Mama brought Nanaw the little purple lamp she bought for her at the dinner auction. It needs a special kind of light bulb but Mama thinks Nanaw can find the bulb at Walmart. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said his only homework was coloring three pages of the Stations of the Cross. He finished his coloring, and then Nanaw had him do his AR reading. Evidently he's supposed to be doing the reading even though the teacher hasn't been sending the tally sheet for AR reading. Nanaw had Chase home by 5:15 so Daddy could take him to the eye doctor to have them work on his sports glasses. Mama told Nanaw Chase's grades from his asynchronous work last week, and the grades were really bad. He got 44% on his religion test -- 13 out of 32. He got 15 out of 20 on math, and the rest of the grades were just as bad. Mama and Daddy talked to him about his poor grades, and he cried. Nanaw told Mama she knows Chase can do better, and that she would make some tutorial note cards to study with him that say: Good Student Practices -- Write your answers slowly and carefully, doing your best writing so the teacher can read your answers. Answer questions with complete sentences. Always check your math. With an open book test, carefully look for the answers and make sure you’ve found the correct answers. Take notes in class. Do your AR reading every day. Earn $5 from Nanaw for each perfect score on a test or homework or worksheet. Every day Nanaw will work with Chase on the note cards and encourage him to be the best student he can be.
Monday, February 28, 2022
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Chase woke up about 7 a.m. on Sunday morning and woke Nanaw up. Nanaw said she was going to sleep awhile longer so Chase did, too. They got up at 8 a.m. Chase played with his stuffed animals and with the tablet. Nanaw fixed his breakfast: chocolate chip muffins, a string cheese stick, squeezable applesauce and chocolate milk. He played with the tablet while eating breakfast. When Nanaw was dressed, they went into the dining room to play with the Playmobil. When Mama got there a little before 10 a.m., they cleaned up all the toys and stuffed animals. Daddy and Chase weren't going to church on Sunday morning -- that's why Chase got to stay till 10. Mama told Nanaw she got her a little purple lamp at the dinner auction. In addition, Mama won her bids on the following at the dinner auction: a dog treat basket; a wine basket; a work from home basket; and 3 small cookbooks for $5 -- a bargain, Mama says. Nanaw's church started having in-person services again this morning so Nanaw went.
Saturday, February 26, 2022
Today was the day of the great sleepover. Mama and Daddy were going to the Dinner Auction at Chase's school, and Chase spent the night with Nanaw. He brought his Playmobil, his Take Along Playmobil and his HexBug game for Nanaw and him to play with. After Chase got there, they went to the library to pick up a book for Nanaw. Next, they went to the Dollar Tree on Telegraph Road by Schnuck's. Chase selected a lot of candy and some toys. They used his $10 gift card and the $5 he got from Nanaw for getting a perfect score on his science test last week. Then, they went to the Columbia Dollar Tree and bought more toys. Their next stop was Sonic to get Chase's dinner. He ordered a pretzel twist, Ched R Bites and a Sonic Blast with no candy in it. They put whipped cream on it even though he didn't order that. He helped Nanaw figure out how to use her credit card in the order board to pay for dinner. Nanaw gave the car hop a $3 tip. While they ate dinner, Chase and Nanaw watched a hockey game on TNT -- the Tampa Bay Lightning against the Nashville Predators. Tampa Bay won, which made Chase very happy because he was rooting for them. During the game, they played with the Playmobil, and Chase, of course, won all the games. They played with the HexBug, and Nanaw really likes that. Nanaw played with the Take Along; she gave it to Chase for Christmas. The third picture below is Mama and Brady's mom at Chase's house before the dinner auction. They tried to go to bed by 10 but it was closer to 10:30. Sweet little Chase shared his stuffed animals with Nanaw.
Friday, February 25, 2022
Friday, February 25, 2022
Chase had another asynchronous day today. The little self-starter got right to work on his schoolwork for the day. He had a religion test, five pages of math, four questions about Abraham Lincoln to answer for social studies, and the biggest assignment -- a poem he had to type, print and illustrate. His poem was about a hockey game and the excitement surrounding the game -- he drew pictures of hockey players, hockey sticks, etc. Mama came over about 12:30 to bring McDonald's for Chase's lunch. He had a cheeseburger, plain, French fries and Sprite. Because Chase was done with his schoolwork, Nanaw let him play on the tablet for awhile. Mama came to pick him up at 4:15 to go to the eye doctor to see about getting his sports glasses changed. The way they were, the glasses would fog up when he wore a helmet. The video at the end is one that my phone created containing wonderful pictures of Mama and Chase. The two photos of Chase in his coat were of him refusing to smile for photos.
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Chase had an asynchronous day today. That means because of snowy and icy weather, he was staying home from school and doing the packet of work his teacher sent home with the students. Nanaw and Chase were very happy about that. Chase took awhile to do his work because he had several recesses and an hour-long lunch. But he got everything done, in between playing with the tablet, and all the hockey stuff he brought with him. Nanaw checked his work and found a couple things he forgot to do. She thought he'd forgotten to do two big sections but it turns out Chase was right not to do them -- he told Nanaw they're for tomorrow's asynchronous day. Daddy came to pick up Chase and he cleaned off Nanaw's driveway and sidewalk. Mama has the day off tomorrow, and she'll bring Chase over to Nanaw's house tomorrow morning. She'll run some errands and then bring McDonald's over to Nanaw's house for Chase's lunch. Then she's going to hang out with Chase and Nanaw. So Nanaw will make sure Chase gets all his schoolwork done before Mama comes over. Mama sent the second picture below, saying that Shoot Luke was on her desk helping her work.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Wednesday, February 23. 2022
Chase was happy to get to school earlier than usual on Wednesday morning. He likes being one of the first in his class to arrive. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she had just received a text from Mama saying Chase got 26 out of 26 on his science test today. So Nanaw owes him $5.00. Nanaw told Chase about his science test score and the $5.00. He was very happy about it. They're going to spend the $5.00 at Dollar Tree for Saturday night's sleepover. At Nanaw's house, Chase did his social studies homework, then told Nanaw he was going to create a test for her, and if she got all the answers right, she would get a hug and a kiss from Chase. Evidently, he taught himself how to make tests on Google Forms. When he tested it out, he said, "Yay! The school didn't block Google Forms on the Chromebook. It started to sleet right when Chase and Nanaw got home and continued to sleet. So Daddy came to pick Chase up, rather than Nanaw taking him home. Daddy said if there's a snow day tomorrow, he'll bring Chase over to Nanaw's house. Here's the test Chase made for Nanaw. She got all the answers right so she got her hug and kiss from Chase.
Question 1:
Question 2:
is this true: 1+1=2 *
are you kidding me why click this
Question 3:
what is NOT healthy *
fast food
Question 4:
which of these are nouns? *
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
On Tuesday morning, Chase asked Nanaw if she knows Wes. Nanaw told him that yes, she knows his cousin Wesley. Chase said Wes plays a game called Five Nights of Freddy, and Chase would like to play it also. So Nanaw said they would do something about it after school. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said he had no homework except studying for his science test on Wednesday. After he finished studying, Chase and Nanaw got the Five Nights of Freddy game for him on the tablet. You can also play the game on ROBLOX. Chase played games for awhile in the living room, and Nanaw made a fire for them. At four o'clock, Chase changed clothes for baseball practice. At 4:15. Mama came to pick him up for practice.
Monday, February 21, 2022
Monday, February 21, 2022
Mama, Daddy and Chase were off today for Presidents' Day. In the morning, they all went to Best Buy so Mama could buy a monitor to use with her laptop. She says she thinks she'll put it on the shelf of her desk. In the afternoon, Nanaw went over to visit Chase. He was playing in the living room for awhile, then decided to go into the kitchen to play with his slime. Nanaw went in to play with him and the slime but the slime kept sticking to her fingers. So she stopped playing with the slime and went to wash her hands. Chase played with the slime a little while longer, and then he got out another kind of slime that Mama bought for him at Five Below. But there was something wrong with it, and it dripped all over the floor. Next, Chase and Nanaw played with Chase's major Playmobil hockey rink. It's really cool and has a clock and a scoreboard, plus lots of players, coaches, and referees, Chase and Nanaw played two games, and Chase won both of them, of course. He really loves hockey, and Nanaw can't wait to see him playing on a real hockey team.
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Chase and Daddy went to church on Saturday morning and heard that Father Carl is retiring in July when he turns 75. In the afternoon, Mama and Daddy took Chase on a very special adventure. The city of Columbia had a synthetic ice rink in front of City Hall. So Chase took his ice skates, and Mama and Daddy paid $18.00 for Chase to go ice skating. Mama sent Nanaw lots of pictures of Chase skating with his friend Hunter. She also sent Nanaw a video of Chase skating. Mama posted pictures of Chase and Hunter on Facebook. Chase said he had a great time except when he fell. He said the synthetic ice was really hard. Nanaw came over to visit Chase on Sunday afternoon when he was done ice skating. He was playing with his light-up toy on the living room floor, and Nanaw watched him for awhile. She asked if he wanted to play Go Fish or War but he didn't. They went in the kitchen and played with his little hockey rink on the kitchen table. Then they played on Chase's bed with his stuffed animals. Then they went into Mama's office and Chase showed Nanaw some of his hockey video games. Mama, Daddy and Chase are off tomorrow because of Presidents' Day.
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Nanaw went to visit Chase Saturday afternoon after Uncle Mike and cousin Joe left her house. They came over to put the outdoor Christmas decorations up in the attic, and to haul away things in Nanaw’s back yard (an old swing, an old BBQ pit, etc.) Nanaw asked Mama how Chase’s baseball practice went in the morning, and Mama said not well. Evidently Chase didn’t always do what the coaches said. Chase told Nanaw that sometimes he did. In the afternoon, before Nanaw came to visit, Mama,Daddy and Chase went up to church to have their pictures taken for the church directory. Mama bought a CD for $200 with lots of photos on it. The CD won't come until April. Chase and Nanaw played a game of volleyball that Chase made up. They played on the kitchen table. Chase’s penguin key chains were the players. After volleyball, Mama, Chase and Nanaw played Uno. Chase won two games and Mama won one. Nanaw didn’t win any.
Friday, February 18, 2022
Friday, February 18, 2022
Chase brought his bag of guys on Friday morning, and that made Nanaw happy. He played on his recorders and on the piano -- it was quite the performance at 7:15 in the morning. Mama gave Nanaw Chase's grades on his four tests on Friday: math was 17 out of 20; reading/vocabulary was 29 out of 30; religion was 18 out of 20 with 2 for extra credit; and social studies was 19 out of 20. So he did very well on his tests. When Chase got to Nanaw's house, he did some more playing on the various recorders that he keeps at Nanaw's house. At one point, Nanaw turned to look at him and discovered he was playing the recorder with his nose. LOL! Of course, Nanaw took a picture of that. After his recorder performance, Chase and Nanaw played hockey in the hallway. Nanaw won the first game, and Chase won the second. Chase was going to play hockey with Daddy when he got home. Nanaw told Mama and Daddy about Chase playing the recorder with his nose, and they were totally grossed out. Mama went to the foot doctor this afternoon and had two of her toenails removed. She showed Chase and Nanaw the black bandages on her toes.
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Chase was disappointed on Thursday morning that school wasn't called off because of bad weather. He was so upset that he didn't bring any of the guys. He told Mama that they were all sleeping. The past few days, he's been playing his recorders and the piano. He does well -- I think he likes music. When Nanaw picked Chase up, there was freezing rain but the roads weren't bad. At Nanaw's house, they did lots of studying for his four tests tomorrow. He studied his reading questions and vocabulary, his fractions for the math test, and the subject of colonization in the Americas for social studies. He'll study religion with Daddy tonight. Nanaw is going to send his reading and vocabulary questions home with him so Mama can quiz him again. He did some playing of the recorder and the piano after he was done studying. He word his Affton hockey jersey to school today, and one of his friends who plays hockey at Affton said he liked the shirt. Chase said he thought maybe they would become closer friends if they both play hockey at Affton.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Daddy had the day off work on Wednesday so he took Chase to school. Today was student's choice of what to wear to school, and Chase chose his Sidney Crosby Pittsburgh Penguins jersey. Daddy picked Chase up from school at 2:30 to take him to the doctor for his annual checkup. The doctor visit went well, and Chase is doing great. He got a tetanus shot. He weighs 86 pounds and is 56.5 inches tall. Daddy dropped Chase off at Nanaw's after the doctor's appointment. Nanaw delivered the bad news to Chase that Curious George isn't on till next Tuesday -- PBS Kids is doing an Arthur Marathon. Nanaw tested Chase on his spelling words; he did well except for stumbling on daily and prairie -- he had trouble with the ai. The spelling test is on Thursday. Nanaw also tested Chase on the questions for reading from The Life and Times of the Ant and on the reading vocabulary, and he did great. He has four tests on Friday: reading, religion, math and social studies so there will be a lot of studying tomorrow night. The weather forecast says there might be icy, snowy weather tomorrow so the students were sent home with two packets of work in case school is called off.
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Nanaw made sure Chase ate a healthy breakfast Tuesday morning. He had stopped eating milk on his cereal and then didn't eat much of the cereal. So Nanaw decided to have him go back to the breakfast he used to eat: a cheese stick and a squeezable yogurt and chocolate milk. So that's what he had this morning, along with his vitamins. Nanaw feels better about sending him off to school with a good breakfast. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he showed her a meme on her phone -- where you take the word empty, erase the e and it still says mpty. Then you erase the y and it still says mpt. Very funny. At Nanaw's house, Chase played with Nanaw's phone while he watched Curious George and Nanaw worked on finding questions for his reading and vocabulary test on Friday. He had baseball practice so Mama picked him up at 4:15 to take him to practice. In the evening, Mama called Nanaw because Tee Tee was missing. Nanaw found him under Pawpaw's bed and set him up on the bed with his friends for a sleepover and sent a picture of him to Mama (the last picture below).