Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Nanaw had planned for her and Chase to go to Powder Valley on Wednesday. But the Watson Road exit is still closed, and Nanaw wasn't sure how to get there. So she postponed their adventure until Thursday so that she can figure how to get there. Chase and Nanaw went to the library instead, to pick up Nanaw's holds and to get some books for Chase. They picked out two Minecraft books and two baseball books. Nanaw had a meeting at church on Wednesday evening so Chase and she had to cut school short a bit and take Chase home at 4:30. Still with the complaints from Chase about school but Nanaw is going to ignore them. There won't be any school on Friday: Nanaw has a doctor's appointment in the morning, and Chase is going out to Brady's grandma's lake in the afternoon with Mama and Daddy. The last two pictures are ones that Mama had Chase pose for at his baseball game Tuesday night in his catcher's gear.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Chase and Nanaw had a good day on Tuesday. In the morning, they drove up to Florissant to the jewelry shop to get Nanaw's ring fixed. Chase saw a bubble gum machine there and said the next time they came, he wanted some gum. After the jewelry shop, they went to Home Town Donuts, part of their routine when they go to the jewelry shop. Nanaw bought two red, white and blue chocolate sprinkle donuts for Chase, two glazed and two cream-filled for Mama and Daddy. Nanaw's ring and bracelet will be ready sometime around July 24. When they got home from their adventure, Chase set up the strike zone in front of the garage door and practiced his pitching for awhile. Nanaw put everything away so there was nothing in the driveway. For lunch, Chase had Rice-a-Roni with cheese, carrots, broccoli, a cheese stick and chocolate milk. He played with his new Hot Wheels for awhile. In the afternoon, it was time for school. Even with all his usual complaints, Chase did well with his schoolwork. Chase and Nanaw also did AR reading. Chase has an 8 p.m. baseball game tonight, and he was hoping to get to pitch but from the app it looks like he's catching. Mama posted three pictures on Facebook; they're the last three pictures below. Nanaw loves the one of little Yadi, the catcher.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Monday, June 28, 2021

On Monday morning, Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house at 7. Chase played with his stuffed animals and on the computer and the tablet. Chase and Nanaw ran errands: they went to Dollar Tree to see if Nanaw left her umbrella there and she did and she got it back, and was very happy. They also bought some green paint, a turtle to paint, and some Hot Wheel cars for Chase. They mailed cards at the post office. Nanaw wanted to go to the cemetery to take PawPaw his red heart balloon but Chase had to go to the bathroom so they went home in instead. (Nanaw went to the cemetery on her way home from taking Chase back to his house.) Nanaw went downstairs and walked 15 minutes on the treadmill. Chase came along with the guys and played in the playpen. When it was time for lunch, Nanaw heated up Chase's leftovers from last night's Imo's food. He had a piece of cheese garlic bread, toasted ravioli and Provel cheese bites. Nanaw gave him some carrots and potatoes from the pot roast, and he ate them all down. Today, Chase said he lived in two places: Nanaw's house and with Mama and Daddy. Nanaw thought that was cute. At 2:30, they had school. Chase did very well on his workbook pages, even though he complained a lot. They also did the AR reading, which Nanaw is using for the library summer reading program. In the evening, Mama, Daddy and Chase went up to the big park to pick up TJ's pizza and desserts for the baseball team fund raising program.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Daddy picked Chase up on Sunday morning at about 8:45 so they could go to church. Chase wore a yellow Polo shirt, black pants and black dress shoes. He looked really cool. In the afternoon, Chase had baseball practice. Nanaw walked 15 minutes on the treadmill. Later, it poured down rain, and Nanaw got wet. Then Mama went to Imo's to pick up dinner. There was pizza with pepperoni, sausage and mushrooms -- with a crispy crust just like Nanaw likes. Nanaw had a Caesar salad, a piece of garlic cheese bread, and a provel cheese bite. Chase had toasted ravioli. Everything was delicious/ Nanaw wanted to play the game Don't Rock the Boat but Chase didn't want to play. He wanted to go in his room and play baseball on his bed with Nanaw and the guys. So that's what they did.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Saturday was a busy day for Chase, his family and Nanaw. Mama didn't bring Chase over to Nanaw's house in the morning while she went to the grocery store; Chase stayed with Daddy because Nanaw was going to see him later in the day, and then he was having a sleepover with Nanaw. Nanaw made pot roast for Chase and and Nanaw for dinner. Nanaw walked 10 minutes on the treadmill. Later in the day, Mama, Chase and Nanaw drove to Ferguson to pick up Uncle Mike. They drove to Ballwin to go to cousin Greg's graduation party. There were tables outside with cool blue and white checked tablecloths. Cousin Dad took Mama, Chase and Nanaw downstairs to see the pinball machine. All three of them played for awhile. There was also an air hockey game that caught Chase's eye. Cousin Ryan gave his place at the table, and Chase had a wonderful time playing. There was also a pachinko machine. There was a Hawaiian food truck. Chase had the chicken, Nanaw had ribs, and Mama had teriyaki. After eating, Chase and Uncle Mike played baseball in the side yard. Daddy came to the party from his nephew Nick's graduation party. When it was time to leave, Mama, Daddy and Uncle Mike went in Mama's car to Uncle Mike's house for cousin Nichole's bridal shower. On the way home from cousin Dan's house, Chase and Nanaw stopped at Chase's house to let the dogs out, feed them and give them treats. But because it was raining, they wouldn't go outside. Back at Nanaw's house, Chase and Nanaw had pot roast for dinner and then had a great sleepover. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

Friday, June 25, 2021

Today was Chase's last day at Jam Camp. Mama wanted to see pictures of the water slides so after Nanaw dropped Chase off, she went to park illegally and take pictures. She sent four pictures to Mama, and posted them on Days of Chase and below. Chase really liked Jam Camp and says he wants to go back next year. He told Nanaw that he wants to be one of the team leaders when he's older, which Nanaw thought was very cute and impressive. Nanaw got there a little early to pick Chase up, and they got out of there quickly and didn't have to wait in a long line of cars. On the way home, they stopped at the bank to get $100 bills, and Chase got two suckers. Then they went to Dollar Tree to get shower and wedding cards. At Jam Camp, Chase got a pair of sunglasses (first picture below) and looked really cute in the picture Nanaw took. Mama was going to Popeye's after work, to get their super chicken sandwiches for dinner. Even Chase had one, and he gave it an 8. His mashed potatoes were a little too spicy for him. Nanaw had slaw, and Mama and Daddy had fries.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Thursday, June 24, 2021

It was Chase's second to last day at Jam Camp. Nanaw asked Chase which camp, Camp Invention or Jam Camp, did he like best. He said Jam Camp, because of the water slides -- of course. He said they did art but not archery. On the way out of camp, Nanaw took a picture of the pods where the boys and girls change clothes -- it is the first one below. Chase said the green things are called "pop up pods." He didn't eat his sandwich at lunchtime so he ate it on the way home, plus his Gatorade and some snacks that Mama packed. Yesterday, Chase told Mama that Lizzie from ICS is also in his group. So there were quite a few ICS boys and girls at Jam Camp. On the way home from Jam Camp, they stopped at Waterloo Schnuck's so Nanaw could buy cottage cheese. Chase was really good at the store and a pleasure to be with. N Amazon Prime Day, Mama bought Chase a Chromebook and a Dot for his room. She gave him the Dot tonight, and he was very excited about it. 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

 Check-in for Chase at Jam Camp was even faster on Wednesday morning. Nanaw had a dentist appointment but no problems -- Yay! When Nanaw picked Chase up in the afternoon, she parked at the top of the hill so she didn't have to walk up the hill. Inside the auditorium, Nanaw walked across the front instead of the back, and it was much easier because nobody was there. One of the ladies who was with Chase's group told Nanaw what a good, sweet boy he is, and Nanaw agreed. On the way out, Chase had to say a Bible verse, and then the lady gave him a green cup. Chase said they had archery today, and he thinks he almost got a bulls-eye. He said they went on the water slides and had art. For lunch, they had chick filet sandwiches, and Chase said it was really good. At Nanaw's house, Chase told Nanaw that she's the best grandma ever -- which made Nanaw very happy. Chase had baseball practice this evening so Nanaw had to have him home by 5. The first picture below is of Sam and Sylvester. They went to the groomer today; Sam got shaved and Sylvester got brushed. They both came home wearing scarves and looking cute.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

 Chase was very excited about going back to Jam Camp on Tuesday. Chase and Nanaw left a little earlier than yesterday, and it didn't take as long to get Chase checked in as it did yesterday. Nanaw had a doctor's appointment in the morning. Then Uncle Mike called her about storm damage at the little house. The roof, deck and trim were damaged. Uncle Mike wants Nanaw to find somebody to cut down the tree that grows through the deck. When Nanaw picked Chase up, she couldn't go down the regular road because a guy was standing in the middle of the road. So Nanaw went down the next road and got sort of lost on the parking lot. But it was a shorter walk inside, and that was a good thing. Nanaw had a much easier time finding Chase on Tuesday because she knew exactly where to go to find him. He told Nanaw that they didn't do archery today but he spent a lot of time on the water slides. He had two snow cones. He really likes Jam Camp and is looking forward to going Back tomorrow. 


Monday, June 21, 2021

Monday, June 21, 2021

 Chase was very excited about going to Jam camp on Monday morning, especially about the water slides. Chase and Nanaw had to wait in a really long line for a really long time to get Chase into camp. Tomorrow they'll go earlier. When Nanaw picked Chase up, she went into the church. They directed her to a big auditorium but Nanaw had a bit of trouble finding Chase because she didn't know what color arm band he would be wearing. After looking and looking, she finally found him; she also got to see Brady. Chase told Nanaw that the first thing they did in the morning was art. They made something with salt and glue and water paint. He said he had a snow-cone, and he went on most of the water slides. He said he had a really good time and was excited about going back again on Tuesday. 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Sunday, June 20, 2021

 Before Chase came over to Nanaw's house for Father's Day, he played outside and swam in his pool. He and Mama and Daddy got there abut 5 p.m. Mama brought party potatoes, chocolate pudding pie and peach dump cake. Uncle Mike barbecued pork steaks, hamburgers, chicken and hot dogs -- it was quite a feast. For a long time, Chase played in his room on the floor with lots of toys. Mama wouldn't let him have any devices. Sometimes Daddy was in there with him. Then Daddy and Chase went outside to play baseball. Cousin Joe came outside too, and Chase had a great time playing baseball with him. Chase didn't want to stop playing. Chase had his chocolate pudding pie for dessert, which is what he'd been waiting for. At the end of the evening, they used Nanaw's selfie stick to take a picture of everybody -- Kris had requested a picture. Robbie sent it to everybody.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house on Saturday morning while she went to the grocery store. Nanaw had put all of Chase's unopened and unplayed with Dollar Tree items on the kitchen counter so Chase went through them, looking at everything. Then they went outside so Nanaw could water everything. It was very dry and the grass was dying. Chase decided he wanted to practice his pitching so Nanaw  set up the strike zone. Eventually she moved her car out in the street and shut the garage door so that the whiffle ball wasn't hitting the back of her car. Chase told Nanaw that neighbor Dan told him he had a good arm. Chase was very happy about that. Chase had quite an exciting day after he left Nanaw's house. Mama, Daddy, Chase, Sam and Sylvester went over to Jackson's house. They went swimming in Jackson's subdivision swimming pool, then had dinner. Mama said Sam was very happy to see his friend Mellow, and Sylvester made himself at home on the dog bed. 

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Friday, June 18, 2021

Chase had quite the camp adventure on his last day at Camp Invention. Interestingly enough, Chase misunderstood about Nanaw coming early to see all that they'd done. Somehow he got the idea that Nanaw was the only one coming early and not that all the parents and grandparents had been invited. Once Nanaw explained that, Chase was fine with Nanaw coming. He even gave her a wave when his group finally came into the gymnasium. The boys and girls used recycled items to make all kinds of interesting things. Chase made a cricket and a car. He says he had a great time and thinks he wants to go back next year. Nanaw missed him while he was at camp but was glad he had a good time. Chase has another camp next week. This one is sponsored by one of the churches in Columbia and it has lots of water activities, including a big water slide. Three of his friends are going also, and he's happy about that.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Thursday, June 17, 2021

On the way to Camp Invention on Thursday morning, Chase told Nanaw she could drive faster. Nanaw guessed he wanted to get to camp as soon as possible. Nanaw took another beginning of camp day photo of Chase. Mama also sent a photo of Chase to Nanaw from the Camp Invention Facebook page. Mama also sent Nanaw information about the last day of camp tomorrow. Parents and grandparents can go in at 3:15 and sit on the bleachers and hear about what the boys and girls did during camp week. Chase told Nanaw she didn't have to come but Nanaw is certainly coming. She wants to hear all about camp. On the way home from camp, Chase and Nanaw stopped at the bank and Chase got two suckers. Then they went to get gas and to pick up books at the library. Chase checked out a Switch game and a Playstation 2 game. Uncle Mike was at Nanaw's house when they got home. Nanaw talked to Uncle Mike for awhile and was late taking Chase home. Brady's Mom was at Chase's house when they got there. Nanaw went to the cemetery to have the 61st wedding anniversary dinner with PawPaw. She planned on getting a Popeye's chicken sandwich to go along with her CrunchWrap Supreme but the line at Popeye's was too long.