Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday, April 30, 2018

When Nanaw took Chase to school, one of the little girls in his class was crying because she missed her Mama and didn't want to be at school. Mrs. Herrmann did a wonderful job of comforting her, along with two other girls -- Mrs. H. is an amazing teacher, and Chase is so lucky to have her. Chase says the chicks have gone to live on a farm. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her he had spaghetti for lunch and that he also had orange sherbet that he really liked. Nanaw and Chase told Mama about that on the car phone call with her. So Mama went to Schnuck's and bought orange sherbet. She's such a good Mama. After school, Chase and Nanaw played baseball in the front yard. Chase had a baseball game in the evening, and Nanaw went to watch -- it was very cute to see the boys and girls running around the field and trying to figure out what to do. By the end of the season, they'll know exactly what to do. Mama called Nanaw in the evening because Tee Tee was missing. Nanaw remembered that Chase put Tee Tee outside to be the audience for their baseball game. Nanaw found Tee Tee on the picnic table, and Mama came to pick him up. Nanaw will have to do a better job of making sure Tee Tee makes it home every day.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Nanaw went to visit Chase on Sunday evening. In the afternoon, Chase, Mama and Daddy went to Hunter's birthday party at Monkey Joe's on Watson Road. Chase told Nanaw he had a really good time at the party and that she should have come, too. He said he especially liked the air hockey game. He also liked the bounce houses. Mama said he ate pizza and cake and ice cream -- and he really ate some of the cake for a change. They had a piñata and Chase came home with a big bag of candy from the piñata. Brady was there at the party, along with a couple of friends from Chase's class. Hunter is in the other kindergarten class so most of the boys and girls were from that class. Nanaw and Chase read the book If You Take a Mouse to School together -- it was very cute, and they both enjoyed it. Nanaw got to eat lots of bacon from dinner so that was fun. After dinner, Daddy, Mama, Chase and Nanaw went out to the driveway and played basketball. That was fun, too.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Nanaw stopped at Chase's house on her way to his baseball practice to leave his Thomas backpack there -- she left it in her car yesterday so some of his stuffed "amamals" had a sleepover at Nanaw's house. Nanaw had a great time watching Chase practice. Of course, he spent a lot of time flailing around on the ground, one of his favorite things to do. He also seemed to spend time blowing puffy dandelions with Cole. When it was his turn to bat, he did an excellent job of hitting the baseball. Nanaw thinks he's probably the best hitter on the team. When he was in the tee ball hitting area, he hit the ball every time. After practice, Mama, Chase and Nanaw went to Target to buy a birthday present for Hunter; Chase is going to Hunter's birthday party on Sunday afternoon at Monkey Joe's on Watson Road. Unfortunately, Nanaw showed Chase a baseball home run toy that she thought cost $7.99 but really cost $29.99. Mama had said she'd buy Chase a $10 present so he couldn't have the home run toy. He finally calmed down and decided he wanted a Grossary Gang toy and was happy with that.

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday, April 27, 2018

It turns out that Chase's missing water bottle was exactly where Nanaw thought it might be: on the wash basin outside his classroom so Nanaw brought it home. Chase and Nanaw got to see Avery with Mrs. Herrmann in the classroom -- she was in The Little Mermaid play that Chase and the rest of ICS went to see at Gibault yesterday. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, they went to the little park by the library. Brady, Emma and their parents were there. Chase and Brady had a great time playing basketball. Brady is really good at basketball and made lots of baskets. Then they played baseball with Nanaw and Chase did really well with hitting -- he's such a good baseball player. When Nanaw took Chase home, she alerted Mama and Daddy that he hurt his forehead on the playground at school during recess, and he has a mark on his forehead. After Nanaw left, Mama asked Chase what he wanted for dinner, and he asked, "What are my options?" What a funny kid he is. He chose pizza. Then they let him choose what movie they would watch. They scanned through Netflix, and Chase finally chose the option of the Emoji movie.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Nanaw got her wires crossed Thursday morning and thought Mama was working from home. Nanaw was ready to go pick up Chase when Mama and Chase arrived at her house -- very funny. Chase had a major adventure on Thursday: His class went to Gibault to watch the play The Little Mermaid. Chase said he had a great time and really liked the play. On the way home from school, Chase said he wanted to go to the big park because Alaina and Amelie were going to be there. So Nanaw and Chase went to look for them but they weren't there. Chase didn't want to stay and play; he wanted to go to the little park to see if they were there. But they weren't there either. So Chase and Nanaw went to the library. Chase fell asleep on the way. At the library, Chase didn't want to go into the children's play room, and he didn't want anything from the "bending machine." When Nanaw took Chase home, Mama was laying on the couch; she had come home early from work because she didn't feel well. It will be wonderful when everyone feels well and is back to normal.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Mama was feeling a little better Wednesday morning when Nanaw picked up Chase. But Daddy was sick and was taking the day off from work. Nanaw and Chase had a difficult morning. First, Sidney Crosby the Cat escaped into the garage when they were leaving for school. Then Nanaw forgot to bring along Chase's water bottle but promised to bring it when she came to volunteer in the afternoon. Then when they went into school, the door was locked, and they had to have someone open it for them -- so that meant they were a little late. Nanaw forgot to bring Chase's backpack in with them so she went back out to the car to get it and put it in his locker. So what a morning! Things were better when Nanaw went to volunteer. She finished up making the marble paintings of the earth with the seven boys and girls who didn't get them done last week. Then Nanaw took pictures of Chase in the classroom. After school, Chase drew baseball pictures at the kitchen counter with Nanaw.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Chase was finally feeling better on Tuesday and got to go to school. Mrs. Herrmann was so happy to see him. She gave him a hug and told him how much they'd missed him. Mama called Nanaw during the day to tell her she was sick and was going home early from work. She said she'd let Nanaw know if she should keep Chase an extra couple of hours or bring him home at the regular time. When Nanaw went to pick Chase up at school, she talked to Sami's mom, who told Sami had been sick also on Friday and Monday. It sounded like Sami had the same thing as Chase. Chase wanted to go directly home rather than going to the library so they did. Chase played on the computer with abcmouse and seemed to really have fun. Chase and Nanaw had a great time drawing pictures at the kitchen counter. Chase drew a dog for Mama and gave it to her when he got home. Mama called and said to bring Chase home at the regular time. Daddy was going bowling so Chase was going to take care of Mama, who was lying on the sofa.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Poor Chase had diarrhea on Monday morning so he couldn't go to school. He and Nanaw had a good day together. They played downstairs with Chase's Thomas trains and with the dollhouse and dolls. Nanaw set up a work area for Chase on the dining room table, with paper, scissors, crayons, glue sticks, hole punch and workbooks. Nanaw sat with Chase while he drew pictures and cut them out and then glued them to other pieces of paper. Nanaw was sorry that he couldn't go to school because he likes it so much. Nanaw discovered she didn't have any long play pants for Chase so he had to wear his school uniform pants until they went over to Chase's house to get clothes. Nanaw took a picture of Chase, Sam and Tyler in the Gascar chair and sent it to Mama, titling it "Three of your four boys." When Nanaw took Chase home, he told her that he was going to ask Daddy to buy him some catcher gear -- so cute. He wanted Daddy to go outside and play baseball with him but Mama and Daddy didn't think that was such a good idea because he'd been sick.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Chase had a major adventure with Mama and Daddy on Sunday afternoon. Someone had given Daddy super baseball tickets in the TD Ameritrade suite at Busch Stadium. Chase wore his Yadi shirt and then got a Yadi jersey as part of the giveaway. Chase loved the suite and said it was like a hotel, especially the bathroom. Mama and Daddy said the little fellow had a great time. Nanaw came to visit Chase in the evening. They colored pictures for awhile, using Chase's "bluetiful" crayons. Then they did some work in the spelling bee workbook Nanaw brought along with her. Then they played soccer in the hall, part of the time using a big beach ball for an especially fun game of soccer.