Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

On Tuesday morning Chase and Nanaw tried to work on the Roblox tornado game but Roblox Studio still isn't working for them. They'll try again after school. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her he finished the Wimpy Kid book he'd been reading and got all the points. He brought home another Wimpy Kid book. Nanaw is not quite sure what he'll do when he runs out of Wimpy Kid books. He did his AR reading  and said he didn't have any homework. Nanaw filled out the reading log, and Chase watched Curious George. They went out to the front yard and gave baby Jesus a toy -- a little plastic kitty. Mama came to pick Chase up at 4 to go to pitching practice. This was the last practice, at least for now. The last picture below is one that Mama sent to Nanaw of her Jack Skellington Christmas tree that she set up in her office. It has a Jack Skellington tree topper, Jack Skellington ornaments and a Jack Skellington tree skirt. Mama also bought a Jack Skellington train but hasn't set it up yet because she says the track is flimsy.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Monday, November 29, 2021

On Monday morning, Nanaw did her happy talk about how wonderful school is and how much fun Chase was going to have seeing his teachers and friends again. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said he had a good day. Nanaw asked if he had homework, and he said he had math. He did his AR reading on the drive home and finished up at Nanaw's house. He watched Curious George while doing his math. Nanaw checked his work, and he did it all correctly. Nanaw wanted to put a toy with baby Jesus in the front yard Nativity scene but Chase didn't want it to be one of his little stuffed animals here at Nanaw's house. So tomorrow Chase and Nanaw will look through Chase's toys and find something for baby Jesus. Tomorrow is Chase's last pitching practice, at least for now. 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Nanaw went over to Chase's house to visit the bug before his hockey practice. Mama had decorated their Christmas tree, and it looked beautiful. It has a dog angel as the tree topper that Mama bought from I heart dogs. Mama and Chase also put up Chase's Christmas tree in his room. Chase has a Zero dog tree topper. Mama set up her new Jack tree in the office but she hasn't decorated it yet. Everybody, including Chase, was watching the Vikings football game when Nanaw got to Chase's house. Nanaw asked Chase if he wanted to play cards. He said yes and said he wanted to play Memory. They took the War cards into the kitchen and spread them out on the kitchen table. Chase won the game, as usual. He's the luckiest or most expert little fellow when it comes to winning games. After the Memory game, Chase went back into the living room and was reading one of his Wimpy Kids book. Nanaw had him come sit on the sofa with her, and she brought along an armful of the guys. Nanaw left when it was time for Chase to get ready for hockey practice. Mama was going along, and Nanaw told her to dress warmly. They were having McDonald's after hockey practice.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house on Saturday morning while she went to the grocery store. Before she left for the store, Mama and Chase pulled the wishbone from the Thanksgiving turkey. Mama won but she forgot to make a wish! Chase and Nanaw played hockey in the hall with Chase's plastic golf clubs. Nanaw did better than usual because of the club Chase picked out for her. It's a yellow iron or putter -- she's not sure which -- but she was able to hit the puck (ball) much better than she usually does. After a while of playing, Chase said he was done, and Nanaw asked him if he wanted to play with his kinetic sand, and he said yes. They played with the sand till Mama came to pick Chase up. They made tornadoes, blocks that they crashed, mountains that they hacked into pieces, and lots of other stuff. It was great fun. Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Uncle George's for another Thanksgiving dinner. First, they picked up Grandma Pat from the nursing home, and then went to Uncle George's. Mama said the food was delicious, and Chase was very happy to see his cousin Wes.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Friday, November 26, 2021

Mama, Chase and Nanaw had some adventures on Friday. First, they went to the Train House to see the Christmas train displays. The displays were better than ever, with lots of new things added. Thomas the Train has his only special track all to himself. They didn't do the scavenger hunt this year because of Covid -- but maybe next year. They had popcorn, and Mama bought Nanaw some purple rocks and she bought Chase some toys. The circus train display had lots and lots of little people -- very cute. After checking out all the displays, they walked up the hill to see the reindeer, Donner and Vixen. They're so cute, with their huge antlers. At one point, both of the took a nap. Chase wanted to go inside the car museum to see the old cars so they did that. Next, they walked farther up the hill so Chase could look at the trains on display and walk through some of them. They also visited the little shop, and Mama bought Chase a Minion popsicle. Back in the main center, they walked around the displays again before leaving. They talked to Nanaw's friend Dave again before they left. After the Train House, they went to Party City to buy treasures for Chase's birthday party. Next, they went to Taco Bell to get lunch,  which they ate at Nanaw's house. After lunch, they gave Lemey and Lars, the lemurs, the birthday cards and presents Chase bought for them at Dollar Tree. Mama had a piece of pecan pie before she and Chase went home.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving! Thursday, November 25, 2021

Mama sent Nanaw a picture of Chase playing pool with his cousin Elias at Aunt Becca's house on Thanksgiving afternoon. Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Uncle Stan and Aunt Becca's house to visit but not eat. Mama didn't want to eat two Thanksgiving dinners. After Aunt Becca's house, they all came to Nanaw's house. Chase ate lots of turkey at Thanksgiving dinner. He also ate ham, mashed potatoes, crescent rolls and some green beans. Not too long after dinner, Chase said he wanted dessert so Mama and Nanaw set out the desserts: a chocolate pudding cake that Mama made, and a pumpkin pie and pecan pie with Cool Whip that Nanaw bought at Walmart. Everything was delicious. After dessert, they played the Thanksgiving Bingo game that Mama bought at Walmart. Mama also bought 10 scratchers as prizes for winning a bingo game. Chase was so excited about playing Bingo and about winning one of the scratchers. He won five dollars and decided he'd get two dollars and three tickets. Smart boy! After Mama, Daddy and Chase got home, Mama sent Nanaw a picture of Sam and Sylvester snuggling together in Chase's room.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

On Wednesday, Chase was off school and Mama was off work so they had a fun-filled day with Nanaw. First, they went to see the Christmas decorations at Handyman Hardware, and Nanaw took lots of pictures of Chase. Next, they went to the library where Chase checked out a Diary of a Wimpy Kid book, his current favorite book series. Then it was on to Bread Company for a delicious lunch, plus a loaf of bread for Chase, a real bread-lover. Back at Nanaw's house, they baked and decorated turkey cookies. Then they tried to make a gingerbread house. Unfortunately, things didn't going well with the gingerbread house -- the walls and roof kept falling down. Mama is going to try again soon, hopefully with better results. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Chase and Nanaw were a little late on Tuesday morning because they started looking at Amazon. But Chase still got to school on time. The ladies at pickup were talking about the caramel rolls the kids had for lunch today -- they're an ICS institution. So Nanaw asked if Chase had a caramel roll for lunch, and he said he did and that it was good. At Nanaw's house, Chase sat at the kitchen counter to watch Curious George. He played with the kinetic sand from his house that Mama brought over to Nanaw's. He played for a long while with the beige sand. He said it was perfect for dirt devils and sand tornadoes. Mama picked Chase up around 4 p.m. so that he and Daddy could go to pitching practice. Next week may be Chase's last week of pitching practice. Mama and Chase are coming over to Nanaw's house at 9:30 tomorrow morning. They're going to bake turkey cookies, go to Handyman to see the Christmas decorations, have lunch at St. Louis Bread Company, go to the library, and make the gingerbread house. What a wonderful day it will be!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday, November 22, 2021

On Monday morning at Nanaw's house, Chase and Nanaw looked up a stuffed animal Curious George. They ordered one and then Chase found an orange lemur he liked so the ordered that. Then Chase found a take-it-with-you hockey play mobil so Nanaw ordered that. She forgot to order the Stanley Cup play mobil so she did that in the evening. After school, Chase said he had a story to tell Nanaw. He said it was about a soccer game at recess. He was the team captain, and he scored the game-winning goal. It was the only goal of the game. Chase said he had no homework, and he was very happy about that. He also has no tests this week. Today in social studies, they learned about the first Thanksgiving and  Squanto. At Nanaw's house, Chase watched Curious George and played with the tablet. Mama made beef stew in tomato sauce for dinner, and she said Chase didn't like it a lot. Mama said next time she would make it with beef broth.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Sunday, November 21, 2021

On Sunday morning, Chase and Daddy went to church. For lunch, Mama, Daddy and Chase had their leftovers from Joe Boccardi's: Chase had his mostacciolli, Mama had pizza and Daddy had pasta con broccoli. Chase rode his bicycle again and played on the trampoline again. He also played video games, did multiplication flash cards with Mama and played Grand Prix Multiplication with Mama. Chase had hockey practice, and Nanaw came to visit a little before seven. When Chase got home, he told Mama and Nanaw that he had a scary story for them. When he and Daddy went into the locker room after practice, Chase's stuff was gone. The had to ask the Zamboni guy about it, and he said it was on the red bench. A hockey team had come into the locker room and moved Chase's stuff out of the locker room. After dinner (chicken stroganoff), Chase and Nanaw played the Memory Game with the set of War cards that Nanaw found down in Chase's school room.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house on Saturday morning while she went to the grocery store. Chase sat at the kitchen counter while Nanaw baked Uncle Mike's birthday cake -- German chocolate, his favorite. Chase did a good job licking the beaters and the bowl. Nanaw saved some of the frosting for Mama, who really likes German chocolate frosting. Nanaw brought Chase's little kitchen and its accessories into the kitchen so that Chase could bake a cake also. After the cake was done, Chase and Nanaw played with the kinetic sand. Mama said that for lunch, Chase had his leftover Subway from Friday night. He rode his bike and played on the trampoline and also played some video games. In the evening, he went to dinner at Joe Boccardi's with Uncle Mike, Aunt Becky, Mama, Daddy, and Nanaw. Chase had mostacciolli with one big meatball; he also had one piece of regular bread and one piece of garlic bread. He had some mostacciolli left over that he took home. At Nanaw's house, Aunt Becky told everyone about a multiplication game for Chase  -- Grand Prix Multiplication so Nanaw and Mama are going to do it with him.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Friday, November 19, 2021

Mama had the day off on Friday so she took Chase to school. Nanaw missed seeing her little buddy. On his tests, Chase did well -- spelling 20 out of 20 and religion 20 out of 22. Nanaw and Mama had a wonderful shopping day adventure, first going to the Train House to renew Nanaw's membership so they can go see the train display next Friday. Then they went to Home Depot and bought lots of tools for Uncle Mike for his birthday. Then they went to Yankee Candle at the mall to buy candles for Uncle Mike. Next, they went to Hallmark and then to Dollar Tree and finally the bank for birthday money for Uncle Mike. They finished off by going through the Taco Bell drive through -- yummy Crunch Wrap Supreme. After school, Chase went over to Will's house to play; first they stopped at Nanaw's house to pick up Chase's little game from Walgreen's. Nanaw looked through the papers Chase brought home: he wrote a wonderful persuasive letter to Mr. Gregson asking for hockey gear and got a great job comment from the teacher; he got an A+ on his science test and an awesome job comment from the teacher; he also brought home several other papers with good grades. Nanaw is so proud of him. Nanaw picked him up at 4:30 because Mama was coming over to take him to Walgreen's to get his Covid vaccine. Chase said he had a great time at Will's. They played soccer and basketball. Mama said Chase was really scared when he was getting his shot. The lady giving the shot suggested Chase go sit by Mama and that seemed to help. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Thursday, November 18, 2021

When Chase got to Nanaw's house on Thursday morning, he wanted to play the Battleship game. Nanaw explained that they didn't have enough time -- he had to get dressed for school and eat his breakfast. She promised they would play soon. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said he hadn't received his science test back yet. He also said he had lots of homework in math, social studies and reading. That was in addition to Chase's two tests on Friday in religion and spelling. At Nanaw's house, Chase's friend Will came to see if he could play. Nanaw said Chase had too much homework and tests to study for and couldn't play. She felt really bad saying no but she texted Will's mom and said maybe they could play tomorrow. Chase did his AR reading and then he and Nanaw did his spelling words. He also did his reading and social studies homework. He's going to do his studying for the religion test with Daddy. He'll also do his math homework with Daddy because he likes how Daddy does long division with remainders.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

On Wednesday morning, Chase played with Nanaw's new game toy and showed Nanaw how to do some things. He took another plastic bag of donated food into school with him. Mama said she scheduled Chase's birthday party for Saturday, December 18 at 2:30 p.m. at the bowling alley. Chase is going to invite Cole, Andrew, Will, Brady, Hunter, Connor, Cam and Jackson. They'll probably bring their siblings -- Danica, Ben, Ryan, Claire, Mason, Emma. They'll bowl and have pizza and soda. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, it had gotten cold outside. He told her he still didn't get his graded science test  back. He said he had math homework but he wanted to do it with Mama. He did his AR reading and then watched Curious George. Mama came over to Nanaw's house to help take Charlie and Sidney to the vet. She brought along their game toy and Nanaw brought hers and the tablet so Chase had lots to keep him occupied. He and Mama played games, and Nanaw enjoyed hearing them play and laugh and have fun. It started to rain so they got sort of wet getting the kitties into the house.


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

On Tuesday morning, Chase ate every bite of his Cocoa Krispies and even drank the milk out of the bowl, the first time he's ever done that at Nanaw's house. When he went into school, he carried another plastic bag with donated food. When Nanaw picked Chase up, he said he had math homework but he wanted to do it with Mama. He did his AR reading but unfortunately he left his reading log page at school so he said his reading wouldn't count even if Nanaw wrote the information on a piece of paper. Chase said he thought he did well on his science test. It was a paper test so the teachers didn't send the scores out today. Maybe tomorrow he'll bring the graded test home. Chase watched Curious George, and then it was time to go home because Chase had pitching practice. Mama said that later in the evening, she helped Chase with his math homework. She said there were 16 problems, which is a lot. Nanaw went to Walgreen's and bought one of the little toy video games like Mama bought for Chase. Then she went to Dollar Tree and bought the Left, Center, Right game and a Battleship game. So they're all set with games.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Monday, November 15, 2021

Chase was excited about the cool little brown UPS truck Nanaw bought for him. He wants it to have a sleepover at his house until Saturday, then it will come back to live at Nanaw's house. He had lots of Cocoa Krispies for breakfast -- it's been awhile since he had Cocoa Krispies. When he went inside school, he took one of the plastic bags with donated food in with him. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he started doing his AR reading right away. By the time they got to Nanaw's, he'd already read for 10 minutes and only had five more to go. Chase watched Curious George and then they studied for tomorrow's science test. The test was all about energy -- kinetic, electrical, thermal, sound, etc. The science was very hard but Chase did well with his answers. After studying for the science test, Chase did his two pages of math homework. Mama was going to do his science studying again in the evening. Chase left his retainer and his mask at Nanaw's house -- he always forgets things, and Nanaw didn’t do a very good job of keeping him on track with things.