Nanaw went to visit Chase Saturday morning after he, Mama and Daddy got home from the grocery store and Walmart. Mama says Chase told Mama and Daddy that he was going to stay home by himself and not go with them – very funny. But he eventually had a good time on the shopping adventure and had fishies at Walmart. Chase and Nanaw played in the living room with his cars and his garage. Mama left to go visit Aunt Kristen in the hospital, and Daddy and Nanaw played kick in the kitchen for awhile before Nanaw left. Mama called Nanaw when she got home to tell her what Chase said while he was downstairs playing trains with Daddy. Chase used his hand as his pretend phone and called Nanaw to tell her he’d had a rough day – where on earth did he learn that? Mama called Nanaw again to tell her she’d e-mailed some photos of Chase to her – Chase was eating popcorn made in Mama’s cute little popcorn popper. They were having a popcorn treat while Daddy was at church.
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
Friday, January 30, 2015
Today, Chase and Nanaw stayed home and played with Chase’s toys. He’s started playing a lot with his cars and trucks. He has an excavator that he calls "digger" – he seems to really enjoy playing with it. He brought his Pez dispensers along with him to Nanaw’s house and played with them while he was eating breakfast and then again at lunch. He seemed to especially like the story time books ("Winter" and "Snowballs") and the light up snow ball today. He probably wants it to snow so he can go outside and build a snowman. We haven’t had much snow this year. The forecast calls for snow on Sunday so maybe Chase will get his wish.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Chase’s adventure for the day was going to the Train House. He seemed very excited to be there. His first stop was at the circus train, and he ran around the display with the other boys and girls. In the Creation Station, Chase and Nanaw went to play with mega blocks first because they forgot about them the last time they were at the Train House. The set of blocks at the Creation Station has lots of interesting pieces that are different than the ones at Chase’s or Nanaw’s house. Chase played with the trains at the various train tables, then went into the kitchen. He played in the kitchen for quite awhile and had Nanaw come sit at one of the little tables. He also played on the schoolbus and with the pizza pie puppet. For awhile, Chase and Nanaw drove the pretend car, and Chase said they were going to "Grumma’s house" – that’s Grandma Pat. In the afternoon, Chase played with his Play Dough and seemed to really enjoy himself.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Mama gave Nanaw a darling picture of Chase at the dentist, and Nanaw scanned it so they could put it on Facebook. Chase had two adventures today. The first one was going to Powder Valley. He seemed very excited about running around and seeing all his favorite things. He explored everything and did a lot of coloring. He seemed especially happy to play with the other little boys and girls who were there. He also enjoyed watching the fire in the fireplace and watching one of the workers add logs to make the fire bigger. After Powder Valley, Chase and Nanaw went to the Telegraph Road Library. Chase played on the touch screen computer for a long while, something he hadn’t been doing. Then he played with the box of pretend coins and bills, the mega blocks and the pirate puzzle. He also got out the 1000 piece puzzle but just played with the pieces and didn’t try to put it together. All in all, it was a fun day.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Chase and Nanaw spent the day at home and didn’t go anywhere. They played with all kinds of toys. They went downstairs and played trains, grocery store and Lincoln Logs. Upstairs, Chase brought all his cars and trucks from his room so he and Nanaw could play with them in the living room. Chase also played with Choo Charlie and the little Thomas trains. Chase and Nanaw also "vacuumed" the house, one of Chase’s favorite things. Mama picked up Chase about 4:15 so he could go to his first dentist appointment. Mama was a little worried about it, not knowing how he would react to the whole experience. She called Nanaw on the way home from the dentist and said Chase had been absolutely awesome. The hygienist had been able to use the polisher on him with no problem, and Chase had liked it when the dentist examined his teeth and counted them. So all in all, it was a wonderful success.
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