Friday, April 29, 2022

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Chase had quite the busy day on Saturday. Nanaw came to visit in the morning while Mama went to the grocery store. When Nana got there, Chase was downstairs playing the Mario baseball video game on the big TV. Nanaw watched him play, and he made an avatar for Nanaw with blond hair, green eyes, wearing a purple shirt, which is Nanaw's favorite color. At 9:45, Chase had to get dressed for his first adventure of the day. He was going to a hockey training event off Manchester road in Kirkwood.  Daddy watched a video about the event and he said it involved a huge treadmill-looking thing that had some kind of artificial ice that the players skated on. When he got home from the hockey event, he was supposed to work on his Star Pupil poster with Mama. Then in the evening, he went to Hunter's birthday party at a game place in Imperial, Missouri. Mama sent cool pictures from the birthday party. Chase's present to Hunter was Pokemon cards. He also gave him a Star Wars Tie Fighter Lego set. Hunter has one but was excited to have another one so he can do battles. Mama said Chase had a wonderful time playing the games, and, and he wants to go back, and he said Nanaw should go, too. At the party were Mason, Emma, Brady Connor Knox, Cole, Owen, and Shawn.

Friday, April 29, 202

Chase and Nanaw talked about their Walmart shopping trip on Friday morning. Nanaw asked which Walmart he wanted to go to, and Chase said the one they usually do. So Nanaw decided that was Telegraph Road Walmart. Chase's only test on Friday was in Religion. Mama and Nanaw are confused about what his score was. Option C says his score is 15 out 10 for 150%. Gmail says his score is 15 out of 15 -- either way it's a great score. Chase did his AR reading on the way to Walmart even though he didn't have to do it today. At Walmart, they got a piece of poster board so Chase and Mama can make the Star Pupil display for Chase with photos and the document he fills out about himself. Chase took charge of the shopping for him. He picked out a red Big Chunga baseball bat and ball; another baseball launcher like the rocket one he has; a tee ball thing for hitting balls; several Hot Wheels; some Amung Us figures; and several selections of candy. When they got to Nanaw's house, they put the things together, then played outside.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Thursday, April 28, 2022

On Thursday morning, Nanaw and Chase worked on making sure that the game Minecraft works on the laptop. Microsoft bought Minecraft and changed things so that you log in to Minecraft with a Microsoft account. Nanaw thinks they got it to work correctly. After school, Chase said he didn't have any homework. He has a Religion test tomorrow, and he'll study with Daddy tonight. He also has an essay about Pope Francis due tomorrow. Nanaw asked him if he was done, and he said almost. Nanaw wanted him to work on it at her house but Chase insisted that he was going to do it at school tomorrow. He said they have an hour tomorrow to work on it, and the rubric (Nanaw loves that word and that concept) is at school. So we'll see how that goes. Mama wasn't at home when Nanaw dropped Chase off. The father of one of her friends passed away so Mama went to the visitation. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

On Wednesday morning, Chase wanted to get to school a little early to study his science worksheet for the science test. Chase did okay on the test — 15 out of 18. Nanaw looked up the science test to see what Chase missed. It turns out the two questions (three points total) he missed weren’t on the science study sheet. Neither Nanaw nor Mama studied much in the textbook, which is where the answers to the two questions were. After school, Chase did his AR reading. He has a new book: What Is Alcatraz? He finished the What Is the Hindenburg? And got 10 out of 10 questions right. For awhile, Chase and Nanaw looked at cat memes on Chase’s Chromebook. Chase and Nanaw did the day’s Wordle and had great fun doing it. Chase had baseball practice at 6:15 so Nanaw had to have him home on time.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Chase felt lots better when he got to Nanaw’s house on Tuesday morning and that made Mama and Nanaw very happy. Chase got a score of 20 out of 21 on his reading test, which was amazing considering that he was sick. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told Nanaw he forgot his science book. So Nanaw said he had to go back in and get it. At first, he protested but then said Nanaw had to go back in with him. So they both went in, and Nanaw waited in the foyer. Chase went to his classroom room and got his book. On their way out, they saw Chase’s teacher, and she said, “Chase, did you keep your grandma waiting?” When they got back to Nanaw’s house, they discovered that Chase forgot his science study worksheet. So Mama had her mom gods text it to her. Nanaw printed it, and she and Chase studied it. Mama picked Chase up early, at about four, for his ortho appointment. The first picture below is Sidney in the cat condo -- Nanaw was shocked to see him curled up inside the condo. She thought none of the cats ever used the condo. Pictures two and three are of Chase doing his AR reading and not smiling for Nanaw. LOL

Monday, April 25, 2022

Monday, April 25, 2022

When Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house on Monday morning, she told Nanaw Chase said he wasn't feeling well and wasn't sure he could go to school. He said his stomach felt funny, he had a headache and his nose was stuffed up. Mama encouraged him to at least try to go to school but he said he'd better not. Mama called the school secretary to tell her Chase wouldn't be at school. Then she emailed Chase's teacher to ask her to put together Chase's work for the day, especially the materials for tomorrow's reading test so that Mama could pick up the work. Mama brought the materials over to Chase at Nanaw's house, plus soup and crackers for Chase's lunch, and after breakfast, Chase started working on his homework. The first picture is Chase having Chicken and Stars soup and saltines for lunch. Chase worked on his religion assignment and his social studies assignment. Then he started on the book report he had to write on the novel The Best School Year Ever. The teacher had given the students what she called a rubic -- an outline of how to write the book report. It was really cool, and Nanaw liked the idea. The rubic also detailed how many points each section of the book report was worth. Chase decided to take a nap, and he slept for two hours. Nanaw took the second picture below of him sleeping -- very cute and he covered himself up with the blanket. After his nap, he finished the book report, and then he and Nanaw started studying for the reading test. There were 36 questions to go over; Chase knew the answers to almost all of the questions. In the evening, Chase and Mama went over the questions Chase had missed, and he gave Mama the correct answers. Nanaw was impressed that he had remembered which questions he missed. The third picture is of Chase in his bed right after Nanaw took him home. He never lies in his bed so that meant he really didn’t feel well. In addition to studying the reading questions with Mama, Chase also did the science worksheet in preparation for Wednesday's science test.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Chase and Daddy went to church on Sunday morning. Later in the day, they went bike riding in the neighborhood. Mama walked along with them part of the way. Then they all played hockey in the garage. Chase had baseball practice from 5 p.m. to 6:15. Mama had invited Nanaw over for pot roast (Nanaw's favorite!) Dinner was delicious. After dinner, Mama, Chase and Nanaw played a couple of games of Uno Flip. Nanaw won the first game, and Chase won the second game. Daddy asked if anyone needed ice cream, and everybody said yes, so he went to Dairy Queen to get ice cream. When Nanaw heard about the hockey game in the garage, she asked Chase to sometime bring his street hockey sticks over to her house so they could play in her driveway.  Chase has three tests this week: a Reading/English test on Tuesday; a Science test on Wednesday; and a Religion test on Friday.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house Saturday morning while she went to the grocery store. Nanaw had all the kinetic sand set up on the kitchen counter when Chase got there. Chase and Nanaw played with the kinetic sand for a long time and had lots of fun. Then Chase wanted to create a computer game on Roblox Studio. He asked if he could use Nanaw's new computer, and Nanaw said yes, of course. Nanaw sat with him  while he was working on the game. He was trying to make a creepy, spooky game and he succeeded. He had lots of fire and shooting flames and creepy, eerie music. He was very happy with his achievement. After Roblox Studio, Chase and Nanaw did Wordle. Chase takes great delight in guessing the words and is so proud of himself when he gets the word right. Yesterday Daddy bought a bike at the next door neighbor's garage sale, and he and Chase went bike riding together today. Mama texted Nanaw and Uncle Mike that Chase had a penalty shot in his hockey game tonight but missed it. She said she and Daddy were getting advice from hockey dads about skating, practice, etc.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Friday, April 22, 2022

Chase had a majorly excellent day on Friday as far as his grades are concerned. He had two tests -- Math and Religion. He scored 20 out of 20 on Math and 22 out of 20 for Religion (with extra credit). So Nanaw owes him $10 -- $5 for each perfect score on a test. He also got his grade on his Heritage project -- he got 102 out of 100 (extra credit again). Mama, Daddy and Nanaw were so proud of him for all his good grades. After school, he was happy that he didn't have any homework, didn't have to do AR reading and didn't have to study for any tests. He also was happy that next week, like this week, he only has two tests. Chase had hockey practice Friday night, and Mama said practice went well and Chase had a good time. Nanaw is happy that he likes hockey so much. He has a game Saturday night at All American. Maybe one of these days Nanaw will go to a game there -- Mama says there are 20 steps to climb, and she didn't want to make Nanaw climb the steps. Mama brought home McDonald's for dinner before they went to Chase's hockey practice.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Nanaw showed Chase and Clayton the coyote pictures from the Aspenhof email group. People said they looked well-fed and not skinny. Chase said Clayton was sort of afraid of the pictures. When Nanaw picked Chase up after school on Thursday, he said he had a plan for what they would do when they got to Nanaw's house. First he would do his 15 minutes of AR reading. Then they would study for his Math test tomorrow. The test is over Chapter 13 and covers area and perimeter. Chase said he brought home his Math book and his Math study review worksheet. He also has a Religion test tomorrow. The Religion test will be over Family Life: Unit 3 God’s Gift of Life. Tonight Daddy will help Chase study for his Religion test tomorrow. Mama will do another review of material for the Math test. Chase said after he and Nanaw were done studying and he was done with his AR reading, they would go outside and play baseball. Chase said they could be on the same team, and Nanaw said maybe Chase could teach her to throw overhand so she doesn't throw like a girl. Chase said they played Sharks and Minnows at first recess and soccer at second recess. He said he got a goal in the soccer game but they still lost. He had computer class today (his 2nd favorite class) and they did Roblox studio. When Chase and Nanaw played baseball outside, Chase hit one of Nanaw's pitches with the Big Chunga bat and hit Nanaw in the nose. Nanaw got a bloody nose. Chase felt really badly about it but Nanaw said it was an accident, and he shouldn't feel bad. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Mama reminded Nanaw that a month from today is Chase's last day of school. Nanaw said Yay! For summer vacation. Nanaw took Taylor to the vet for a test, and when Nanaw got home, she got very sick. So she called Mama and asked her to pick Chase up from school and keep him at his house so that's what they did. On their way home from school, they stopped at Nanaw's house to pick up the clothes bag and the bag of guys. Nanaw started feeling better about five o'clock so she called Mama to ask her to take a picture for Days of Chase and to talk to Chase to find out about his day. Chase told Nanaw that he had two outdoor recesses; at one recess he played Sharks and Minnows; at the second recess he played soccer and GaGa ball. He said his Heritage project presentation went well, and he wasn't scared or nervous to give the presentation. Nanaw said he might be a public speaker. He said he was teamed up with Lizzie on the science assignment, and they did well. He also had math homework. He was doing AR reading; he was doing 30 minutes today because he didn't do any AR reading yesterday. It was fun talking to Chase on the phone. Nanaw missed doing Wordle with Chase but they can do it tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

So on Tuesday, it was back to school for Chase, after his six-day Easter break. The biggest thing he had to do on Tuesday morning was to remember to take his Heritage project to school and turn it in -- it was due today. So Chase gets out of Nanaw's car without taking the Heritage project, and Nanaw had to remind him to take it and how important it was. After school, everybody was asking the kids about the purple religion book they were supposed to turn in. All of them said they turned it in, including Chase. Then Chase wanted to go to the park with Brady and Cole but Brady and Cole changed their minds and decided to go to Cole's house. Brady came to invite Chase to Cole's house, and Cole's mom said it was okay. Nanaw had a bit of trouble finding Cole's house and finally had to look up the address on her phone. Chase has homework so Nanaw said she would pick him up at 4:15. It looks like he has AR reading, math, English and reading homework. Nanaw also wants him to practice his Heritage project presentation. He got his English homework done and read over his presentation. Then he and Nanaw did today's Wordle and a couple of Wordle archive words. 

Monday, April 18, 2022

Monday, April 18, 2022

Chase had the day off from school on Monday for his Easter break. He ate his bunny donut from Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky for breakfast. Nanaw had an appointment at 11 a.m. for a bone density at St. Clare so she took Chase home at 10 and then picked him up at noon. They went to the Dollar Tree by Walmart and got some frozen orangeade and jelly beans. Next, they went to the Columbia Dollar Tree and got a football game, a basketball game and a deck of tiny Uno cards for Nanaw's house. Back at Nanaw's house, they went downstairs. Chase played with the guys in the playpen, and Nanaw walked on the treadmill. Then they went upstairs to work on Chase's Heritage project. He had to number the pages and read through his presentation. Then Nanaw and Chase went through his Travel Log, (which is worth 50 points on the project). Nanaw had him capitalize Germany, add the countries and the seas that he missed that border Germany, plus a lot of other corrections. Chase was not happy about making the changes but did it. Tomorrow afternoon, Nanaw will have him practice his presentation a couple of times. The last picture is of Pepper the stuffed peppermint stick, who is having a sleepover with Nanaw because he got left behind.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Happy Easter, Sunday, April 17, 2022

Chase and Daddy went to church on Easter Sunday morning. Then Chase had an Easter egg hunt in his back yard, courtesy of Mama Easter Bunny. Then Mama, Daddy, and Chase cane over to Nanaw's house for Easter dinner. Mama brought party potatoes, chocolate pudding pie, and cheesecake. Aunt Becky brought beautiful  flowers from their front yard for Nanaw, plus cookies and brownies. She also brought two glazed donuts decorated like bunnies for Chase that came from Hometown Donuts, one of Chase's favorite places. Nanaw had an Easter egg hunt for Chase in the living room and dining room with plastic eggs filled with candy. Nanaw gave Chase a big Easter basket with all kinds of guns and slingshots and shooting things, plus candy. She also gave him a basket with a soccer ball and candy, and a card with no money (she'll never do that again after she saw the disappointed look on his face). Nanaw gave Mama five Easter cards (one from her, one from Sam, one from Sylvester, one from Tyler, and one from Chase). This was because Mama didn't get any Valentines and Nanaw felt really badly about that. They had ham for dinner. After dinner, Mama, Chase, Irina, Lindsey and Nanaw played Uno, which was great fun. Dessert was best of all!

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Nanaw came over to visit Chase a little after 11 on Saturday morning. She brought along the documents for the inside of the Heritage cereal box. She was going to have Chase number the pages to match the index. But as he started to do it, he said they had something wrong. He said the facts and phrases pages had to be stapled to the Heritage Research page. Nanaw said she would take care of it because the pages he wanted stapled were at home. She thought she might have to redo the index but all she had to do was to staple pages 3-6 tp 1-2. At 12:30, Mama, Daddy, and Chase went to Aunt Becca's for Daddy's family Easter dinner. Grandma Pat was there, celebrating her birthday. They had to leave early because Chase had a hockey game at 4:30. His team lost 13 to 8 but Chase was very excited that he got an assist; Nanaw told him she was very proud of him and that at least his team had won their first game 8 to 6. The last picture is of Clayton the Coyote at the Little House; Clayton had a sleepover with Nanaw. 

Friday, April 15, 2022

Good Friday, April 15, 2022

Mama and Daddy both had the day off on Good Friday. In the morning, Chase and Daddy went to Dick's to get a mouth guard for Chase when he plays hockey. He also got a street hockey stick and a hockey ball. Nanaw came over around noon after picking up her taxes and going to the post office to mail them. The project for the day was to work on Chase's Heritage project. Daddy helped with the Family Tree. Chase's job was to fill out the Family Tree form. Mama covered the cereal box with construction paper. Nanaw organized the photos and documents. They all worked very hard. When they had finished as much as they could do, Chase and Nanaw went out to the garage to test out Chase's street hockey stick. Nanaw had grand fun; she may have to get a street hockey stick for herself. Nanaw took home the papers and small pictures so she could mount them on card stock for the documents that go inside the cereal box. Chase had hockey practice in the evening, and Mama, Daddy and Chase stayed there and ate at Nubby's. Daddy had grilled cheese; Mama had his tater tots; and Chase had a pretzel.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Mama had the day off on Thursday, and she brought Chase over to Nanaw’s house at 9:30. She had a doctor’s appointment. Chase and Nanaw did Wordle, played with the Freddy figures and watched Teaching in Room 9. Then they went downstairs — Chase played with the guys in the playpen while Nanaw walked on the treadmill. Mama came back from her appointment and came downstairs. She went through some of the boxes she brought from work. Then Mama went to McDonald’s to get lunch for her and Chase. After lunch, they watched Chase’s favorite Teaching in Room 9 teacher, Mrs. Forth. She read a horrible version of Littke Red Riding Hood where the wolf eats the grandma and Red kills the wolf with an axe, then makes a fur coat out of his fur. Mama and Chase left at 1:40 to go to Chase’s 2 p.m. dentist appointment. He had four baby teeth pulled so that his permanent teeth could come in straight. Mama said he was terrified of the shot, shaking and crying. Teresa suggested the use nitrous gas and that worked and the teeth got pulled. Chase, Mama and Daddy were having Dairy Queen for dinner because the dentist said Chase should have ice cream. Mama sent the last picture of Chase with the teeth missing. He wanted her to call the picture "The Hockey Player."

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Chase wanted to play baseball in the morning when he got to Nanaw's house. So Nanaw had him get dressed to go outside before the rain started. He wanted to take his guys outside so Nanaw put them in his wagon so they could watch him play baseball. He played for awhile but then it started to rain so he and the guys came inside. Nanaw found Chase's St. Patrick's Day mask in her car, and Mama was very happy about that. After playing baseball, Chase played in the dining room with his Freddy figures. Then, on his own, he decided to do his reading homework. He asked Nanaw to get it out of his backpack, and she did and brought him pencils. (Nanaw waits on him too much, maybe, but she enjoys doing it.) He finished his homework, then decided to play in his room. He watched Teaching in Room 9 on PBS and was excited to see his favorite Channel 9 teacher Mrs. Forth. Nanaw thinks she might be on again tomorrow so they'll have to watch Channel 9 at 12:30 p.m. Chase and Nanaw went downstairs while Nanaw walked on the treadmill, and Chase played with the guys and watched TV. Nanaw wanted Chase to go with her and Uncle Mike on Wednesday night to see his cousin Lindsey graduate from the St. Charles County Fire Academy but Chase didn't want to go. It was a wonderful ceremony -- they had bagpipe players and a really cool photo presentation. Nanaw is very proud of cousin Lindsey.