Friday, June 30, 2023

Friday, June 30, 2023

Friday was the day of Adventures with Mama. First, Chase and Mama went to the eye doctor for Chase to learn how to put in his new contacts. Unfortunately, it didn't work out well, and Chase couldn't do it. Over the weekend, he's supposed to practice putting his finger on his eye. Then on Monday, they'll go back to the eye doctor and practice again. After the eye doctor, they went to all kinds of places. They were supposed to go to Chase's pediatrician's office to get a form about his vaccinations for school but Mama forgot so she'll have to do it some other time. They went to the Cliff Cave Library for Mama to get books and to the bank for Mama to get money. Then, they went to Target to shop for Chase's school supplies, which Nanaw really enjoyed. Nanaw made contributions to the supplies: a roll of paper towels, a container of wipes, and 200 note cards. Chase's aunt Kate had sent a huge bag full of school supplies from where she works -- glue sticks, pens, markers, dry-erase markers, glue, erasers and lots more. So Mama didn't have to buy so much -- a binder, a calculator, Scotch tape, spiral notebooks, an accordion folder, and loose-leaf paper. After Target, they stopped at Chick Fil A to get chicken nuggets for Chase. Finally, they went to Wally's on Highway 44. Mama got popcorn, pizza and a cookie for lunch and a Sloosh drink for Chase. Wally's is where Hank the lemur came from so Nanaw bought a lemur pillow named Linus All in all, it was a very busy day. On Friday night, Columbia had major destructive thunderstorms with incredible winds. Mama and Uncle Mike called them microbursts. Chase's house and Nanaw's house were without power; Nanaw's came back on at midnight on Saturday but Chase's was still out on Sunday. Nanaw's huge tree in her backyard cracked (photo 2) and a branch ended up on the roof (photo 3). She called the tree guy but he couldn't work on it till Monday morning when he would have enough workers to avoid danger. At Chase's house, a neighbor's tree crashed into their fence and damaged the fence badly. A huge tree across from Chase's house was unbelievably uprooted. (photos 4 and 5)

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Mama texted Nanaw on Thursday morning about one of the stuffed lemurs, Larry, being missing. Nanaw found him in the computer lab with Nanaw's stuffed animals. Evidently, Larry had an unauthorized sleepover, as shown in the first picture below (Larry is the one with the green ribbon around his neck). Mama and Chase didn't come over to Nanaw's house on Thursday morning because Nanaw had a meeting at church for additional training on the church's new electronic sign. After her meeting, Nanaw picked Chase up at his house. She fixed his lunch after they got back to Nanaw's house. He had a frozen dinner of 5 cheese ziti (which he had for the first time a couple of weeks ago and really liked), cauliflower, strawberries, grapes and chocolate milk, plus his vitamins and probiotics. Mama and Nanaw are trying to get him to be as healthy as possible so he gets fruit and vegetables and vitamins. After lunch, Chase and Nanaw had school. Nanaw thinks that because of all the practicing they're doing, he's getting even better at math than he was last year, which makes Mama and Nanaw happy. Nanaw gave Chase the topic of writing about his favorite fireworks in his journal but he didn’t like that topic. So Nanaw told him to write about whatever he wanted. He wrote about his stuffed lemur, Lars, named after the Cardinals' player Lars Nootbaar. He wrote about what Lars looks like, where he came from, what kind of lemur he is, and how much Chase likes him. So that worked out well. Nanaw likes how Chase's school emphasizes writing for students. In last year's fifth-grade class, the students wrote in their journals every morning but Friday. They also had a Weekly Writing assignment due each Thursday that they had to write in cursive. Nanaw hasn't been having Chase practice his cursive writing this summer yet so she'll start that next Wednesday when school resumes. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Chase and Nanaw took their walk first thing on Wednesday morning, before breakfast. Happily for Nanaw, Chase let her take a picture of him by his bush. Sometimes he won't let her. The bush is the one he always used to grab when he was little and Nanaw took him for a walk in his stroller. The air was smoky from the Canadian wildfires. They saw some hazy smoke in the air on part of their walk. They walked by the lake, and Nanaw asked Chase if he wanted to go fishing sometime. Nanaw has to learn how to put bait and flies on the hooks because Chase doesn't know how to do it yet. Daddy always does it for him. School went well today, and it was fun for Nanaw. For writing in his journal, he wrote about his baseball team this season, what a good team they were (they finished third in the league), how much fun he had with his teammates, and how he's looking forward to playing again with them in Fall Ball. He does really well on the English pages and he's learning decimals and fractions well. Yesterday, they started reading their next summer book: The One and Only Bob. Nanaw still isn't sure how Chase feels about summer school with Nanaw. He seems to enjoy it but then he's always happy when they take a break from school. Like they're going to do on Friday with Mama. They're going to go to all kinds of places. First, Chase is going to the eye doctor to learn how to use his contacts and then he'll take the contacts home. Next, they have to go to Chase's pediatrician's office to get a form about his vaccinations for school. Then, they're going to Target to shop for Chase's school supplies, which Nanaw will really enjoy. Then, they're going to the Cliff Cave Library and finally to Wally's on Highway 44. All in all, it will be a very busy day. 


Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Once again, Chase and Nanaw turned right for their morning walk but still no kitty. When they got home, Chase took a bath because it was too late to take a shower last night when he got home from his baseball game. He was playing in the bubbles and covered himself with the bubbles. Nanaw called him the bubble monster and sent a picture to Mama. Nanaw had a doctor's appointment in the morning so she took Chase over to his house. Mama gave him leftover pizza for lunch, which made him happy. Nanaw got back a little after noon to take Chase back to her house. Chase wanted mac and cheese as an after-lunch snack so Nanaw helped him make it himself. It's so cute to watch him "cooking." While Chase and Nanaw were having school, cousin Lindsey sent a text that said: "My first call of the day (Lindsey is an EMT) was taking someone to a hospital in Columbia, MO and I got to meet up with Joey." She sent along a picture of herself and Joey, included below. Nanaw texted back that it was cool, and she was going to include the photo in Days of Chase. Chase and Nanaw only had an hour of school today because of Nanaw's doctor's appointment and because Nanaw had to have him home by 3 p.m. so he could go to the dentist and have a tooth pulled. It was a baby tooth, and it had to be pulled to make room for the permanent tooth. The dentist wrote out a prescription for ice cream for the excellent patient, Chase. So Mama went to Dairy Queen to get ice cream for dinner for Mama, Daddy and Chase. Chase wrote a note to the Tooth Fairy telling him/her that he wanted to keep the tooth. Nanaw wonders if the Tooth Fairy will still leave money for Chase if there's no tooth. The first picture below is Lars the lemur. Lars had been wearing a red bow around his neck and the color of the bow rubbed off onto Lars's neck. Nanaw cleaned Lars up, and everybody decided no more bows for Lars so Lars can no longer be called redneck.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Monday, June 26, 2023

Chase and Nanaw went for their walk on Monday morning. They turned right out of Nanaw's house in hopes of seeing the kitten. But he was nowhere to be found. They checked the little library box to see if anyone had taken Nanaw's book but no one had. For lunch, Chase had some of the homemade hamburger helper Mama made last week and froze for his. He also had broccoli, strawberries and grapes, in an attempt to get healthy food into the little fellow. School was really good. Chase and Nanaw learned how to multiply and divide fractions. They then discovered they'd forgotten how to add and subtract fractions. LOL That will be a project for tomorrow. Chase's last baseball game of this season, and he thought he was going to pitch. He sort of wanted Nanaw to go so she did; it was an eight o'clock game. Chase did a good job of pitching and threw some good strikes. He also got a great hit. It was nice visiting with the parents of the team members. They're a really nice, fun group. Nanaw knew one of the moms from preschool when Chase N. went to ICS. After ICS pre-school, Chase N. went to the Columbia public schools. He's the catcher on the Columbia Baseball Club team and is an excellent catcher. Chase's team lost the game 11 to 9 but were leading for a lot of the game. 

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Chase and Daddy went to church on Sunday morning and then went their separate ways for Sunday adventures. Daddy went out to Elsberry to golf with cousin Chris, Uncle Will-Bill and cousin-in-law Stan. Chase went to the Concord miniature golf with Mama. It's on Tesson Ferry, and it's the one Chase and Nanaw saw when they were driving home from hockey camp. They noticed it because it has a huge mountain of sand. Nanaw was fascinated by it, and she's glad that Mama and Chase went there and had a great time. Chase won over Mama but Mama got two holes in one. When they got home, Mama texted Nanaw to see if she wanted to come over to visit Chase and watch them play the WII. Nanaw said yes, of course, and went over to Chase's house. First, Mama and Chase played baseball on the WII. Mama had a really cute avatar with glasses. Then they played bowling, and Mama won. They went upstairs so Mama could make spaghetti for dinner. Chase and Nanaw played with his stuffed animals. This time they played storms and had tornadoes, hurricanes and tsunamis. Next, they went in the living room and played on the Gascar chair with the hockey and baseball mini helmets. Chase had been sayin his arm hurt, and Mama didn't want him to hurt it more by pitching today. He might get to pitch Monday night in the last baseball game of the season, and Mama didn't want anything to interfere with that.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Saturday, June 24, 2023

On Saturday morning, Chase went to the eye doctor to get fitted for contacts. He's been having trouble with his sports glasses when he plays hockey and baseball. Mama and Daddy think contacts will work better for sports. Mama set up a Saturday afternoon swim date for Chase with Hunter and Brady. Mama and Hunter and Brady's moms went along to the Columbia swimming pool. They all swam for almost three hours. Chase said he had a good time with Hunter and Brady. Mama sent Nanaw the picture below of Chase lying in Sylvester's little dog bed -- very funny. Mama wanted Imo's pizza for dinner, and
Chase wanted Pizza Hut so they compromised on Domino's. In the evening, Nanaw came over to visit. It's Tyler's ninth birthday so Nanaw gave him extra treats and included his picture in Days. Chase and Nanaw played kickball with the stuffed animals on Chase's bed. Chase had told Mama his pitching arm hurt so she said no pitching because there's a chance he might get to pitch Monday night at their last game. Daddy is golfing tomorrow, and Mama says she and Chase are going to play miniature golf.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Thursday, June 22, 2023, and Friday, June 23, 2023

For the last two days of hockey camp, Nanaw dropped Chase off in the morning and picked him up in the afternoon. He had a huge bag filled with his hockey gear, along with his hockey stick. Fortunately, the bag has wheels so Chase can roll it around, which makes it much easier. In the morning, Nanaw walked in with Chase to get him signed in. Nanaw had forgotten how cold it is around the hockey rink. It felt like winter. The guys checking in the campers were handsome teenagers who teased the campers. Nanaw enjoyed listening to them. On Thursday, Nanaw took Chase home rather than to her house because he had baseball practice. In the evening, Nanaw had Mama take a picture of Chase for Days because Nanaw forgot. On Friday on the way home, Nanaw had to get gas and pick up stuff from the library. Chase didn't mind because he was playing games on Nanaw's old phone. Nanaw tried to get the fruit treats Chase likes out of the library vending machine but it kept saying invalid choice so Nanaw got Ritz's Bits for him instead. Back at Nanaw's house, Chase played on the computer and put in his Robux. When Nanaw took Chase home, he got into his bed and got under the covers and held Tee Tee and Lars for a photo. He must have been really tired from hockey camp. Mama said they were having Chinese for dinner, and Chase said he was having sweet and sour chicken. In the evening, they were going to sit outside and have a fire in the fire pit.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Wednesday was the first day of summer and the longest day of the year. And it got really hot so summer is here. Mama took Chase to baseball practice after he got home from his third day at hockey camp. Nanaw came over to visit Chase when he got home from baseball practice. He was in a super good mood, not like yesterday when he was tired and grumpy. Chase said he had a good time at hockey camp and a great time at baseball practice, where they did all kinds of fun, competitive events. Chase and Nanaw played baseball on Chase's bed with the stuffed animals. At one point, Nanaw tried to juggle the balls they were using but couldn't do it. So Chase took over and did a good job at juggling. Nanaw took the pictures below of the juggling boy. Tomorrow and Friday, Nanaw is going to take and pick up Chase to and from hockey camp. Tomorrow, Nanaw has to take Chase home right after hockey camp because he has baseball practice. But on Friday, she gets to have him for a little while after hockey camp and before she goes to the little house. Mama made one of Chase's favorites for dinner, homemade hamburger helper. Chase really liked it and cleaned his plate. Mama is going to freeze some for Chase to take to Nanaw's for lunch next week. As Nanaw was leaving, Chase went downstairs to play VR baseball with a group of boys on their VRs. Mama says it gets really loud with all the voices. 

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Tuesday was Chase's second day at hockey camp. Nanaw wished he was at home with her because it was cleaning lady day, and Nanaw was downstairs by herself without her little buddy for almost five hours. Nanaw thought the cleaning was going to start at noon but it didn’t start till 2. After the cleaning lady left, Nanaw went to Dollar Tree for a half-birthday card for Chase. She got an 11 year-old card and wrote in 1/2 for his 11 1/2 year birthday, Then she went to Schnuck's to get a $30 Robux gift card and two pieces of cookie cake. She texted Daddy to see if it was okay to come see Chase with his half-birthday presents, and Daddy said Chase smiled when he asked him. Chase was happy with his Robux card; he said Nanaw should take it to her house so he could use it on the computer there. Chase said hockey camp was good, and they played Wiffle ball again. Somehow he hurt two of his toes on his right foot at camp, and he put some ointment on them. He seemed tired from camp, and Daddy said he would be even more tired Wednesday and Thursday because he has baseball practice in the evening both of those days. Mama was out with Aunt Becca, having a pedicure. Then they were going to Washy's for dinner.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Monday, June 19, 2023

Today was Chase's first day at the week-long hockey camp at Affton. Daddy has Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off from work so he's going to take Chase and pick him up those days.  Then Nanaw will do it on Thursday and Friday. Mama took Nanaw to the hockey building in Affton on Monday morning so Nanaw knew where to go. As they were driving on the parking lot, Chase came out of the building with his group. Fortunately, he had his back to Mama's car and didn't see them. (Monday night Mama told him about their visit, and he thought it was neat.). Mama and Nanaw had a day of shopping, which was fun. They went shopping at the mall, Shoe Carnival and Walmart. They also stopped by a new store in Columbia called The General Store; it had lots of interesting random things, including some really low-priced Coach purses. On Monday evening, Nanaw went to Chase's second-to-last baseball of the season, and they won 6 to 5. Chase played shortstop and made a really super play, getting a player out at second base.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Sunday, June 18, 2023

The first picture below is from Saturday night's swim party at one of Chase's baseball teammate's house. Sunday was a busy day for everybody. Chase's baseball tournament continued for the second day in St. Peter's. Yesterday's games were in O'Fallon. The most exciting thing happened: Chase's team won the tournament and all the team members received heavy, gold-looking rings engraved with GMB (no one is sure what that stands for).Chase is over the moon about his team winning the tournament. They hadn't been playing very well so this win means a great deal. Aunt Becky hosted a big Father's Day brunch for Uncle Mike, and unfortunately, Mama, Daddy and Chase couldn't attend because of the baseball tournament. But most of the family was there. Cousin Mikey is still in California, but cousin Robbie, Claudia, cousin Joey, Julia (but unfortunately not Hudson or Jeremy), cousin Jon Jon, cousin Nichole, cousin Kris, cousin Lindsey, Nyeal, Aunt Becky, Uncle Mike, and Nanaw were there and had a wonderful time. Irina is still in Europe (Uncle Mike talked to her yesterday, and her next stop is Austria), and cousin Natalie is in Wisconsin; today is Nat's birthday! Aunt Becky outdid herself with the food, including cherry and apple turnovers, cinnamon rolls, several trays of fresh fruit, and breakfast pizza. Yum! The second to last picture is Nyeal holding Uncle Mike's cat Tucker. Tucker used to always hiss at Nanaw but he's mellowed in his later years (he's almost 14, Nanaw thinks), and he no longer hisses at her. In the evening, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went to dinner for Daddy on Father's Day at Mr. BBQ in Columbia. Chase had a huge pretzel with cheese sauce (in the picture below!!) and mac and cheese, Daddy had a pulled pork sandwich, Mama had chicken strips, and Nanaw had a delicious pork steak. Tomorrow, Chase starts hockey camp. He has a six o'clock baseball game, and Nanaw is going to the game so she gets a chance to see him.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Saturday, June 17, 2023

On Saturday, Chase's team was scheduled to play at 12 and 2. Mama says they won their first game but she hasn't reported on the second game. She sent Nanaw the photo of Chase in his baseball uniform and sports glasses. Nanaw went out to the little house on Friday afternoon. The Dish technician was scheduled to come Saturday afternoon. Nanaw talked to him around noon and explained about Aspenhof and told him she'd meet him at the gate. Evidently, he got lost because he never showed up. Nanaw called Dish to set up another appointment for next Saturday afternoon. Hopefully, the technician won't get lost again. After Chase's games, Mama. Daddy and Chase went over to one of his teammate's house in Brelinger for a swim party. Mama sent pictures of Chase going down the slide in the pool and a picture showing how the house backs up to Chase's school. In the evening, Nanaw went to the cemetery to have dinner with Pawpaw for their wedding anniversary.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Friday, June 16, 2023

When Chase and Nanaw took their walk on Friday morning, Chase didn't take his phone but he did take Lars the Lemur. It was a wonderful walk because Chase talked to Nanaw instead of playing on the phone. They brought along a book to put in the little book library on Robert Drive. They saw the kitty (who lives on Robert Drive close to the book library) so that was a good thing. The kitty followed them for a bit, then went his (or her) own way. Chase was going with Mama and Daddy to the funeral for Elias's grandmother out in Silex. Daddy was going to pick Chase up at 11:40 so Chase and Nanaw had school from 9:30 to 11:30. They're finished with the Ruby book but at the end are some excerpts from The One and Only Ivan so they're reading that. When they're finished, they'll start The One and Only Bob. School went well with Chase getting his math problems correct, including the two equations. Nanaw is very proud of Chase for doing the equations on his own and getting them right. Chase has a baseball tournament tomorrow and then hockey camp next week so he's a busy sports fellow.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Chase and Nanaw didn't take a walk on Thursday morning because Nanaw had a doctor's appointment in the morning. On her way to the doctor, she took Chase over to his house to stay with Mama. She picked him up about noon and took him home for lunch. He had decided he didn't want the Taco Bell Nacho Fries that Nanaw had promised him. Instead, he had a frozen 5-cheese zita meal, which he liked a lot. So Nanaw will have Mama get another one for him. School went more quickly than usual today, and it went well. Chase did the two two-step equations all by himself, got them right, and was very proud of himself. For his journal writing, the topic was to write about what he learned in the D.A.R.E. program the Columbia Police Department gave to his class. Unfortunately, he said he didn't remember much. We have his program book here so we can go over the material as part of school. We're almost finished with the Ruby book and then we'll start on The One and Only Bob. After school was over, Nanaw assigned Chase his second chore of the week: Blowing leaves and sticks off the upper deck. He did it without complaint and seemed to enjoy it. His first chore of the week was bringing in one of the garbage cans. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Chase and Nanaw didn't take their morning walk because Uncle Mike was coming over to spend the day doing a list of work for Nanaw. He was going to power wash both decks, paint around the cabinet in the kitchen, trim the tree whose branches were hitting the roof of the house, clean out the gutters, spray for ants, and move the wood from the side of the house to the wood rack in the garage. And he did all of those things and very well. Daddy was going to pick Chase up at 2:40 for a batting lesson with the hitting coach so Chase and Nanaw had school in the morning. Chase did well with adding, subtracting and dividing fractions. He's also getting better with the two-step equations. They finished reading The One and Only Ruby, except for a few extra pages that talk about Ivan and Bob. The One and Only Bob is their next book. Nanaw went to Taco Bell to get lunch for Uncle Mike and Chase. Chase had a cheese quesadilla with no sauce and a soft taco with meat and cheese. Uncle Mike said to surprise him so Nanaw got crispy tacos, soft tacos, burritos, and nacho fries. Chase said the nacho fries look good, and Nanaw said she'd sampled them, and they were good. So Nanaw said she would get some for Chase for lunch tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Chase took a bath at Nanaw's house first thing in the morning. He had a late baseball game last night so Mama wanted him to skip his bath and get to bed and have a bath at Nanaw's. His team won last night, 11 to 5, and Chase got two hits and was very happy abut it. Nanaw had an appointment at Dobb's for an oil change, so she packed up Chase's devices and snacks and hers for their visit. Chase fixed the mac and cheese again, stirring it up, microwaving it and then stirring it again. It's so cute for Nanaw to watch. School went well. Nanaw is ready to concentrate on fractions for a while and then return to decimals. Once she thinks Chase is doing a great job with decimals, she's going to type the decimals test he did so badly on and have him take it again. Hopefully, he'll know decimals and do better. Daddy came to Nanaw's house to pick up Chase. He got stopped by a train this morning so he was half an hour late to work. Then on the way home, he was stopped by a train again, not so long this time.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Monday, June 12, 2023

On Monday morning, Mama said she wanted Chase to limit his device time to three hours at Nanaw's house. She said he should play in his room and do other things. So he spent some time playing in his room and in the hall. The first picture below is Chase being Jason; the second picture is Chase not being Jason. Chase and Nanaw went for their morning walk but still didn't see the kitten. Nanaw made up a list of lunch possibilities for Chase, and he chose Cheetos mac and cheese. He took a picture of it and put it on his baseball team's group chat. One of the boys said he'd had it and it was good. Chase has an eight o'clock baseball game tonight, and Mama asked if he could take his bath at Nanaw's house tomorrow morning. Nanaw, of course, said yes. Tomorrow morning's going to be a busy one because Nanaw has an appointment at Dobb's for an oil change. School went well today. Chase did a great job on the English worksheets. He also did well on the math worksheets, including fractions and decimals. 

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Daddy went out to Uncle Chris's to play golf on Sunday morning. Chase was scheduled to serve at church on Sunday so Mama took him. He served with AJ, and Mama says he did a good job. He didn't get to sit with her because the servers sit in a special place. Daddy didn't get to play golf because it rained really hard out at Uncle Chris's. Chase and Mama went to the Cardinals' game, and it didn't rain there. Unfortunately, the Cardinals lost 4 to 3. But Chase said they had a great time. Several foul balls came really close to where they were sitting. And Chase got to touch one of the foul balls but didn't get it. They had lots of good food to eat, including hot dogs, nachos, and Dippin Dots. Nanaw came over to visit in the early evening. She brought donuts for them from Hometown Donuts. She drove to Florissant to go to the library and pick up another copy of the fifth season of The Americans. She left the copy she was watching out at the little house. For a while, they watched funniest videos. Then Daddy and Chase went outside to play Wiffle ball, and Nanaw went along to watch. Mama said she'd finished reading another one of the books Nanaw wrote and was ready for another one so Nanaw said she'd send one to Mama's Kindle address.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Mama and Chase said they had a good time last night. Mama and Daddy went to the winery with Max's parents. Chase and Max stayed at Max's house to hang out together. Chase said they played hockey and pool. The parents came back a little after 8, and they ordered pizza from Imo's. Chase had a hockey game in the afternoon, his last one of the four on-four-season. There's another game next weekend but Chase has a baseball tournament. Nanaw went over to visit Chase early in the evening. First, they played several games of baseball with the guys on Chase's bed. Then they went outside and Chase did a lot of pitching into his new strike zone. He got the strike zone from Mama and Daddy for his great report card. Mama and Daddy decided they were going to have Dairy Queen for dinner. Chase said he wanted a pretzel, cheese curds, and an Oreo Blast for dinner from DQ.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Friday, June 9, 2023

The first picture below shows Tee Tee in Chase's pocket on Chase and Nanaw's walk on Friday morning. Nanaw thinks it's the first walk Tee Tee has gone since Chase was little and in a stroller. They turned right for their walk because once again Chase wanted to see the kitten. But the kitten was nowhere to be seen. Nanaw took a nap in the morning and Chase got hungry for lunch so he took care of it himself. He got a lunchable lunch and a lunchable snack out of the fridge. He also had a little bag of pretzels from the pantry and a glass of water. What a self-sufficient little fellow he is. Nanaw told him what a good job he'd done, then she gave him some cauliflower, grapes and candy. School was fun this afternoon. They did two more two-step equations, and Nanaw had ChatGPT print out 12 more equations, along with step-by-step solutions. Chase did well on the math, and Nanaw was very proud. As always, Chase did an excellent job on the English worksheets. For his journal topics, he wrote several sentences on Forky, the spork from Toy Story 4. Nanaw had ChatGPT print out a story about Forky, and they're going to read the story as part of reading. In the evening, Mama, Daddy and Chase were going to the Wild Sun Winery in Hillsboro with Max and his parents from Chase's hockey team. Children were permitted to attend as long as they stayed with their parents. Chase was looking forward to seeing Max.