Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Once again, Nanaw was impressed that Chase got himself dressed with no prompting from Nanaw. She's so proud of him. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said he had a math test tomorrow. Nanaw wanted to study with him but he said he would do it by himself because he's an independent man.  LOL  Chase and Nanaw sat on the couch, and Chase studied his math and Nanaw did crossword puzzles. Then Chase read in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book for ten minutes. Tomorrow, Nanaw will go over Chase's spelling words with him. She printed them out for him, and she's going to suggest that he type them on the computer. He might fuss less at doing it that way. He had Nanaw get out the four back-ups from his room, and he played with them for awhile and then he played the piano and the recorder. Finally he played on the tablet. Mama came to pick him up and then they were going to dinner at Top Shooters with Daddy, Aunt Becca, Uncle Stan and Uncle Will Bill. 

Monday, August 30, 2021

Monday, August 30, 2021

Nanaw was so impressed by Chase on Monday morning. After Mama left, he took some of the guys and asked Nanaw to bring the rest to the computer lab. Nanaw said she would as soon as she got his breakfast ready. When Nanaw took the breakfast and the guys to the computer lab, Chase was getting himself dressed, all on his own. He announced to Nanaw that he'd put on his deodorant -- LOL. When Chase got home from school, Nanaw put on the movie Because of Winn-Dixie. Chase really watched the movie. He seemed very interested in it. That made Nanaw very happy. When the movie was over, Nanaw said Chase could play with the tablet and that he could play with it in the car on the way home. Then Chase had an accident with Tee Tee. Somehow he bit Tee Tee and put a hole in his face. So Nanaw got out her sewing materials and fixed Tee Tee as best she could. It was raining outside so Chase's soccer practice was cancelled. 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Nanaw went over to Chase's house for dinner on Sunday evening. Mama and Chase told Nanaw about Cam's karate birthday party yesterday. Chase said he had fun and liked learning the karate moves. His party favor was numchuks. They had pizza and cake. On Sunday evening, Chase was in sort of a negative mood. He kept saying No to everything. He wanted to make slime after dinner but Mama said No because he was in such a bad mood. Nanaw tried to get him to play demo derby with her before dinner but he wouldn't. Mama made Aunt Becky's Cheez-It chicken nuggets for dinner; she also made has brown potatoes and Caesar salad. Mama said that after dinner, they would go outside and look at the pumpkins. Chase wanted to go outside and do a somersault in the trampoline so Nanaw went with him to watch. He did several somersaults -- it was very cute. After she finished cleaning up the kitchen, Mama came outside, and the three of them went to look at the two pumpkins by the soybean field and the one on the side of the house. When they went back inside the house, Chase and Nanaw played demo derby on the living room floor and both of them had lots of fun.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Saturday. August 29, 2021

Nanaw went over to Chase's house on Saturday morning. Chase couldn't come to her house because he had to go get his soccer picture taken at 10:45. Mama and Chase told Nanaw about going to the Grizzlies game last night with Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky. Chase got a real baseball from the batboy (the batboy's name is Peyton and he's the son of a friend of Mama's.). He also got a light-up sticky ball and a Grizzlies leather ball. Chase and Nanaw played baseball with the guys on the living room floor. It was lots of fun, and Chase and Nanaw both enjoyed themselves. Hopefully the guys enjoyed themselves also. In the afternoon, Chase was going to Cam's karate birthday party. For Cam's present, Mama bought a penguin game. Chase wants one so Mama put it on Chase's Amazon wish list. Later, Mama told Nanaw that everybody had to take their shoes off at the party. She said she enjoyed talking to Cole's mom. After the party, Mama took a nap, and Chase played with his tablet. Then Chase and Daddy played soccer for awhile. Daddy picked up dinner from Tequila's. After dinner, everybody watched the Cardinals' game, and Chase played baseball with the guys on the living room floor.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Friday, August 27, 2021

Chase got lots of good grades yesterday and today. He got 26 out of 30 on his reading and grammar test; 15 out of 15 on another reading test; 10 out of 10 on three math pages; 9 out of 10 on his religion test; and 20 out of 20 on his spelling test. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, they went to the bank, where Chase got a green sucker from the lady who likes Nanaw and Chase. Then they went to the library to pick up the Because of Winn-Dixie movie. (Nanaw also picked up the Inception movie, which she watched in the evening, and it was a really stupid movie.) Nanaw had to have Chase home by 5:15 because Mama, Daddy and Chase were going to a Grizzlies game with Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky. Nanaw is going over to Chase's house tomorrow morning instead of him coming to her house because he has to have his soccer photo taken at 10:45 a.m.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Thursday, August 26, 2021

When Nanaw was driving Chase to school Thursday morning, she let one of the cars coming out of Gedern turn in front of her. Chase said, "Are you kidding me?" It's like he's a backseat driver -- he's always afraid he's going to be late to school and tells Nanaw to go faster. It was really hot when Nanaw picked Chase up from school but then it magically turned cooler. When they got to Nanaw's house, Chase told her he wanted to do an adventure. He wanted to go into the back yard and climb the steps to the deck and come in the house that way. So Nanaw went downstairs to let him in. He was sitting on Nanaw's swing, swinging. He wanted to stay downstairs to do his homework -- reading the story Because of Winn-Dixie -- for the test tomorrow. He asked Nanaw to bring the guys downstairs so she did. Mama texted that the soccer game hadn't been cancelled. Nanaw sent Mama a message that the weather had cooled off, and Mama liked that. The game was in Maryville; Daddy said that was about 30 minutes away.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

This morning while Chase was getting dressed, he handed Nanaw his socks, and said, "You know the drill!" What a character he is. Yesterday while Chase and Nanaw were playing demo derby at his house, he used the word hypothesis and seemed to know what it meant -- Nanaw will have to do further research on where he heard it and does he really know its meaning. He's such an interesting boy; Nanaw is always entertained by the things he says and does. His soccer game for tonight was cancelled because the heat index was 104 or higher. After school, he wanted to go outside and play with his Baseball Rocket but Nanaw said it was too hot for that. He spent some time writing this week's spellling words twice; he has a spelling test tomorrow. He brought his clarinet home from school because he said he learned the note C and he wanted to play it for Mama. He had Nanaw video him playing the first few notes of Hot Cross Buns and and asked her to send the video to Mama. He really likes the clarinet and seems to be doing well with it. He also played Mary Had a Little Lamb fairly well. When he got home, he played some notes for Mama and was very proud of himself.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Nanaw is proud of how well Chase gets ready for school in the morning. He puts on deodorant, brushes his teeth and gets dressed. Mama picked Chase up from school because he had an orthodontist appointment at 3:45. Nanaw went to Dobbs for an oil change and to Walmart for grocery shopping. Mama texted Nanaw when they were done at the ortho so that Nanaw could come visit Chase. When Nanaw got to Chase's house, Daddy was still working downstairs and Mama was in her new office upstairs. Chase told Nanaw they had to be quiet because Mama and Daddy were working. Chase got out a game called Gravity Maze, and he and Nanaw played it. The idea is to build a maze and then put a marble through it. It was fun. Next, Chase wanted to play demo derby with his Hot Wheels cars so he got out the cars. He and Nanaw picked out cars for the demo derby and also cars for the pit stops. It was grand fun for Chase and Nanaw. Chase asked Nanaw to come back to his house sometime soon so they could play demo derby again.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Monday, August 23, 2021

When Chase came to Nanaw's house, she showed him the Baseball Rocket she bought for him at Menard's yesterday. He was very excited and Nanaw promised that he could play with it after school today. When Nanaw picked him up from school, at first he wanted to go to the park to play with Brady but then he was thundering and lightning so he decided he wanted to go home. They took the Baseball Rocket outside to the front yard, and Chase and Nanaw played with it for a long while. It worked perfectly, and Chase got lots of hits. Nanaw got several also. Chase gave the Baseball Rocket a five-star rating. When they went in the house, Nanaw read one of the Answers book stories to Chase about why the earth is round. He also did multiplication flashcards and did a good job on them. Chase was supposed to have soccer practice tonight but it was cancelled because of the heat and the storm.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Sunday, August 22, 2021

On Sunday, Mama picked up Nanaw a little after noon so they could meet cousin Heide at her storage unit in Florissant. Mama was going to pick up an entry hall table that belonged to Grandma Ruth. Nanaw took along the multiplication and division flash cards and the Answers book. Chases did fairly well on the division flash cards. Nanaw read the story about how mountains are formed. Mama told Nanaw that on Saturday evening, they went to see the Columbia Days parade and then went back to the little park for rides and games and food. Chase brought along the stuffed penguin that he got at Columbia Days and named Wainwright. Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky came to the storage unit also. They took a chair, a rug and a card table. Nanaw took some artificial flower arrangements. On the way home, Nanaw had to sit in the front seat because the flowers and the table took up the back seat and the trunk. Chase might have gone with Daddy to O'Fallon, Illinois to watch cousin Elias play soccer. Nanaw will have to ask Mama tomorrow if he went.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Nanaw went over to Chase's house to play with him on Saturday morning instead of him coming over to Nanaw's house. He had a soccer game at 11 so Mama didn't go to the grocery store. Chase showed Nanaw what he got at Columbia Days on Friday evening. He had a butterfly, two stuffed pieces of pizza, and two blow up things like a bat and sword. Mama said he had fun with Brady and Hunter. They went on rides and played on the little park's playground. Nanaw brought over the light board and the Minecraft Legos to play with Chase. He and Nanaw played for awhile with the light board. Chase said they would to do the Minecraft Legos some other time. He went to get his Light Brite and his roll-up piano. They only played with the roll-up piano. Chase had fun playing Mary Had a Little Lamb. Chase is very musical and likes anything to do with music. Nanaw thinks he might be good with the clarinet -- but only if he likes it. No forcing him to do it. Mama said the soccer game didn't go well but that Daddy said Chase played well. 

Friday, August 20, 2021

Friday, August 20, 2021

Nanaw made sure to not leave the house too early on Friday morning so that he wouldn't have to go to the gym before class. On Thursday, he got to school at 7:45 p.m. and had to go to the gym. When Chase got in Nanaw's car after school, he said, "That was a good first week of school." Even though it was only three days, LOL.  After school, Chase wanted to go to the little park to play with Brady so Nanaw and Chase went to the park. But Brady wasn't there. Chase had us wait a few minutes in case he came but he didn't so they went home. At Nanaw's house, Chase wanted to play baseball in the front yard. So Nanaw got out the strike zone for Chase and he practiced his pitching. Then the sun went in and it got cooler, so Nanaw pitched to Chase for awhile. When the sun came out, Nanaw went to sit on the front porch and to watch Chase pitch and hit the ball. Chase was happy that he and Mama and Daddy were going to Columbia Days tonight because he would get to play with Brady. In the evening, Will and Bryce came to Nanaw's house to see Chase. Of course, he wasn't here, but Nanaw had a nice chat with the boys.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Second day of fourth grade for Chase! He says he likes school and he likes his teacher. No homework again, much to Nanaw's dismay. Mama said Nanaw could help Chase with homework after school but so far there hasn't been any homework. After-school pick-up went much better on Thursday than on Wednesday. Parents got out of their cars and went up to the front part of the parking lot to pick up their children. Nanaw got to talk to Cole's mom -- it's been awhile. Chase found Nanaw easily and both of them were very happy about that. Nanaw forgot to include in yesterday's Days entry that after school, Chase wanted to play with the kinetic sand. Nanaw spread it out on the kitchen counter, and Chase got his monster trucks so they could have a demo derby in the kinetic sand. Chase said Mrs. Donjon told the class that she's not much for homework. She said they have study time in class to do their school work and shouldn't have much if any homework most days. Mama said Nanaw could help Chase with his AR reading and spelling words so that made Nanaw happy. She also said they could continue working in the summer study books, which is a great idea.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Today was Chase's first day of fourth grade. His backpack was really heavy because it had his Chrome computer in it. Mama had Nanaw take pictures of Chase on the deck, like Mama did every year. Chase was rally good about eating his breakfast, getting dressed and brushing his teeth. There was a long line of cars on the road to the school so Nanaw was happy she left early. The drop-off went well, much better than the pick-up. It turns out that parents were supposed to get out of their cars and go to find their children. Mr. Gregson forgot to tell people that. So it was sort of chaotic with people staying in their cars, and the kids frantically searching for their parents' cars. Hopefully tomorrow will go more smoothly. Chase said it was a good day, with some ups and downs. The up was that he blew a note on his clarinet's mouthpiece; the down was that they only get one recess -- at lunchtime. He said they do get one or two breaks, though. He didn't have any homework and was happy about that. Nanaw is going to do homework with him after school and she's looking forward to that. Chase had a soccer game, and Mama sent Nanaw a picture of him in his uniform.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Mama took the day off Tuesday to spend with Chase on his last day of summer vacation before school starts tomorrow. First, they went to Dupo Park so Chase could play on the playground. He did some ninja treks with Mama timing him. Then he ran lots of laps around the playground, again with Mama timing him. After the park, they went to Suson Park to see the animals. They had great fun, especially with feeding the goats, sheep and chickens. That was the first time they'd fed the animals, and Chase said he had a great time feeding the animals, and he wants to do it again. They also visited the horses, ponies, cows, calves and bull. After Suson Park, they went to Popeye's to get chicken sandwiches. They drove to Sylvan Springs park and parked in the shade to eat their lunch. The chicken sandwiches were delicious, and they win the prize for best chicken sandwich. After lunch at the park, they went to Shoe Carnival to get new school shoes and new church shoes for Chase. (When Mama got home, she found out that she'd already bought church shoes for Chase so she'll have to return the ones she bought today.) After Shoe Carnival, they went to Telegraph Road Walmart. Mama bought Chase a Shy Guy toy, and Nanaw bought him two Hot Wheels Monster Trucks. It was a wonderful day. Nanaw is really going to miss Chase when he goes back to school. They had a great summer.