Chase scored the first goal of his hockey game this morning, and Mama said he was very excited about it. Mama sent a video of the goal to Nanaw and Uncle Mike. Chase's team won 4 to 1. Chase was also excited that his friend Jackson was coming to visit on Saturday evening. Nanaw came over a little early so she could visit with Chase and take a picture of him before Jackson and his parents got there. Her Linked book from Amazon was delivered so she brought it along to show Chase. During the evening, Nanaw "interviewed" Jackson and Chase, asking them about their favorite classes, sports, books, and what they wanted to be when they grew up, who their favorite baseball players were, etc. Nanaw had grand fun doing it. Dinner was delicious hamburgers and yummy homemade Mama mac and cheese. Nanaw ate at the kitchen table with the boys because it was really hot outside. For dessert, they had a sugar cookie cake with icing that looked like fall leaves. Uncle Joe thought he was buying a chocolate chip cookie cake but it was sugar cookie and delicious. Chase and Jackson played baseball with their dads and then with each other. They played together on their phones and then went downstairs to play on the WII. When Nanaw went downstairs to tell them goodbye, they were playing ping pong on the WII and having great fun.
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Friday, September 29, 2023
Friday, September 29, 2023
On Friday morning, Nanaw reminded Chase to turn in his vocabulary book with the assignment and his English worksheet. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said the only homework he had for the weekend was the IXL for math on the Chromebook and doing the experiment for his Science Fair project. (He has to freeze water with different colors of food coloring in it to see which colors freeze fastest. Nanaw is coming to visit on Sunday morning, and they can do the IXL then. Chase had invited Will to come over and play, and Chase and Nanaw were waiting for him. But then Will texted Chase and told him that his grandpa had picked him up from school, and he couldn’t come over. Chase was disappointed but Nanaw told him Will would come over some other time. Nanaw stayed in the computer lab while Chase played on his phone; she read some of the Restart book. She's also listening to it on tape and will be done soon. Chase told Nanaw he took the test on The Unteachables and missed one question and got 7.2 points. He also picked out another book to read: Linked by Gordon Korman. Nanaw tried to check it out of the County Library and the Columbia Library but all of their copies were checked out. When Nanaw told Chase that, the sweet little boy said Nanaw could take some of his money and buy it. Nanaw said thank you so much but she would use her money and buy it from Amazon. In the evening, Chase had his last ICS soccer game of the season.
Thursday, September 28, 2023
Thursday, September 28,2023
When Nanaw picked Chase up from school Thursday afternoon, she asked him if he had his math book, and he said no. He said the test tomorrow was open book so he didn’t have to study his book. Mama and Nanaw said he had to have his book and study so Nanaw drove him back to the front door of the school for him to go in and get his math book. Once again, Mr. G. saw Chase and Nanaw at the front door of the school, and he laughed and made a gesture questioning what they were doing -- very funny! Today, when Chase was working on his homework, he told Nanaw that he had to submit a story he wrote earlier in the year to Young Authors on Monday. The teacher said everybody had to submit the stories they wrote earlier. Nanaw thinks perhaps they didn't receive enough submissions. Chase's story is below. When Nanaw took Chase home, he was excited about going to play Frisbee Golf with Daddy. Daddy had bought Chase a set of golf Frisbees. They were going to a Frisbee Golf field here in Columbia by the bowling alley. A Boy Scout had created the field as part of his project of getting badges. Nanaw hopes Chase had a good time.
The Mystery of the Mysterious Library Book
It all started at night when a mysterious guest entered a mysterious library. All the lights were out but it was open. Luckily the guest had a flashlight and used it. He then found out this was no ordinary library. It wasn't a library at all. It did have a book called The Mystery of the Lightless Library. The guest took the book to the self-checkout, which somehow worked. But it said Happy Harrison when scanning the book in the self-checkout. The guest was confused as to why this happened. The guest went home and realized the power had gone out in the neighborhood. When he opened the book, it was normal until page 68. But on that page, it had a creepy picture. Over that picture read "Happy Harrison."
The mysterious guest was named Charles. He had a friend named Harrison. He was spooked out because of this so he read the local newspaper. Turns out he went missing. He felt like it was a dream for a second but he thought it wasn't. So he slept and then he heard a crazy sound. It was his front door. He instantly woke up and saw nothing. So he went back to sleep and he heard it again. Creeped out, Charles woke up and saw Harrison. Then Charles woke up from the dream. He realized that the library was supposed to be based on Mr. Linden's Library and the book was about the library. It was all a scary dream about his friend And to his surprise, he heard knocking on his door. It was Harrison all Harris Burdict whose friend Harrison went missing. Charles felt relieved but then he noticed something, the book from his dream. Shortly after, the power went out. Maybe this wasn't a dream at all. along.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Chase was looking forward to another day without much homework because of the Iowa testing. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school on Wednesday afternoon and they called Mama for the pick-up call, she asked him if he'd remembered his brace. He thought he'd forgotten it so Nanaw drove him around to the entrance of the school so he could go get it. He came back, saying it wasn't in his locker. He dug through his backpack and finally found it. He has to have it to play hockey and soccer and to participate in physical education. He has a hockey game tonight. At Nanaw's house, Chase gave Nanaw his vocabulary assignment and his English assignment for her to check. He'll finish the vocabulary assignment tomorrow after school and turn it in on Friday. In the evening, Mama texted Nanaw that Chase played really well in his hockey game, and they gave him the game puck. Nanaw asked Mama to find out if he did his Spanish dream house assignment that's due Friday and she answered back that he said it's done but he hasn't turned it in yet.
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he was very excited to not have any homework, again probably because of the Iowa State Testing. Nanaw reminded him about his vocabulary assignment due Friday and asked him to be sure and bring it home tomorrow so they could start working on it. When they got home, Nanaw gave Chase some cookies and cream ice cream. She started reading her copy of The Unteachables and Chase played on the computer and ate his ice cream. When he was done with the ice cream, he started doing his AR reading in his copy of The Unteachables. Nanaw still hasn't caught up with Chase in the book. They both like the book, and Chase said it was easy to read. He looked in the book box outside Mrs. D's classroom today and said there are more books by Gordon Korman, and he'll pick out another one when he's finished with The Unteachables, Chase had a soccer game in Maryville tonight so Nanaw had to have him home by 4:45. Mama texted Nanaw that the team had been playing for about 20 minutes when they called the game because of lightning.
Monday, September 25, 2023
Monday, September 25, 2023
Mama sent Nanaw a text with Chase's sports schedule for the week so that Nanaw gets him home in time. Nanaw printed it out and posted it on the fridge. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said he only had one homework assignment due tomorrow It was an English assignment about collective and abstract nouns. He had all the answers correct but had skipped one of the sentences so Nanaw told him to do that sentence. The students at Chase's school have Iowa State testing this week so Chase is thinking and hoping they will have less homework. Chase and Nanaw both read his AR book -- The Unteachables; Nanaw checked a copy out of the County library, and Chase already owned the book. Chase had Alexa set a timer for 25 minutes, the amount of time Mama wants him to do his AR reading. When the time was up, Chase was on page 124 (from page 100), and Nanaw was on page 34 (from page 1 -- she had just started reading the book). Chase has hockey practice tonight but he doesn't have to worry about homework because it's all done. The first picture below is Chase at his hockey game last night.
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Nanaw went over to visit Chase on Sunday afternoon. She asked him what he'd been doing, and he said playing Frisbee for a long time. Frisbee is his latest obsession. Nanaw brought Mama some chocolate-covered almonds that she bought at Walmart yesterday. Chase and Nanaw sat at the kitchen table to work on his second History assignment. For this assignment, Chase used a website on his Chromebook called Exploration Webquest. It was about the explorers who discovered much of the world between 1400 and 1600. Nanaw enjoyed working with Chase on the explorers; she remembered all their names from when she was in grade school so it was fun. Chase did well on the worksheet and on the quiz at the end of the website. After they were finished with homework, Chase and Daddy went outside to play Frisbee, and Nanaw went with them to watch. They're both really good at throwing and catching the Frisbee. They played a game of Frisbee Golf, and Chase said sometimes they do that at school at recess. In the late afternoon, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to his hockey game at All American. Chase sat on the bench but Mama said he had a good time. They ate at Nubby's, the restaurant in the hockey rink. Chase had mozzarella sticks and a pretzel stick. Mama and Daddy had a meat lover's pizza. Mama was very happy to eat there; she loves eating at Nubby's.
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Nanaw came to visit Chase on Saturday evening after she got back from the little house and had dinner at the cemetery for Pawpaw's 84th birthday. Mama and Daddy were supposed to have the fire pit going in the evening but Daddy wasn't feeling well so they didn't set it up. Mama and Chase told Nanaw that he played kickball with Mason, Hunter's brother, and a boy who lives up the street from Chase. Chase and Nanaw sat at the kitchen table to work on his History assignment. He had a worksheet about Native American cultures in America. He had to fill out boxes with the names of Indian tribes in various parts of the United States. He also had to put in information about their environment or their culture or what crops they produced or what alliances they made. Smart Chase took a picture of the information side of the worksheet so he didn't have to keep turning it over to find the information. Very clever. Nanaw left just before 7:30 when it was time for Chase's regular evening call with Hunter where they play Roblox together.
Friday, September 22, 2023
Friday, September 22, 2023
Once again, Mama had the day off from work so she took Chase to school. Mama was going to spend the day with Aunt Becca for Aunt Becca's birthday. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she sent a text to Mama to see if she wanted a pick-up call. Mama said it was too loud where they were for her to heat, so she asked Nanaw to send her a text. Nanaw reported that Chase said he had a good day and that he thought he did well on his three tests: on the religion test he missed one question, and he wasn't sure about the vocab and the metric conversion tests. Chase was excited that he could play on the computer at Nanaw's house and not do homework till the weekend. He had two history assignments, and he said Nanaw could help him with one when she comes to visit on Saturday and one when she comes to visit on Sunday. Nanaw gave Chase some cookies and cream ice cream, which he loves. Nanaw had to have Chase home at 5 p.m. for hockey. Daddy was playing in a golf tournament so Mama was taking Chase to hockey. They were supposed to go watch Chase's baseball team play after hockey but Chase decided he wanted to go home instead. Yesterday the doctor said Chase's wrist isn't quite healed so he has to wear a brace whenever he's playing sports or in physical education. His wrist should be healed in three weeks. He can play hockey and soccer but not baseball. The second picture shows presents Uncle Mike brought for Mama: a crocheted shark from Aunt Becky and Halloween measuring spoons from cousin Natalie.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Mama had the day off on Thursday, and she took Chase to school. Mama and Uncle Mike went to the Cardinals' day baseball game. Daddy picked Chase up from school because they had a doctor's appointment to take Chase's cast off. Chase called Nanaw to tell her he was back from the doctor with his cast off. Nanaw said she'd be there soon. Uncle Mike had already gone home when Nanaw got there. Chase was working on a get-well card for one of the girls in his class who's in the hospital. Nanaw checked his math while he worked on the card. After Chase was finished with the card, he and Nanaw started working on his homework. He had a vocab test on Friday so they worked on the words. Chase had a couple of them wrong on the study guide he handed in. They went over and over the words till Nanaw was sure he knew them for the test. Hopefully, he'll do well on the test. As Nanaw was leaving, Mama looked on Homework Central and saw a test tomorrow that Chase and Nanaw had forgotten about: his metric conversion test in science. So Mama was going to study with him for the test. He also has a religion test tomorrow and was going to study with Daddy for that test. So the little fellow has three tests tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
When Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house on Wednesday morning, she told him to make sure he brought his lunch box home. It turns out that it wasn't in the lost and found -- it was still out on the playground. One of the teachers reminded the students on the playground to remember to take their lunch boxes inside so that's how Chase remembered to bring it home. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told Nanaw that he'd turned his math and his vocab in. He said the math was easy. He said the teacher would give the vocab paper back tomorrow so he could study for the vocab test on Friday. Chase also has a metrics conversion test on Friday. He studied the online metrics material on the Chromebook and said the teacher would return their metrics study guide tomorrow. He worked on his history homework assignment about how the various people who populated the Americas arrived. After Chase was done with his homework, he gave Nanaw a clarinet concert. He played the songs that the band will play at this year's Christmas concert. After his concert for Nanaw, Chase played on the computer, watching YouTube Kids videos.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, the little fellow was really down in the dumps. He told Nanaw he had homework in all of his subjects except for Religion. Nanaw told Chase they'd get as much done as they could after school, and then Daddy could help him later in the evening. But Chase got everything done except for AR, and it was hard homework. He had about 20 math problems. Nanaw did the problems also, and Chase checked his answers against Nanaw's. He got all of his answers right and found one of Nanaw's wrong. Nanaw thought that was funny. His Restart questions were difficult, and he went back through the chapters to figure out the answers. His science assignment was about metric measurements. He had to do all kinds of charts comparing measurements. Mama emailed Chase's English teacher to get information about the AR reading program. Chase's AR grade isn't very good, and Mama and Nanaw are concerned about it and want to figure out how to help him raise his grade.
Monday, September 18, 2023
Monday, September 18, 2023
When Chase got to Nanaw's house, he said the lemurs all wanted their new Hallmark red truck bows. So Nanaw made bows for six lemurs, and they were very happy about it. In the afternoon when Nanaw picked Chase up from school, they decided they would work on Chase's Religion homework and the Restart vocab homework. There's lots of homework for the rest of the week so they'll be busy after school. First, Chase did the crossword puzzle in the Restart vocab booklet. While Chase did his Religion worksheet, Nanaw went through his vocab homework. Then she went through the Religion homework. He did well on both of them. When Nanaw took Chase home, she realized she'd left Tee Tee and Lars on the dining room table at her house so she went back home to get them. Chase had hockey practice at 7:30 but he wasn't going to play; he was just going to skate around the rink. Later in the evening, Nanaw noticed that Creeper was still in the computer lab so she texted a picture to Mama. Mama saw that lots of other guys didn't make it home, and she told Nanaw. So Nanaw decided that Chase would be responsible for making sure all of the guys make it into their bag before Nanaw takes Chase home for the day. We'll see how that goes.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Nanaw came over to Chase's house at 4:30 on Sunday to work on his math. They each worked on the problems separately and then compared answers. Chase got one or two wrong and so did Nanaw but not the same ones. So they corrected their answers. The answers to the odd-numbered problems are in the back of the book so that was helpful to let them know they were on the right track with their answers. After they were done with the math, Nanaw read the rough draft of Chase's science fair research document. He did a really good job, and Nanaw was so impressed. Dinner was pork steaks -- Yum and Yay! Nanaw loves pork steaks. They also had southwest salad. After dinner, they all played two new games: Tensies and Blurt. They were both great games, and everybody had fun. Mama won most of the Tensies games, and she also won the Blurt game. Next week on Thursday, Chase gets his cast off, and he's very excited about that.
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Saturday, September 16, 2023
On Saturday morning, Chase played outside with his Frisbees while Nanaw fixed his breakfast. While he ate, Nanaw got dressed, and then they started working on his homework. Unfortunately, one of the assignments was on Chase's Chromebook, and the internet was so bad at the little house that Chase couldn't access the document he needed to work on. So then they started working on his math assignment and got it about half done. They had to have Chase home by 1 p.m. because he had hockey practice in the afternoon, his first practice since he broke his wrist. So Nanaw told Chase she'd come over early before dinner to start working on the homework and stay later after dinner to finish the assignments. In the evening, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to the second night of Songs for Soldiers. The first picture below is Chase eating his lunch of fried chicken that Mama bought at Schnuck's. She also bought two delicious chicken wings for Nanaw. Mama sent the second picture below of her with a Clydesdale named Champ and a selfie of her and Chase (the third photo). Mama also sent a photo (the fourth one) of parachuters coming down while one of the bands played AC/DC's "Thunderstruck."
Friday, September 15, 2023
Friday, September 15, 2023
When it was time to pick Chase up from school, Mama told Nanaw that he got 100 on today's DLR test (Yay!) and he got a 94 on Wednesday's math test. Nanaw was excited about Chase's sleepover Friday night. She and Chase were going out to the little house. After school, Nanaw packed up everything, and they went over to Chase's house to pick up Creeper. Mama and Daddy were going to Songs for Soldiers on Friday night; that's why Chase was having a sleepover with Nanaw at the little house. On the way there, Nanaw stopped at Walmart and bought Chase some yummy soft rolls for dinner. Chase had five cheese ziti with his rolls and a generous serving of cookies and cream ice cream. When they got to the little house, Chase offered to help bring all their things inside. Nanaw was so impressed that he had offered to help. He used the wagon and seemed to have fun with it. Chase announced to Nanaw that usually on Friday nights he took a break from homework. Clever little fellow. Nanaw said okay, he could have his break, and they would do homework tomorrow morning. Before dinner, Chase played outside with the two Frisbees he brought along with him. He had a grand time and sailed them up and down the driveway and into the woods. He told Nanaw about how at school they play with Frisbees on the playground. In the evening, Chase played on his phone even though the internet is intermittent at the little house. He had tried to play Roblox with his friend Hunter on the laptop but he couldn't get it to work. They watched the Madagascar movie again, and this time they really watched it and finally got to see all the lemurs in the movie. Cousin Lindsey sent the last picture below of her and her dad, Uncle Mike. She took him to a Cardinals game -- a father-and-daughter adventure! Nanaw thought that was so sweet.
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Today was a very special day at Chase's school: it was a celebration of Grandparents' Day. First, they had a Mass at 8 a.m. Then all the students and the grandparents went to the classrooms to visit with the teachers and see the classrooms and the students' desks. It was a great day. Nanaw got to see lots of Chase's friends. Two of his good friends, Brady and William, sit in the desks right next to Chase. William took the picture of Chase and Nanaw. Nanaw was so happy to see Chase's desk. It was much neater than his past desks. He had lots of his school supplies in there, along with books and papers. Chase also showed Nanaw his locker. It too was much neater than his previous lockers. Nanaw was happy to meet Chase's teacher and to see his classroom. There were white lights strung over the whiteboards and positivity sayings on signs all over the classroom. The boys and girls had made cards for their grandparents that was shaped like a heart. Inside, they wrote about the things they liked to do with their grandparents -- it was very cute and special. After school, Chase and Nanaw studied for the two tests he has tomorrow. One test is vocabulary, and Chase knows the material well. The other test is a weekly test called Daily Literature Review (DLR) that covers spelling, punctuation and grammar. They've never studied for that test before but evidently, they should have been. Last week, Chase got a 76 on the test.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
On Wednesday morning, Chase said he'd studied for the math test and the religion test last night and thought he knew everything. In the afternoon, when Nanaw picked him up from school and asked about the tests, he said he thought he did well on both of them. At Nanaw's house, they completed his vocab worksheet and studied for Friday's vocab test. They're going to study for the vocab test again tomorrow afternoon, along with studying for his Daily Literature Review (DLR) test on Friday. Nanaw didn't know he had a weekly worksheet that they could have been studying for the weekly DLR tests. When Nanaw took Chase home, there was a surprise from Mama waiting for Chase: a special delivery of Prime from Sam's Club. (Prime is a bottled drink that kids love.) Chase was very excited and gave everyone a taste. He thinks it tastes like blueberry. For dinner, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Tiny's for dinner. It was a special promotional night there for Chase's school. Chase had a pretzel with cheese, Mama had a delicious burger and Daddy had a patty melt. Today is Sam's 13th birthday (on the 13th of September LOL), and when they got home from dinner, Mama gave Sam and Sly each a Frosty Paw (doggie ice cream). Sylvester's birthday was a month ago, on August 13, but Mama forgot to give them the Frosty Paws then. The second picture below shows the candy Nanaw bought for Chase at Dollar Tree, along with the Hallmark Christmas truck ribbon she bought for the lemurs.
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Chase gets better all the time at putting in his contacts. They still sometimes bother his eyes but he puts eye drops in, and they seem to help. If the contacts bother him too much, he takes them out and wears his glasses. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she had a long list of his homework from Homework Central for Chase to look at to make sure he'd brought home everything he needed. They decided they had to concentrate on the things that were due tomorrow: the history assignment, the math test, the religion test and answers to the questions about the book Restart. Chase did the history assignment on his Chromebook while he and Nanaw were downstairs waiting for the cleaning lady to leave. When they went upstairs, Chase said he could study for the religion test tonight with Daddy. He said he could study for the math test by himself because he said he knew the material well, and the teacher had given them the answers to the practice test they're supposed to go through. So Chase and Nanaw concentrated on the answers to the questions about chapters 10 and 11 in the Restart book. The questions were difficult, and Chase worked hard on them. Nanaw is surprised at how difficult 6th grade is nowadays. She doesn't remember it being this hard many years ago when she was in 6th grade. Chase went to baseball practice this evening, the first time since he broke his wrist. The only thing he was going to be able to do was throw.
Monday, September 11, 2023
Monday, September 11, 2023
Today was picture day for Chase's class at school. He wore a navy blue polo shirt, and Nanaw worked on wetting down his cowlick. When he came home from school, he said his hair was fine, and he smiled for the picture. There was some confusion about what homework he had. When Nanaw checked Homework Central at 2 p.m., the Religion study guide, vocab and the math were the only things listed. Nanaw misread the vocab assignment and thought it was due Wednesday. But it's not due till Friday, along with a quiz. The teachers had added two more things to Homework Central: a 9/11 video worksheet and vocab for the Restart book. Brady's mom had contacted Mama about an assignment that looked like it was due tomorrow. Chase said the teacher hadn't told them about it. So on his own, he emailed the teacher to ask if it was due tomorrow, and she answered back that it wasn’t and they were doing it later in the week. Nanaw was proud of Chase for taking the initiative to email the teacher. He has a mind of his own. In the evening, he worked with Daddy on his Religion homework while Mama went to the Parents & Friends meeting at Chase's school.
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Sunday, September 10, 2023
On Sunday morning, Nanaw got a text from cousin Robbie, asking if he could go fishing at Aspenhof. Nanaw said definitely. Then Robbie said Happy Grandparents' Day, which Nanaw liked. After breakfast, which for Chase included more butter bread, Chase and Nanaw did more of his homework. He worked on drawing his totem pole. Instead of going with Nanaw to her meeting, he decided to go home and stay by himself for a few minutes till Mama and Daddy got home from Lake Egypt. It's a good thing he did, because the 15 minute meeting turned into an hour and a half meeting. Mama came and picked up the dogs and Tyler and all of their stuff and Chase's stuff while Nanaw was still at the meeting. But Mama didn't take Chase's bread, so Nanaw took it over to his house. Mama was at the grocery store but Nanaw waited till she got home so she could find out about their trip. Mama said it was wonderful, and very relaxing. Last night, Alice and Chris made crockpot lasagna, and they gave some to Mama and Daddy to bring home for dinner tonight. Chase got as much of his homework done as he could. He forgot his Religion book so it was hard for him and Daddy to do the worksheet assignment. Mama helped Chase make a video for Nanaw, thanking her for taking care of him for three days, telling her Happy Grandparents' Day, and saying I love you. Nanaw loved the video. Nanaw took the picture below of Chase as she was leaving him alone -- he gave her a thumbs-up! LOL
Saturday, September 9, 2023
Saturday, September 9, 2023
On Saturday morning, Chase and Nanaw went to do some errands. First, they went to Dollar Tree for more of the LED slingshots, then they got gas, then they went to St. Louis Bread Company on Telegraph Road to get Chase's loaf of bread. They picked out something called Classic Miche bread. The BreadCo lady told them it was regular white bread and that was what they were looking for so it all worked out well. Chase also got a cookie with M&Ms on it. Nanaw got an orange scone and a cinnamon crunch bagel. For lunch, Chase had mac and cheese, butter bread and his cookie. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw took Sam and Sylvester for a walk, and they stopped at Chase's bush, as usual. Then Chase played on the computer with his friend Hunter. After Chase was done playing with Hunter, he and Nanaw started working on his homework. He had quite a bit of homework, and they didn't get it all done so they'll have to work on it in the evening and tomorrow. Somehow Sylvester pulled his leash away from the pillar where it was fastened and walked up to one of the neighbors' houses. The neighbor called E and E called Nanaw. Nanaw went to retrieve Sylvester, which made Mama very happy. Nanaw doesn't know how it happened because the leash was attached very firmly -- but evidently not. In the evening, Chase and Nanaw went to Jack in the Box on Tesson Ferry Road to get tiny tacos. Nanaw also got onion rings. They built a fire in the firepit and ate dinner outside again like last night. Chase played with the new LED slingshots, and then they went inside and did more homework. They still have more to do. Chase is watching the movie Madagascar, hoping to see some lemurs in the movie. The third picture below is one that Chase took of his bag Jack (it's really Mama's) and Nanaw's bag Jack and that he sent to Mama.
Friday, September 8, 2023
Friday, September 8, 2023
Disaster was averted Friday morning. Once again, Nanaw left the key in her ignition, and she ran down the battery. She panicked, not knowing how she was going to get Chase to school. Then she decided to try her next-door neighbor Kathy, and miracle of miracles, Kathy was able to drive them to Chase's school, and he got there at 7:55, so he wasn't even late. Nanaw called AAA, and they quickly charged her battery. As soon as possible, Nanaw is going to buy a charger for her battery that you use through the cigarette lighter, so she's prepared if this happens again. I had one years ago, but it stopped working. Everybody wore Hawaiian shirts on Friday at Chase's school to support the fundraiser in support of Hawaii's devastation from the wildfires. Once again on their way out of the school parking lot in the afternoon, they saw the principal and the computer teacher, and again both of them made gestures saying, "What are you doing here? We saw you leave a couple of minutes ago." It was even funnier the second time around. This time, Chase had forgotten his math worksheet and had to go back in and get it. For dinner, they went to Taco Bell and picked up a cheese quesadilla and a soft taco for Chase, a Crunchwrap Supreme, and a regular taco for Nanaw. They ate out in the front yard with a fire in the fire pit. They used the new little lap tables Nanaw bought from Amazon. Chase has been in such a wonderful mood the past few days so Nanaw sent a text to Mama saying: "I'm sorry you and Daddy are missing the absolutely super mood Chase is in. He's funny and friendly and talkative and helpful and says please and thank you. He's everything we've ever wanted him to be. He's been very responsible and serious about his homework and agreeable about things I want him to do, like eating dinner in the front yard with the fire pit. I never thought I could get him to agree to do that. A miracle has occurred!" The second photo is a fish Aunt Becky crocheted.
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Mama had the day off work on Thursday for their great adventure so she took Chase to school. She brought Sam, Sylvester and Tyler over to Nanaw's house for their sleepover at about 10, before Nanaw had to leave for her doctor's appointment. Nanaw picked Chase up from school and made sure he had everything he needed to study for Friday's Science test, plus his other homework. On the way home, they stopped by Chase's house to put away the mail and Mama's delivery from eBay. At Nanaw's house, Chase played on the computer for a while, and then at 4 they started studying for the Science test. There was a lot of material to cover, and it seemed complex. Chase kept saying he knew everything but there were a few questions he had difficulty with so Nanaw had him continue to study. When they were finished studying, they went to Sonic to pick up dinner. Chase had two pretzel twists, mozzarella sticks, and a Sonic blast with M&Ms. Nanaw had popcorn chicken and onion rings. Chase went to bed a little after nine because it was a school night. He plans to stay up late for the other two nights of the sleepover.
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Chase is doing well with his contacts, mostly getting them in on the first try. In the morning, Mama gave Chase the envelope for the mums with orders from Mama, Nanaw and Uncle Mike. She told Chase that the first thing he should do when he got to school would be to give the mums order to his teacher. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school and they made the pick-up call to Mama, Chase told her he forgot to give the mums order to his teacher. So Nanaw said they would make a detour to the front of the school so Chase could take the mums order to the office. Nanaw walked up to the front door of the school with him. On their way out, they passed by the principal and the computer teacher, and both of them made gestures saying, "What are you doing here? We saw you leave a couple of minutes ago." It was very funny. At Nanaw's house, Chase and Nanaw did some reading in his class book Restart. Then they spent the rest of the time before Chase had to go home studying for his Friday science test. They could only study for half of the test because Chase has to finish his study guide in class tomorrow. Nanaw helped him correct some of the words in his study guide -- he was using quantitive and qualitive instead of quantitative and qualitative. Nanaw told him he should always look in the science book for answers for the study guide or anything else. She said he shouldn't guess at the answers or look at other papers he's filled out but hadn't looked up in the science book.