Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Nanaw took Mama to St. Clare for her successful procedure today, and Chase stayed home with Daddy, who was working at home. Nanaw brought Mama home at about 1 o'clock. Daddy had fixed Chase a ham sandwich and Doritos for lunch. Chase and Nanaw went back to Nanaw's house for the rest of the day. Chase played on the computer while Nanaw got materials ready for school in the afternoon. They didn't do their 20-minute walk today but they'll do it tomorrow. Chase did decimals, multiplication and division problems, and Nanaw did them too so she could check Chase's answers. He did an English worksheet on correlative conjunctions, which he knew nothing about. But he taught himself what they were by reading the instructions and then looking up the answers in the back of the workbook. He did state capitals, his journal writing (today's topic was what did he want to be when he grows up -- a hockey player, of course), practicing his writing of letters and numbers, the Bridge book sections, and the online Getting Ready for Sixth Grade. He seems to like the activities in there although sometimes he tries to skip past the ones he doesn't like. They also read the Ruby book. I wish I could have taken care of and played school with my five older grandchildren -- that would have been fun. Daddy came to pick Chase up for baseball practice at 4:30, and they went to pick up Chase's friend Cole who also plays on Chase's team.

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Mama told Nanaw that on Tuesday morning, Chase asked her if they could have grape slushees this evening. Mama loves that he's such a planner. Chase told Nanaw that he wanted to take their walk before breakfast. He also wanted to take the walk where they turn left, and he wouldn't let Nanaw take Sidney in the cat stroller. Nanaw thinks he's just like his Mama when it comes to not liking the cat stroller. Chase spent a lot of time this morning trying to download some kind of special baseball game app. It kept saying you had to download another app, and then another app. So Chase finally gave up on it. School went well today. As usual, Chase fussed about there being too much work, and he ended up having plenty of time and doing well. He did a good job on the decimals, the improper fractions, and the three-digit multiplication problems. He got everything correct on the English worksheets and even checked his own work He likes doing the online worksheets on a workbook called Getting Ready for Sixth Grade. There are zillions of worksheets online so there's a lot to choose from. Mama has a procedure tomorrow at St. Clare Hospital, and Nanaw is taking her there in the morning. Nanaw will wait there at St. Clare until Mama can go home. Mama says she and Chase are going to wait till tomorrow night for the grape slushees,

Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2023

Mama, Daddy and Chase had an adventurous Memorial Day. First, they went to La Fiesta for lunch. Mama had a chimichanga, Chase had a cheese quesadilla, and Daddy had something fishy. Then they went to the miniature golf place near home. Mama was the only one who got a hole-in-one, and Chase hit his ball into the lion's mouth. When they got home, Daddy turned the sprinkler on in the front yard, and Chase put on his swimming suit and played in the sprinkler. Daddy grilled ribs for himself and Nanaw and cheese hot dogs for Mama and Chase. After dinner, Mama, Chase and Nanaw played Math Bingo, and had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs doing so. For dessert, Chase had a piece of cookie cake Mama got at Schnuck's. Mama had a hot fudge sundae (pronounced sundah by Nanaw, to Mama's great frustration). Nanaw had strawberries and whipped cream, along with a piece of the Jell-O cake Mama made for Saturday night. Nanaw went to the cemetery yesterday instead of today to miss all the traffic. All in all, it was a good Memorial Day. 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sunday, May 28, 2023

On Sunday morning, Daddy and Chase went to church. Later, they went to the batting cage at the big park and practiced baseball. Daddy brought the TV outside again, and they watched the Cardinals' baseball game. Unfortunately, the Cards lost, and everybody was unhappy about that. Mama made Italian beef and her special rice for dinner, and she invited Nanaw for dinner. After dinner, everybody went outside. Daddy had a fire in the fire pit so yesterday's fire wasn't the last one of the year. Chase played on the trampoline, and Nanaw batted the ball to him. He spent a lot of time hitting sticks together, something he seems to like to do even though no one understands why he enjoys it. Mama asked Chase if he would like a hot fudge sundae but he asked if he could have a root beer float. Mama brought ice cream outside, and Chase got a bottle of root beer. He poured it into the ice cream and ate it, pouring more root beer in the glass as soon as there was room. Accidentally, the gate to the front yard was left open, and Sylvester went exploring on an adventure. Mama and Daddy ran to get him and brought him safely back to the backyard. Mama said Sylvester went out in the street and a car was coming. But the car slowed down so everything was all right. From 6:30 to 7:30, they watched America's Funniest Home Videos and laughed a lot. Then Chase got his tablet, and Nanaw went home. Today would have been Nanaw's mother's 114th birthday.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Saturday, May 27, 2023

On Saturday morning, Chase and Daddy practiced baseball. In the afternoon on Saturday, Chase had a hockey game. During the day, Mama was getting ready for a visit from Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky in the evening (and Nanaw too). Mama ordered food from Joe's Pizza on Main Street. Chase had a meat lovers' pizza and so did Mama and Daddy. Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky had a chef salad, pizza, and an appetizer. Nanaw had a really delicious Caesar salad.  Daddy brought the TV outside so they could watch the Cardinals' baseball game. It was on channel 2 and nobody likes their sports announcers so they muted the sound and had closed captions on the TV. The Cardinals won, and everybody was happy about that. They had yacht rock on the sound system so it was quite an unusual evening. For a while, Nanaw and Chase played with the Velcro ball toss. Then Chase and Daddy did it, with a lot harder tosses. There was a fire in the fire pit, and Uncle Mike called it the last fire of the year. At one point, Uncle Mike went over and sat by the fire. Later in the evening, Mama told Chase he could go get his tablet and play on it outside. The evening ended at about 9:30. 

Friday, May 26, 2023

Once again, Chase wanted to have breakfast before he and Nanaw went for their morning walk. When they went, they turned right again, then turned right at the end of Nanaw's street. To their great distress, a cute little kitty started following them. The kitty kept going out in the street, and they were afraid that it was going to get hit by a car. When they turned around and started back home, the kitty returned to its house, and they were grateful for that. Chase said he didn't want to come that way anymore because they would worry about the kitty following them and going out in the street. So Nanaw said they would take the left-turning walk. Maybe they would put Sidney in the cat stroller and take him on the walk with them. Nanaw finished going through Chase's school papers, and she was absolutely amazed at how many of them there were. The ICS students accomplish a huge amount of work. Nanaw had no idea how much, and she was very impressed. They had a wonderful time in school. Chase seems to like the online Getting Ready for Sixth Grade workbook, and they did several pages in it. He did more decimal problems, and still had trouble with them. They will continue to do decimal problems all summer. He does really well with the English and grammar worksheets. Nanaw has to figure out how to use the papers from this school year that she saved for him to do. They read the Ruby book for 30 minutes. Aunt Becca and Uncle Stan were coming over to visit on Friday evening.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Thursday, May 25, 2023

On Thursday morning, Chase wanted to have breakfast before they took their walk so that's what they did. This time, they turned right and walked the other way on Nanaw's street. Tomorrow morning, they're going to try a different route. Because Chase had to leave Nanaw's house at 2:45 for a dentist appointment, they started school earlier. The first thing they did was clean out the art drawer, and Chase was just ready to start coloring when his friend Will came to visit. It was 11:30, and Nanaw told the boys that Will could stay and play till 1 o'clock, and then Chase had to have lunch and school. That worked out well, with no protests from Chase. While Chase ate his lunch, Nanaw read to him from The One and Only Ruby, their first book of the summer. Ruby is a baby elephant in The One and Only Ivan, a book Chase read in the 4th quarter of this year. Their second book will be The One and Only Bob. Bob is a dog who was also in the Ivan book. Maybe Bob will be in the Ruby book, too. Chase did math and several sections in the bridge workbook. He did really well on the multiplication flashcards and on the first five state capitals. Nanaw is amazed that he still remembers the capitals. They also did a couple of decimal math problems from the test that Chase didn't do well on. There's going to be a lot of work on decimal math problems this summer. Chase was very excited about his new slushy cup, and he made a Kool-Aid slushy. In the evening, he made a white soda slushy and shared it with Mama. Today is Nanaw's dad's birthday; he was born in 1909 so he would have been 114.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Chase and Nanaw went for their first summer break walk on Wednesday morning. They walked for 20 minutes, and Nanaw took a picture of Chase standing by the bush they called Chase's bush. That's because when Nanaw would take baby Chase for walks in his stroller, he would reach out his hand and grab the bush. Chase told Mama and Nanaw that he was getting low on Robux, so Mama said if Chase paid half the cost, she would pay the other half. (Chase has lots of cash in his wallet in his room, and he never spends it.) Chase and Nanaw went to Dollar General and got $30.00 worth of Robux. Chase watched Curious George on PBS and then Teaching in Room 9 on channel 9. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw had their summer school. Chase did three pages in the bridge book Nanaw got from Amazon. He also did an English worksheet and half of a math worksheet that Nanaw printed out from online resources. He wrote in his journal, and his topic was: "What was your favorite thing about the past school year and why?" In the journal, he also practiced writing his numbers and printing letters. Unfortunately, Chase's writing is not too legible, and Nanaw doesn't know how the teachers can read it. So Chase is going to practice this summer to try to improve his writing. He was very excited about a present Mama bought from Amazon for him. It's a slushy cup, and he's going to bring it to Nanaw's tomorrow to make a slushy. In the evening, Chase had baseball practice.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Tuesday, May 23,2023

On Tuesday morning, the last half day of school, Chase took presents to his teachers. Mama had bought beautiful initialed tote bags for them. Chase said they really liked the bags. Chase took bags to school with him to clean out his locker. At noon, Chase emerged from school, then turned around to face the school and give it a salute. LOL Nanaw asked Chase if he was sad that the school year had ended, and he said no. When they left school, they went to McDonald's to get lunch. Everybody else in Columbia must have had the same idea because the lines were long and slow. But Chase and Nanaw were patient. After lunch, Nanaw left for a meeting at church, Mama went back to work (in her home office), and Chase played with his tablet. Nanaw came back to Chase's house after her meeting and watched Chase play baseball on his VR. Chase had a baseball game in the evening, and Mama sent Nanaw a text saying after Chase got a hit, he took a bow. LOL The last picture below is a message Chase's teacher gave him; she did one with start-of-school and end-of-school photos for all her students. Nanaw thinks this year's teacher is Chase's favorite or one of his two favorites. 

Monday, May 22, 2023

Monday, May 22, 2023

Yesterday was FunDay at Chase's school. Mama volunteered to help with the activities. For her first two hours, she worked with the younger children. Her second two hours were with the older students, including Chase and his friends Brady and Hunter. They had obstacle courses and lots of games. Chase said he had a really good time playing all the games and playing with his friends. The teachers and principal participated in the games, and the kids got a big kick out of that. Instead of food from the cafeteria, they had box lunches of sub sandwiches. As a special treat, they had ice cream from Dairy Queen. Mama did a post on Facebook of the photos she took (and sent to Nanaw). Chase said something that made Nanaw happy but feeling under pressure: He said it was going to be a fun summer. So Nanaw better get busy thinking of fun things to do. Surprisingly enough, Chase is looking forward to our summer school plans. He gave Nanaw a folder with two pockets. He said the first pocket is for work to do; the second pocket is for work to be checked. 

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Chase and Daddy went to church on Sunday morning. Later, Chase played VR and then played on his tablet. In the afternoon, Mama and Chase played Wiffle ball and softball. Then Mama made up a game with her new folding table. The table has two cup holders, and Mama made up this game where you tried to throw a ball into the cup holders. Mama said it was really hard to do, but both of them eventually got a ball in the cup holder. When Nanaw came to visit in the evening., she made many tries and finally got a ball in a cup holder and was very proud of herself. Before dinner, Chase was playing with sticks, banging them together. Dinner was chicken breasts, chicken wings and corn on the cob. Mama had bought a box of Dilly Bars at Dairy Queen and put them in the garage freezer. After dinner, Chase went to the garage freezer and brought the Dilly Bars to the kitchen freezer, ready to be eaten. Later, Daddy, Chase, Mama and Nanaw watched America's Funniest Videos and laughed really hard. For some reason, Nanaw decided that Chase's new last name was Northerland. Mama said his name should be Walk and the last name should be Northersea. Chase said this is his alias: Walk Northersea. Tomorrow evening, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw are going to Marie's for ice cream for Chase's last day of school. Yum! In the evening, Mama texted Nanaw that Lars had put on Larry's green bow, and now Lars wants a bow of his own. So Nanaw is going to find ribbon to make a bow for Lars.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Chase had hockey practice at 1 p.m. Saturday afternoon, and Nanaw came to visit after he got home. When Nanaw got there, Chase was downstairs playing VR. Unfortunately, Nanaw walked a little too close to Chase and got hit in the head by his VR glove, but not badly. Then Nanaw discovered she'd left her phone at home and wouldn't be able to watch Chase play VR baseball unless she went to get her phone, so she did. Daddy had told Chase he could only play VR from 4 to 5 so at 5 he stopped, and he and Nanaw went outside. Chase played on his trampoline for a while. Daddy went to Who Dat's to get dinner. They ate outside. Chase had nachos and cheese, Mama had a sub sandwich with roast beef and ham, Daddy had a Cuban sandwich, and Nanaw had her usual BBQ sundae. After dinner, Chase threw the baseball around the yard, then he and Daddy played wall ball. Nanaw a little after six to go grocery shopping.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Friday, May 19, 2023

Chase was very proud showing off his mismatched Crocs when he got to Nanaw's house on Friday morning; one red and one blue -- and Nanaw took a picture. He also combed his hair after Mama put on mousse so Nanaw took a picture of that. Nanaw checked Homework Central before picking Chase up from school, and there was no homework. Nanaw took Chase to his house rather than her house because he had an appointment at 4 o'clock. They played baseball with Chase's stuffed animals until it was time for him to leave. For dinner, Mama and Daddy went to Washy's. Chase wasn't too excited about going until Mama and Daddy said he could take his phone along, and then it was fine. Chase had pretzels and cheese bites, Mama had chicken strips and Daddy had a fish sandwich.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Mama took Chase to school on Thursday morning because Nanaw's car was at Dobb's. It turned out that nothing was wrong with the radio or clock, no fuse problem. The Dobb's guy said the radio was turned off and that's why it didn't work. LOL Nanaw felt so stupid. But she's going to look at the user manual to see about turning the radio off. Mama says the radio in her car is never off; when you push the button, it mutes the radio but doesn't turn it off. Chase got a big kick out of Nanaw's operator error story. In his gratitude journal today, he said he was grateful for Dobb's. He said he thinks he did well on his history test. His current history grade is 100 for an A+. He also said he gave his science fair presentation in class today and that it went well. He said he only had to look at his notes a couple of times, and people told him they liked his presentation. Daddy took Chase to baseball practice, and Mama took Nanaw to Dobb's. TJ at Dobb's gave Nanaw instructions on the radio. LOL

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Mama brought Chase's baseball clothes with her on Wednesday morning so she could pick Chase up at 4:40 p.m. and take him to baseball practice in Dupo. Mama says she volunteered to work on Monday for Funday at Chase's school. The kids do all kinds of fun things like bounce houses. For the first two hours, Mama is going to help out with the younger students. Then the next two hours, she'll work with Chase's grade. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school in the afternoon, he had his weekly writing, his history study guide and his math for Nanaw to check. He finished his weekly writing (about Roblox, his favorite website) and then studied his history. Mama took him to baseball practice and then met Nanaw at Dobb's. Nanaw left her car there for them to figure out why her radio and clock weren't working. Mama and Chase studied his history, and she said he knew everything on the study guide and the map.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

When Nanaw picked Chase up from school on Tuesday afternoon, she had checked Homework Central for Chase's homework and wrote it down in her notebook -- not like forgetful Nanaw of yesterday! He had to do an English worksheet that involved selecting the correct word in sentences and then using the answer to color a picture -- a fun way to do English and vocabulary. Chase and Nanaw also worked on notes for his weekly writing. He chose the topic of his favorite website, Roblox, and in the notes listed all the things he does with Roblox. (In the evening, Chase texted Nanaw that he wrote one of the two paragraphs required and would write the second on Wednesday afternoon with Nanaw.) He was supposed to go to hockey practice this evening but he and Daddy got stuck in traffic so they went back home. That was fine with Chase because he hadn't wanted to go. He said his brain wasn't into hockey, that he was more into baseball. Somehow Daddy convinced him to go but then traffic interfered. He did his AR reading at home, and then went downstairs to play VR.

Monday, May 15, 2023

Monday, May 15, 2023

Chase wore his new blue Crocs over to Nanaw's house Monday morning. He says he wants to get a red pair and wear one of each color like the guys on his hockey team do. He also wants to let his hair grow long and have "hockey hair." Nanaw says, "Oh dear!" When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she told him she forgot to check Homework Central before coming to get him so they'd have to depend on his memory about homework and whether he'd brought everything he needed. It turned out fine, except that he didn't bring his math homework home to have it checked. Mama was not happy about that because she's told him over and over again to bring things home if they aren't due till the next day. At Nanaw's, Chase did his AR reading, and Nanaw checked his science fair journal to make sure he'd done all he was supposed to do and he had. He gave his science fair presentation to Nanaw again and did a really good job, not reading it and doing eye contact. Nanaw read through his typed science fair report and was impressed at what a good job he did. He has everything ready to turn in tomorrow when it's due. Classroom presentations start on Wednesday. The first photo below is a selfie Chase took.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Chase and Daddy went to church on Sunday morning, and they brought home two red, long-stemmed roses, one for Mama and one for Nanaw. Mama said she got all kinds of gift cards for Mother's Day plus a Battlehawk hoodie, and Chase and Daddy washed and waxed Mama's car and also swept it out. Mama, Daddy and Chase came over to Nanaw's house at 3:30 to help get ready for the Mother's Day dinner. They moved furniture, blew leaves off the deck and wiped down the railings on the deck. Nanaw was very appreciative. Chase gave his science fair presentation twice to Nanaw; first, he read everything from his digital poster. Then, based on Mama and Nanaw's advice, he gave the presentation with just a glance or two at the digital poster. Chase is going to give the presentation again to Nanaw Monday afternoon. There were 14 for dinner, and that included the precious 15-month-old Hudson who's as cute and sweet as he can be. Chase was excited that 10-year-old Jeremy was there for him to play with. They had a great time playing baseball out in the front yard, table-top hockey on the bed in the computer lab, plus playing with kinetic sand. As their Mother's Day present for Nanaw, Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky planted tomatoes, cucumbers and flowers. They planted beautiful New Guinea impatiens on Nanaw's porch. Uncle Mike also put netting over the top of Nanaw's grapevines. The vines had pushed through the existing netting and a lot of bunches of grapes were above the netting where the birds could get them. Uncle Mike grilled chicken, pork steaks and hot dogs for dinner. Mama made her delicious party potatoes, and Aunt Becky made a cheesecake dessert, a chocolate Oreo pie and all kinds of yummy cookies. Besides the guests mentioned above, guests included cousin Joe and Julia, Hudson and Jeremy's mom; cousin Lindsey; cousin Nichole; cousin Robbie; Irina; and Nyeal. Cousin Lindsey forgot the coffee pot she got from Becca, but Uncle Mike took it because he's going to see her tomorrow.


Saturday, May 13, 2023

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Even though Chase stayed up two hours after his weekend bedtime, he still woke up at eight a.m. on Saturday morning. Nanaw tried to get him to sleep a little bit more but he said he couldn't. Usually, Mama sends muffins as a special treat for Chase's sleepover breakfast but she didn't this time. Nanaw will have to find out why. (She says she didn't even think of it and then called herself Bad Mama -- to which Nanaw says Not!) After Chase had breakfast, Nanaw and Chase packed up all his things, and Nanaw took him home a little after 10. Mama was back from the grocery store and was very happy to see her bug. She had fun the night before but she had missed Chase. In the afternoon, Chase had a hockey game at three. Chase and Mama worked on his science fair project presentation that he has to give in class next week. They're going to work on it again on Sunday before they come over to Nanaw's for Mother's Day dinner. 

Friday, May 12, 2023

Friday, May 12, 2023

When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said that his friend Will was coming over to play. They played for a couple of hours, and then at five, Nanaw said it was time for Will to go home because Chase and Nanaw were going to get take-out for dinner. Chase wasn't very happy about that; he wanted Will to stay till 6:15, which is when Will's mom said he had to be home. Will was going to the school's 5th through 8th grades awards ceremony at seven p.m., followed by a dance. Chase didn’t want to go to the awards ceremony or the dance even though all his friends were going. Chase put up a fuss about Will leaving, but eventually, he calmed down and things were better. Chase was having a sleepover at Nanaw's house because Mama and Daddy were going out with Auntie LaLa and Uncle Chris to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. Nanaw checked Chase's vocabulary homework and his him fix the ones he had problems with. Chase finished writing and typing his opinion essay; it was on hockey as the greatest sport ever, of course. For dinner, Chase had two pretzel twists, cheese bites and a Sonic Blast with M&Ms, and Nanaw had a Crunch Wrap Supreme from Taco Bell. Chase stayed up till 11:30 but fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. 

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Chase forgot his science fair journal again today so Nanaw had him go back in to get it. He had Spanish and math homework. The Spanish homework was finding a fact about the Dominican Republic. He math homework was a tricky one -- using a different way of multiplying fractions and then telling what the property was. Nanaw didn't know what the property meant but Chase decided just to guess at it. It will be interesting to see what the correct answer is. Chase's spring band concert was tonight, an it was an excellent show. Chase plays clarinet in the intermediate band and their two songs were Zap! and Shine. All the bands did a wonderful job. The students' artwork was on display on the walls of the gym. Nanaw talked to the art teacher and told her Chase said her name is Carol and her birthday is March 8, just like Nanaw. She gave Nanaw a hug and said the world needs more Pisces. Nanaw posted pictures of Chase at the concert on Facebook and said: "Tonight was Chase's Spring Bond Concert at his school. Chase had a great time, and all the bands performed magnificently. The students' artwork was on display on the walls of the gym, and Nanaw talked to the art teacher and told her Chase enjoyed his art class and the teacher said she could tell that. They also talked about the fact that they are both named Carol and have a March 8 birthday."

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Mama brought Chase's baseball clothes with her this morning so that he could change and be ready to go to baseball practice when she picked him up at 4:40 p.m. Mama called Nanaw and Chase sent her an email about early dismissal today. It was a good thing they did because Nanaw thought early dismissal was next week. Nanaw was so happy to get the email from Chase -- he asked Nanaw if she knew it was wacky Wednesday. That must be what the kids call early dismissal. Chase had part of his weekly writing done when he got to Nanaw's house; he must have worked on it at school. It was about bullying, and he finished it at Nanaw's house. He also did his AR reading and had Nanaw check his sentences about expressing his opinion. In the evening, he studied religion's family life book and reproduction. Mama wants Nanaw and Chase to go to the awards ceremony at school Friday night while she and Daddy are out with Auntie LaLa and Uncle Chris. Chase doesn't want to go but they will, after Sonic and Taco Bell. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

On Tuesday morning, Nanaw told Chase how happy she was that his team won their baseball game last night. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she asked him if he had his science fair journal, and he said he did but it turned out that he didn't. He had thought he put it in his backpack but unfortunately, he didn't. Very responsibly, he said that he couldn't have any devices for the rest of the day because of not bringing his science fair journal home. Nanaw checked his math and had him fix the last problem. Then he showed Nanaw his science fair digital poster on his Chromebook. He's doing a good job on it. He even made a graph of his testing results -- very cool. Because he couldn't play on the computer, Chase asked Nanaw if they could go outside and play baseball, and Nanaw said definitely. For a while, Nanaw pitched to Chase, and then Chase pitched to Nanaw. Chase also hit balls from the little pitching machine. Then it was time for Chase to go home at five because he had hockey practice. The second picture below is of Chase's fifth-grade class. 

Monday, May 8, 2023

Monday, May 8, 2023

Daddy had the day off from work on Monday so he took Chase to school. Nanaw went over to Chase's house around noon to pick up the chocolate milk and cheese Mama bought for him at the grocery store. Both Mama and Nanaw forgot about it yesterday when Nanaw was there. Nanaw also took Chase's Playmobil back home. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she told him she had missed him that morning. He said he didn't have any homework, and he was happy about that. Brady asked if Chase could go to the park but Nanaw said not today, Chase said he had invited Will over but wasn't sure he could come. Will didn't come so he must have had something else he had to do. Chase did his AR reading and then played on the computer. Nanaw sat in there with him, working on one of her books on the laptop. She's going to do that from now on so she can spend time with Chase while he's playing on the computer. Daddy came to pick him up at 4:30 for his baseball game at Affton. Nanaw is going to watch it on the Game Changer app. Mama had the Parents and Friends meeting tonight so she couldn't go to Chase's baseball game.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Chase had another busy day on Sunday. He and Daddy went to church in the morning, and then Mama, Daddy and Chase worked on his science fair project. They did all the testing for the second time, and Mama says the results were pretty much the same. This evening Chase is going to write up the results, which are due Tuesday, May 9. In the afternoon, Chase had another tournament baseball game out in Wentzville. They lost the game but Chase said they really had fun and played well so it wasn't really a loss. They got back from Wentzville about 6 p.m. and Nanaw went over to visit Chase then. Chase was out in the backyard, cleaning up dog poop. Everyone was totally impressed that he was doing that -- it may have been a first. After he was done, Chase and Nanaw played Wiffle ball. Nanaw pitched and Chase batted and got lots of hits. They managed to lose two Wiffle balls in the yard -- a red one and a blue one. Then Chase got on the trampoline and played slap the ball with four balls that were on the trampoline. Nanaw watched and cheered him on and slapped at the balls when they came close to her at the net. When Chase went in for dinner, Nanaw went home.