Chase had a major event at church this Sunday morning: For the first time, he served during the mass. He had server training a couple of months ago but this was his first time actually serving. Mama went to Mass with Daddy and Chase so she could see her boy serving. Chase served with his classmate Alaina and her brother Noah, Daddy and Mama said he did very well. He had hockey practice in the afternoon, and he finally got his Ivan packet done -- it's due tomorrow. Nanaw came over at five to participate in Chase's first trial of his science fair experiment. Mama, Daddy. Chase and Nanaw all went downstairs to set things up. They put the houses on a card table and blew at them with a hair dryer, a fan and a leaf blower. Chase said it was really fun, and Nanaw agreed. As Chase expected, the Lego house performed best of all. They have to do the experiment again, probably next weekend. For dinner, Mama had make-it-yourself pizza. Nanaw had hers in a casserole, crustless. After dinner, Mama and Nanaw sat at the kitchen table with Chase while he wrote out his report on today's experiment. He did a good job writing the report.
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Saturday, April 29, 2023
Chase had a busy day on Saturday. First, at 9:30 he went to Sky Zone with a group of his friends for Hunter's birthday party. A bunch of them rode with Hunter's Dad to Sky Zone. Mama came separately. They reserved a dodgeball court and played dodgeball for a long time. Chase said they really had fun. Mama took some pictures and sent them to Nanaw. After Sky Zone, they all went to Fazoli's for lunch. Nanaw forgot to ask Chase what he had for lunch; she hopes he had fettuccini Alfredo because that's her favorite. After Fazoli's, the boys went to the park to play. At 3 p.m., Nanaw picked Chase up at his house and took him back to her house. First, they made the paper house. Chase did really well with it. Next, they made the cardboard house. That one was harder because the cardboard is hard to fold and cut. Chase did a wonderful job on the Lego house and the Lincoln Log house. Unfortunately, the Lincoln Log house fell apart when they moved it to take it to Chase's house so he'll re-make it tomorrow. Chase had a great time practicing with the hair dryer and leaf blower. Nanaw tried the fan. They had fun blowing the paper and cardboard houses off the table. Nanaw asked Mama and Daddy to make sure that Chase worked on his Ivan packet tonight or else he might not get it done.
Friday, April 28, 2023
Friday, April 28, 2023
Chase had a major adventure on Friday. Both fifth-grade classes had a field day and spent the whole day at the Monroe County Conservation Center. Other fifth-grade classes from around the area were there also. Chase said it was a lot of fun and a lot of science. He said there were many stations set up around the center, and the students went from station to station, learning about conservation. Chase thought it was great that they didn't have any schoolwork the whole day. At Nanaw's house, Chase worked on his Ivan packet that's due on Monday. He has a huge amount of work to do on it. He thinks that maybe the teacher mentioned doing the packet and what the deadline is during the week that he was out. Tomorrow, Nanaw is going to pick Chase up at 3 p.m. so they can work on making or building the houses for the science fair project. Then on Sunday, they'll do the testing over at Chase's house. The third picture below is the cute bugaboo in 2013.
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Thursday, April 27, 2023
When Nanaw picked Chase up from school on Thursday afternoon, they went through the list of homework Chase was supposed to bring home, and he had everything. Nanaw's car candy for Chase today was a Dum Dum she got at the doctor's office. Chase worked on his Ivan vocabulary and questions at Nanaw's house and was going to do more of it at his house. The Ivan packet is due Monday, and he has lots more to do in it. Mama said they did part of it tonight, and she wants him to do more with Nanaw tomorrow afternoon at Nanaw's house. Chase and Nanaw also went through things for his science fair project. They talked about what they need to do when. They're going to make the paper house and the cardboard house Saturday afternoon at Nanaw's house. On Sunday, they're going to work with Mama on setting things up for the experiment. They have to do the preliminary experiment on May 3.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Chase wasn't his usual cheerful self with Nanaw when he came to Nanaw's house Wednesday morning. But when she picked him up from school Wednesday afternoon at 2 p.m. for early dismissal, he was in a much better mood. Nanaw checked with him to make sure he had brought home everything he needed to bring home, and he had. He also brought home his math homework. He said it was a fun assignment. They had to add and subtract fractions. Then they used the answers to the problems to color a car, work through a maze, and complete a coded text message. Chase liked doing it; he said it was similar to the heart assignment with decimals that they did on Valentine's Day. After the math was done, Chase and Nanaw worked on notes for his weekly writing assignment due tomorrow. He picked the topic of what kind of store would you open if you had a large sum of money. Chase, of course, chose a hockey store. Chase and Nanaw made a list of the products and services he would have in his store, plus a name for the store, and the location of the store. Mama is going to work with him on writing his three paragraphs tonight. Chase had his appointment at 4:30 today, followed by baseball practice. His lost their baseball game last night, 11 to 10 but Chase got a double, a single and two walks, so he did an excellent job getting on base.
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
When Nanaw picked Chase up from school on Tuesday, he said he didn’t have any homework. Unfortunately, Nanaw didn’t ask him if he brought his science fair journal, which he’s supposed to bring home every day. From now on, Nanaw will ask him if he has his science fair journal when she picks him up. He also didn’t bring his homework home to be checked. Mama and Nanaw told him he must do that. Nanaw brought a couple of pieces of candy for when she picked him up — she calls it car candy, and he likes the idea of her bringing it for him. Nanaw asked Chase about doing his ten minutes of AR reading but he said he would do it at home after his baseball game. When Nanaw told Mama about this, she said he wouldn’t have time. But Daddy said he could do it on the trip to the baseball game.
Monday, April 24, 2023
Monday, April 24, 2023
Chase finally went back to school on Monday morning, after missing five days last week. Mama took him because Nanaw thought he'd try to tell Nanaw he didn't want to go, and Mama wouldn't have let him get away with that. She said he was cheerful and in a good mood and even let her put mousse in his hair, after she put a mouse toy on top of his head and made him laugh. When Nanaw picked him up from school on Monday afternoon, he said he had done all his homework and was looking forward to playing on his cherished computer. LOL He was without his devices this weekend because of not going to school on Friday. The first thing he did when he got in the car was to grab the phone and start playing games. Fortunately, he brought home his Ivan binder so Nanaw could check her answers with his answers. Mama was having dinner with her work team tonight. Chase had baseball practice tonight so Daddy came to pick him up at five and brought his baseball clothes so he could change into them.
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Chase and Daddy went to church on Sunday morning. After church, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Dick’s to look for shoes for Chase. After Dick’s, they went to Buffalo Wild Wings for lunch. Chase had an appetizer of cheese curds and a hamburger with cheese curds on it. In the afternoon, Chase did the last of his homework with Mama and Daddy. He did his religion worksheet and a math worksheet with Daddy With Mama, he worked with his science fair notebook, putting in his variables, materials needed, research plans, and hypothesis. In the evening, Mama was going to go over the science fair materials again for some quizzes he has to take. Nanaw came over for a delicious dinner of roast beef and Mama’s yummy rice. Unfortunately, Chase threw up again and couldn’t eat dinner.
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Saturday, April 22, 2023
Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw ‘s house on Saturday morning while she went grocery shopping. Chase seemed to be doing well, not throwing up. He played with the Playmobil, and Nanaw sat with him to watch him play. Mama and Daddy came at 11 to pick Chase up for his hockey game. This was his first sports activity since before he got sick last Friday. Chase invited Nanaw to his hockey game, and she was sad when she told him she was going to the little house. Mama said Chase’s team lost the hockey game but he had a good time. He was happy that two of the boys on his new team had been in his old team. For dinner, they all had leftover Chinese food from Friday night.
Friday, April 21, 2023
Friday, April 21, 2023
Mama tried to get Chase to go to school Friday morning but Chase wasn’t having it. Eventually, Mama and Daddy said Chase could stay home from school but he couldn’t have his tablet, phone Xbox or computer till he went back to school. He brought his Playmobil with him when he and Nanaw went back to Nanaw’s house. Later in the morning Chase and Nanaw went to get Chase’s homework out of the black box. Once again, Chase had a huge amount of work. They got most of it done but Nanaw fixed some of it up for Mama and Daddy as homework. Daddy has to work with Chase on a worksheet from the religion book Family Life. Mama has to go through the science fair book to make sure Chase does all he’s supposed to. Everybody was supposed to go to family bingo at Aunt Becky’s school Friday night but couldn't because of Chase being sick. Mama sent the second picture below to Nanaw in the evening. She said Chase was chilling on the loveseat and wanted a blanket so Mama covered him with his dog blanket.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Once again, Chase was home from school on Thursday. He threw up right before school so that was it for going to school. In the morning, Mama took Chase to the doctor. The doctor said it was just a bug that was going around. Mama told her that Chase often threw up just once, and the doctor suggested an anti-nausea prescription, Pepcid AC and probiotics so Mama is going to try all of that. On their way home from the doctor, Mama and Chase went to Chase's school to pick up his schoolwork for the day. One of the other teachers filled it out for Chase because Chase's teacher was out for the day. Chase thought she was sick and when he emailed her said he hoped she felt better. She emailed back that it was one of her kiddos, not her that was sick. There wasn't as much schoolwork today so Chase got done in less time. He and Nanaw went over the Ivan questions and that was fun. Chase had to rewrite two paragraphs of short, colorless sentences to make them into longer sentences with more interesting words. He did a good job at it, which sort of surprised Nanaw but she should have more faith in him. He threw up again in the afternoon so that probably means he can't go to school on Friday. He's such a sweetheart, and Nanaw hopes he's better soon.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Chase was home from school again on Wednesday. Mama thought he might be able to go to school but he threw up again in the morning. Then he thought he might be able to go in the afternoon but it turns out the school has a rule that you can’t return to the school until 24 hours have passed since the last time the student has thrown up. Nanaw took Chase’s science fair notebook up to Chase’s teacher at school so the teacher could see what his three potential projects were and that his parents had signed it. Later, Chase got an email from his science teacher that his first project had been approved. It was about what materials best survived severe winds. Nanaw went back later to pick up Chase’s religion book for a reading assignment. Chase had lots of schoolwork again: religion, math, English sentences, reading Ivan and Savvy, and making a list of the materials needed for his science fair project. He got everything done and then got permission from Mama to play on the computer. Earlier, she had told him she didn't want him to spend too much time on the computer but because he'd worked so hard on his schoolwork, she told him he could play on the computer.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Chase was home from school again on Tuesday with an upset stomach. He threw up right before it was time to go to school so Mama texted the school to let them know and also texted his teachers to ask them to put his homework in the black box. In order to get homework done before the black box work is ready, Chase worked on his weekly writing, which is due Thursday. He picked the topic of creating his dream PE class. He and Nanaw made notes about the topic, then Chase typed the notes into a Google Doc. Then he wrote a draft of the two paragraphs in a Google Doc for the assignment. Chase and Nanaw edited the draft, and then Chase hand-wrote it in cursive on lined paper. Here is his weekly writing:
"My dream PE class would be hockey because it is my favorite sport. I also would like teaching this in PE class. If I get to teach this, I would teach it in grade school. The types of hockey I would teach are roller and ball hockey. We would play ball hockey in the gym and roller hockey outside, although it could be played inside if you put a substance down that keeps the gym floor from getting scratched.
Ball hockey is a team sport and is an off-ice variant of ice hockey. Roller hockey is a team sport that is played on roller skates. When playing roller and ball hockey, if you want to, you can use regular sticks. If we played hockey I would buy pads for the goalies and players for safety. The goalies would get special equipment to stop the ball/ puck from going in the net. Finally, to play roller hockey, you would need a roller hockey ring or concrete that is safe to play on."
Mama brought some medicine for Chase's stomach, and she also picked up his homework for him. Once again, there's a lot of work for him to do -- picking three science fair topics to choose from, history about the Roman empire, complete sentences in English, a quiz in religion, and reading. The medicine is making Chase burp constantly but he says it's making his stomach feel better.
Monday, April 17, 2023
Monday, April 17, 2023
Chase stayed home from school on Monday because he still had an upset stomach and threw up a couple of times before school time. Mama texted his teacher to tell her about Chase and to ask her to put his homework in the black box outside the front door of school. Nanaw had a doctor's appointment in the morning so she took Chase to his house and then picked him up after her appointment. On the way back to Nanaw's house, they stopped at school to pick up his homework. Chase discovered that his math book wasn't there for the math homework so he asked Mama to text the teacher about it. Nanaw made another trip to school to pick up the math book. In addition to math, Chase had homework in history, reading, English and science. It was a lot of work. His science teacher said he could wait on the science fair packet till Tuesday because the first assignment wasn't due until Wednesday. The rules for the science fair are very strict and stringent. They have to bring their green science fair folder to class every day; if they don't, it takes away 50% of their grade for that day. Any time they're late with an assignment, it takes away 50% of their grade for that assignment. Chase got all of his homework done but threw up again so he couldn’t go to baseball practice.
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Chase was feeling better on Sunday. He and Daddy went to church in the morning. In the afternoon, Daddy, Mama and Chase watched the Cardinals baseball game. Daddy said Chase watched a lot of the baseball game — at least half. Fortunately, the Cardinals won in extra innings. In the tenth inning, the Cardinals tied the game with two runs, to defeat the Pirates 5 to 4 on Tommy Edman’s walk-off hit. Nanaw came over to visit Chase about 4:30. Chase had texted her earlier and asked her to bring the chess set with her. First, he played a game by himself. That game ended in a stalemate. Chase told Nanaw he played a game online on, and that game ended in a stalemate also. Next, Chase played chess hockey, like he did yesterday. Next, Chase and Nanaw went to his room to play tornadoes. Nanaw asked Chase about the science fair. Chase said he was thinking about a project. One of his ideas was to show how much damage a tornado could cause to Lincoln Log houses. Chase and Nanaw played tornadoes with the guys, then Nanaw went home. Nanaw learned two new tornado things: ef means Enhanced Fujita scale and PDS means particularly dangerous situations.
Friday, April 14, 2023
Saturday, April 15, 2023
On Saturday morning, Chase's baseball team was scheduled to have a tournament in Cottleville. But when they got there, it started to rain and eventually, the two games Chase was supposed to play were rained out. While they were waiting, Mama and Chase played War. Mama found a deck of cards in the glove box of Daddy's truck. Chase demolished Mama in the card games. That boy has both skills and luck. They learned that Sunday's tournament games were also rained out. In the afternoon, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Fenton for the end-of-the-season party for Chase's hockey team. The boys received all kinds of photos and mementos of the season. Mama said it was a great party, and everybody had fun. On their drive home from Fenton, there were tornado warnings. A huge storm hit Columbia with a lot of rain, thunder and lightning. The National Weather Service advised everyone to take shelter, in the basement if possible because of the tornado warnings. Mama, Daddy and Chase took Sam, Sylvester and Tyler downstairs. Nanaw went downstairs with her cats, Taylor, Charlie and Sidney Crosby the Cat. The tornadoes didn't hit Columbia. After the storm was over, Nanaw went over to visit Chase. Mama and Chase were still downstairs. Nanaw had brought along a little bag of Purina kitten treats, the ones her cats like, so she could give Tyler a treat. Mama would only let her give Tyler one treat; she says he's a fat cat. Later, after Nanaw had left, Mama let her know that Chase threw up again, but this time in a bucket, and no books were harmed.
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Friday, April 14, 2023
Chase didn't have any homework on Friday but he agreed to work on one of the Ivan question pages with Nanaw. He negotiated that they would do five questions, then Chase would play on the computer. At 4 o'clock, they would do the second five questions. A few minutes after they finished the second five questions, Chase came back to the dining room where Nanaw was sitting and said he had a surprise for her. Then he went back to his room to get something. He came out with his chess game and said, "Ta da!" He set up the chess board, and he and Nanaw played for a while. He was very helpful to Nanaw, who didn't remember much of what he'd taught her last year about chess. Nanaw suggested that working on Nanaw's chess skills would be one of their summer projects. Nanaw was amazed at how much Chase remembered about chess -- it's been over a year since he last played. He said he would do his AR reading on the way to Max's birthday party with Mama. Max is a friend from his hockey team. But he and Mama didn't get to go. As they started out, Chase was doing his AR reading but threw up all over the book and Mama's car. The book was ruined so Mama ordered another one from Amazon.
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Thursday, April 13, 2023
When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he tried to convince her that they should only do the Ivan questions twice a week instead of every day. Nanaw didn't say much about that, and eventually, Chase was okay with doing the Ivan questions every day. Mama sent Nanaw a text about Chase's score on the history test about ancient Greece: He got a 100! Yay! He also got a 100 on his adjectives test in English. He studied very hard for both tests so Nanaw is going to tell him that studying hard really pays off. Yesterday, Chase and Nanaw did a lot of studying for Friday's science test so we'll see if studying pays off on that test. Chase has been having his cookies and cream ice cream after school as a snack. He was happy that he didn't have baseball or hockey on Thursday night. He said he was going to chill, then said that he and Daddy might go to the big park and rollerblade. Mama was going out with Hunter's mom and Brady's mom for Mom's Night Out. The last three photos are Nanaw's cats; she sent pictures to a friend of hers who just got two new kitties.
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Chase’s class had a DARE graduation ceremony this morning in the gym at school, and Nanaw went to watch. She got to sit with Andrew’s grandma, Stella’s mom and grandma, and Evie’s mom. The Columbia police chief was there in addition to Officer Roach, the School Resource Officer. (The police chief’s wife teaches at ICS and was Chase’s teacher last year in fourth grade.) All the boys and girls received a certificate and a DARE tee shirt. After the ceremony, they went out to the playground and had Dilly bars. It was early dismissal at school and Chase wanted to go to the little park to play with Brady. When they got there, Cole was there too. Cole’s gotten so tall. They played basketball with Chase’s soccer ball for a while, then Chase decided he wanted to go home. He didn’t have any homework but he and Nanaw went over the first 10 questions of the Ivan book. Nanaw is teaching him to go back into the book to look up the answers instead of guessing at the answers or thinking he remembers the correct answer. Chase told Nanaw that other kids keep taking the Ivan book away from him instead of getting one of their own. So he said he wouldn’t let that happen anymore so that he can look up the answers.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Monday, April 10, 2023
Monday, April 10, 2023
Today was the last day of Chase's Easter break. Because he didn't feel well last night, he didn't take his regularly scheduled bath before bed. So Mama asked Nanaw if she could give him a bath on Monday morning. Chase likes taking baths in the big garden tub in Pawpaw's bathroom. Nanaw put lots of soap bubbles in the water and asked Chase if he wanted toys. He said, no, he wanted to play bath knee hockey. So Nanaw gave him his hockey stick, a ball and a big cup to use as a goal/net. He had a great time playing bath knee hockey. For snacks, he had a lot of Easter candy, plus some healthy stuff like cheese slices, string cheese, and cauliflower (which, amazingly enough, Chase really likes). For lunch, he had a sub sandwich Lunchable. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw watched the third Mighty Ducks movie, which features a hockey team. Chase only watches the on-the-ice hockey action. He said he's not interested in the other parts. Daddy told him he might be interested if he watched them. Chase has a baseball game tonight, and Mama and Daddy told Nanaw about the app she could install on her phone so she can watch the game livestreamed. Right now the game is tied 6 - 6, and Mama says Chase has one base hit.
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Sunday, April 9, 2023
Chase had a major Easter holiday today. First, he and Daddy went to church on Easter morning. Then Mama and Daddy gave him his Easter baskets, filled with candy, Hot Wheels and lots of other surprises. Next, they all went out in the back yard so Chase could have an Easter egg hunt. Nanaw came over to get Chase in the afternoon and take him back to her house for another Easter egg hunt. He had to find 10 Reese's Easter eggs and 10 colorful eggs filled with jelly beans and chocolate candy. For the first time, Nanaw was smart about the hunt and made a list of where the 20 things were hidden. Chase did really well in finding about 15 of the hidden candy. For the last five, Nanaw had to give him hints. But he eventually found everything. He also got a Roblox card. A little before four p.m., Chase and Nanaw went back to his house for the family Easter dinner there. Cousin Joe had a flat tire on the way from Columbia, Missouri to Columbia, Illinois (LOL), and Uncle Mike went to help him. Everybody else had a delicious dinner at five -- Mama, Daddy, Chase, Nanaw, Aunt Becky, Irina, Nyeal, cousin Lindsey (a special shout-out to cousin Lindsey who says she reads Days of Chase and reports on happenings to her colleague Colin -- sorry if that's not the way it's spelled), cousin Rob, and Claudia. Sometime after six, Uncle Mike, cousin Joe, Julia, Jeremy (who's 10) and Hudson arrived. Chase was so happy to have someone his age or so to play with; Jeremy and Chase played a couple of times on the trampoline and then played yard pong and soccer. Cousin Lindsey graciously let Nanaw test drive her Escape because Nanaw is going to buy a new one soon. Nanaw loved it. Unfortunately, Chase ate too much and played too hard and threw up at the end of the evening.
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Saturday, April 8, 2023
Saturday morning, Nanaw got up early in order to go to the bank and get $100 dollar bills for Rob's and Joe's birthday cards. She forgot Rob's birthday but remembered the day after and texted him. She's going to give both of the boys their birthday cards and birthday money on Sunday at Easter dinner at Chase's house. Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house at 9:30. Chase played on the computer while they watched the movie Wonder. This is another of the movies based on a book that Chase read in class; Chase's class also watched the movie. Chase says his favorite book and movie was Holes, which they watched first quarter. Nanaw thinks she'll get the book from the library and read it and check out the movie again from the library so she and Chase can watch it again this summer. In the afternoon, Chase, Mama and Daddy went over to Aunt Becca's house for Daddy's family's Easter celebration. Mama said Chase had a great time playing with his cousin Elias and having an Easter egg hunt in Aunt Becca's backyard.
Friday, April 7, 2023
Friday, April 7, 2023
Daddy had the day off for Good Friday so he and Chase had some adventures in the morning. First, Chase had a special hockey practice. Then Daddy took him to Great Clips for a haircut. Next, they took their rollerblades to the big park and played rollerblade hockey. After lunch, Daddy brought Chase over to Nanaw’s house. Chase played on the computer for a little while, then they watched the second Easter Break movie, The Sign of the Beaver. This was one of the books Chase read in class and then the class watched the movie. Nanaw checked the book out of the library and read it also. It was interesting to see how different the movie was from the book. They added a lot of things about the boy’s family that weren’t in the book. In a way, the extra things made the movie more interesting than the book. After the movie, Chase did his AR reading. Then he asked Nanaw to text Mama to see if he could play with her crash dummies tonight. Mama says she would look for them so he could play with them.
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Thursday was the first day of Chase’s Easter break. He had a great time giving Nanaw all kinds of clarinet and piano concerts. First, he did the chromatic scale, playing all of the 12 notes he knows on the clarinet. He did that several times for Nanaw. Then he played the notes a couple of times in the opposite direction. Then he played several songs he made up on the keyboard piano. Nanaw told him she might have to buy a keyboard for him to keep at his house for his birthday or Christmas. He played the two songs from the Christmas concert he missed because he was sick on the clarinet — 12 o’clock and Santa’s Angry Elves. Then he played the two songs they’re going to play at the concert in May— Zap and Shine. It was all wonderful, and Nanaw was proud of Chase. In the afternoon, they watched one of their Easter break movies, Mighty Ducks 2. Chase only watched the hockey scenes, of course. Uncle Mike came over to cut the grass and after Nanaw took Chase home, he took down the turtle sandbox and took it home for his future grandchildren.
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Nanaw had to have a procedure at St. Clare today so Mama took Chase to school and then came to take Nanaw to her procedure. Unfortunately, a huge thunderstorm with hail hit while Mama was driving. Mama doesn’t like to drive in the rain but she did a perfect job. Mama picked Nanaw up at St. Clare at about 1:30. Nanaw asked her to be sure Chase brought his clarinet and Ivan binder home from school, and she said she would. Mama picked Chase up from school but didn't bring him over to Nanaw's house. Mama wanted Nanaw to take a nap, which Nanaw did. Mama and Aunt Becca went for pedicures after work and then to Washy's for dinner. All on his own, Chase sent the selfie below to Nanaw. Nanaw called him on his phone but he didn't answer. But Nanaw got to hear the voicemail message Mama set up for him. Tomorrow is the first day of Chase's Easter break, and Nanaw is really looking forward to it.