. Nanaw was very excited to see Chase's classroom. She didn't get to see his third grade classroom at all. From pre-school through second grade, Nanaw walked Chase into his classroom. Nanaw was so impressed with the classroom. It was very organized and filled with interesting things. The inside of Chase's desk was very neat and organized, quite a difference from last year. Nanaw got to meet Chase's fourth grade teacher. She's very nice. She took pictures of the grandparents with their grandchildren, including Chase and Nanaw. Nanaw took pictures of Chase and also one of Chase and Cole. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the park. First, they stopped at Chase's house to get his remote control cars. Cam and his brother and sister, plus Brady and Emma were there. Unfortunately, one of the boys dropped Chase's Big Foot remote control car from the top of the monkey bars, and it fell apart. Daddy said he might be able to super glue it back together. After the park, Chase and Nanaw did homework -- Chase's social studies assignment and then studying for his math test.