When Nanaw dropped Chase off on Thursday morning, she reminded him to bring home the materials to study for tomorrow’s quiz on Hatchet. Nanaw read the book and really liked it and so did Chase. It turned out that Chase didn’t have any homework except for studying for the Hatchet quiz. They went over the vocabulary words several times. He missed about half of the words the first time but he said that was because he hadn’t studied them yet. On the multiple choice part of the assignment, Chase missed one but Nanaw couldn’t tell him which one it was or what the answer was. He finally figured it out on his own. He knew the words after going over them several times. He did antonyms and the hard way of studying where Nanaw gave him the word and he had to give her the definition. Nanaw asked Mama to do it that way with him again tonight. It turned out that Daddy helped him study because Mama had to bake cookies for the Craft Fair on Saturday. Nanaw went to an author presentation by thriller writer Jeffery Deaver at the Grant's View Library. The weather was cold and rainy and yucky but the presentation was awesome. Jeffery Deaver was hilarious, and Nanaw had a good time and was glad she went. She invited Mama to go with her but Mama had to bake cookies for the Craft Fair.
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
When Mama brought Chase to Nanaw's on Wednesday morning, she gave him a gift card that he was supposed to drop off at the office. It's part of the fundraising project for the ICS Craft Fair on Saturday. On the ride to school, Chase put it on the console in the car. When he got to school, he couldn't find it. It had fallen off the console onto the seat, and Chase was sitting on it. He panicked because he couldn't find it. But when he got out of the car, there it was on the seat, and he was very happy. When Nanaw picked Chase up, he had forgotten the materials for a quiz on Friday on a book they're reading in class. Mama said he didn't have to go back in and get it because he has hockey practice tonight and wouldn't have much time to study it. She said he would have to do lots of studying Thursday night. Chase said he thought he did well on his science test. When Nanaw took Chase home, she told him she'd forgotten to take a picture of him and wanted to take one. He said he'd send her a selfie at 7:30. Nanaw knows that sometimes Chase forgets things (just like Nanaw and Mama) so she took some photos of him getting into his coat and frowning at being photographed. So then he took a selfie in the front yard and texted it to Nanaw. Lots of photos. LOL The first picture below is the selfie, followed by the three frowning ones.
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Chase had on his camou jammies this morning and looked very cute. Nanaw has always liked him in camou clothes so she was happy to see him in the jammies. Yesterday he had on his Jack Skellington jammies. Mama told Nanaw she has a pair of the same jammies. When Nanaw picked him up from school, he said he had a good day. On the pickup call with Mama, she asked what he had for lunch, and he said chicken fries. At Nanaw's house, they started studying for tomorrow's science test. It was all about waves and was fairly complicated. But Chase seemed to know the materials well. He only had 20 minutes or so before it was time to leave so Nanaw said it was okay for him to play with his phone, and he could do his math in the evening. Nanaw told him he should also go over the science flash cards again with Mama, and then do his AR reading. After Nanaw took Chase home, Mama took him to get his hair cut. She took him to the person who cuts his friend Joey's hair. Mama sent a picture of the new haircut, which is flipped in the front. Mama says he really likes the new cut.
Monday, November 27, 2023
Monday, November 27, 2023
On Monday morning, Chase volunteered to read the Pledge of Allegiance and the ICS Mission Statement over the announcement system at school. The principal took a picture of Chase at the microphone and texted it to Mama. She was happy to see it and grateful the principal sent it to her. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her he didn't feel very well. He said his forehead felt hot and he wasn't sure he could go to hockey practice. When they got to Nanaw's house, Nanaw took his temperature, and it was normal. After a little bit, he decided he felt fine. Chase's friend Brady was home sick from school so his Mama asked if Nanaw could take pictures of Chase's study guide for him to study for the science test on Wednesday. Chase had Nanaw wait until he'd finished writing all the answers. When Chase finished writing all the answers, Nanaw took pictures of the pages and then they sent the pages to Brady's Mama. Mama had her hair appointment so she wasn't home when Nanaw took Chase home. Chase told Daddy he felt well enough to go to hockey practice.
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Sunday, November 26, 2023
When Nanaw visited Chase Sunday evening, in addition to the picture she usually takes, she decided to post a photograph of Chase that she hadn’t posted yet. It’s the first one below and it's from Christmas morning when Chase was helping Mama make desserts for both of the Christmas dinners they were going to. In the photo, Chase is working on the dump cake. He also made his favorite dessert — the chocolate pudding layer dessert. On Sunday morning, Chase and Daddy went to church. Later in the day, Chase played VR. Before dinner, Chase and Nanaw played in his room with his stuffed animals. They had a lot of laughs. Nanaw stayed for a spaghetti and Caesar dinner that was very good. Chase was excited about it and had a second helping because spaghetti is one of his favorite dinners. After dinner, they sat in the living room and watched football. Mama did a wonderful job of decorating the Christmas tree and putting up the Christmas decorations.
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Chase had a hockey lesson on Saturday morning, and then hockey practice in the afternoon. He played VR in the afternoon, one of his hockey games. For lunch, he had a lunchable, and for dinner, they all had Subway. Nanaw had gone out to the little house to deliver the Thanksgiving turkey carcass to the animals who live in the woods. On the way out of Aspenhof, Nanaw saw that someone had put a Christmas wreath on the gate. Nanaw took a picture of the turkey carcass and the wreath on the gate and then sent them to Mama and Uncle Mike. Nanaw came over to Chase's house to visit in the evening. She and Chase played in his room for a long while, then Chase wanted to go into the living room to watch hockey on TV. Mama was putting up the Christmas decorations and the Christmas tree. She asked Daddy to put the lights on the Christmas tree because he does such a good job at it. When Nanaw left, she told Mama she would drive up the street to see if the house with all the Christmas lights had its lights up this year. And it did! Nanaw took a couple of pictures and sent them to Mama and Uncle Mike, and she called the Christmas light display magnificent.
Thursday, November 23, 2023
Friday, November 24, 2023
On Friday morning, Mama, Chase and Nanaw went on their annual adventure to see the Christmas train display at the Museum of Transportation. They've been visiting the Christmas train display since Chase was about three years old. The adventure includes a stop for a box of yummy popcorn, then looking at all the train displays and Christmas decorations in the main building. The main train displays are in the car building at the top of the hill. Outside the car building. they visited two awesome reindeer and took pictures with them. At the display, they talked with one of the volunteer "engineers" about the new features added to the display this year. Chase looked for one of his favorite parts of the display: an ice hockey skating rink but couldn't find it. So when Chase and Nanaw go back for another visit on Chase's Christmas break, they'll look for the hockey skating rink again. After the visit, on the way home they stopped at Penn Station for a takeout lunch they ate at Nanaw's house. In the afternoon, Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky came down to put up Nanaw's outdoor decorations. While they were decorating, Nanaw made turkey soup. She packed p some for Uncle Mike and some for Mama, Daddy and Chase for their dinner and delivered it to them like Door Dash.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Happy Thanksgiving!! Thursday, November 23, 2023
Nanaw turned out to be very happy she'd done some of the food preparation for Thanksgiving the night before. So she had plenty of time to do everything she needed to do. Nanaw had a funny experience trying to get Mr. Turkey in the pan. He kept slipping out on the counter, and Nanaw was afraid he would fall on the floor. But she finally managed to get him where he belonged. Mama came over before they went to cousin Carolyn's for their Thanksgiving dinner to put Mr. Turkey in the oven. Cousin Kris was the first person there, and she came early so she and Nanaw had a chance to catch up. Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky were the next to arrive, along with Nyeal and Irina. They moved the furniture in Nanaw's living room to make room for 15 people, which included cousin Lindsey, Dylan, cousin Joe, Julia, Julia's mother Beverly, and Jeremy. Nyeal and Irina also helped Uncle Mike get the outdoor Christmas decorations out of the garage attic. He and Aunt Becky are coming to put them up tomorrow. Mama, Daddy and Chase got there about 5:15. She was happy to see they were using paper plates because there would be fewer dishes for her to wash. Dinner turned out great and everybody was complimentary. Chase played with Jeremy, and everybody played with Hudson. He especially liked the trains on Nanaw's holiday table. The desserts were great and praised by everybody. Before they left, Uncle Mike and Nyeal and Irina put the furniture back in place.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Mama had the day off work Wednesday, and Chase had the day off school. Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house at about 10:30 while she went shopping at the mall and ran errands. She came back at noon and brought Arby's for her and Chase. She brought fried cheese bits for Chase, plus curly fries and a sandwich. After lunch, they went to the General Store to try to buy tickets for the house tour but there weren't any left. Nanaw was disappointed that she wouldn't get to have a tour of Chase's former school, now redeveloped into a hotel named The Principal, a restaurant named Graphite and a sports bar named Home Court. But when it's all open, she'll be able to go see everything. Mama and Nanaw went to take a look at The Barn, a new bar that's opening in a few weeks and that's owned by the man who owns The General Store. Next, they drove around Columbia looking at various things. Finally, they went to Walgreens to spend Chase's gift card. He bought two football figures and a couple of other things. Mama was going to buy toothpaste for Chase but both Mama and Nanaw forgot about it. Back at Nanaw's house, both Mama and Nanaw took brief naps while Chase played with his football figures. In the evening, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Auntie LaLa's for homemade pizza and making pumpkin pies. Chase was so excited that little Will was there, and they spent the whole evening playing games together. Also in the evening, Nanaw tried out her new idea of doing some of the Thanksgiving cooking the night before. She fixed the stuffing, green beans, fruit salad and ambrosia.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
Chase had a half day of school today, as the start to his Thanksgiving vacation. He's also off tomorrow, Thursday and Friday. With a bit of fussing on Chase's part, Chase and Nanaw went to Powder Valley. Of course, Chase wanted to stay home and play on the computer But Nanaw said they were going to Powder Valley, and they went. They visited all of Chase's favorite things. First, they stopped at the huge snakes -- one of them is a rattlesnake. They looked at the tarantula and the frogs. Then they went to visit the huge turtles. Next, they went downstairs and spent some time with the bug display. Nanaw pointed out the chiggers, the insects that really bit Chase out at Elias's house when Chase and Elias rolled around in the grass. They went to the aquarium to look for the turtle who buries himself under the gravel but he was nowhere in sight. Chase noticed that there was a new, beautiful black fish in the aquarium. Chase played with the bottles of water, one of which he calls chocolate milk. They looked at the rest of things downstairs then went upstairs. At the bee display, Chase told Nanaw that the queen bee has a yellow dot on her back so they looked for that. But they couldn't find a bee with a yellow dot. Then Chase read a note on the bee display that said when it gets cold, the other bees pile on the queen to keep her warm. So Chase figured that's what they were doing, and that's why no yellow-dotted queen was visible. For lunch, Chase ate his lunchable in the car. In the afternoon, Chase played in his phone and on the computer. He also played knee hockey in the hall. He had Alexa set a time for 40 minutes for him to do his AR reading. He finished the book he's reading, and he'll take the test on it Monday when he's back in school. For dinner, Chase had the leftover chicken strips from Joe Boccardi's. Nanaw heated them up in the oven, and they turned out perfectly. Mama and Daddy were working at the Queen of Hearts so Chase stayed at Nanaw's till 7:30.
Monday, November 20, 2023
Monday, November 20, 2023
Happy Birthday, Uncle Mike! When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he was happy he didn't have any homework except AR. At Nanaw's house, he played on the computer and played knee hockey in the hall until Mama and Daddy came over. They were all going to Joe Boccardi's for Uncle Mike's birthday dinner. Mama and Aunt Becky are trying to eat healthy so they had salads, and Nanaw had a spinach salad. Uncle Mike had a buffalo chicken pizza and chicken wings as an appetizer. Chase had a sampler platter appetizer as his meal. Daddy had pasta con broccoli. After dinner, they went back to Nanaw's house for presents and cake and ice cream. Mama gave Uncle Mike funny signs for his upcoming bar, plus she contributed to his table saw. Nanaw gave Uncle Mike a Blues sweatshirt,, a scale to weigh fish and peanut brittle. Nanaw made Uncle Mike a German chocolate cake, and Chase enjoyed licking the batter from the beaters and the mixing bowl, as shown in the photos below. For ice cream, they had Blue Bunny vanilla with chocolate chunks. Chase also enjoyed manipulating the recliner, something he hadn't done before. It was a great evening, in spite of the rain.
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Mama and Nanaw went to Uncle Mike's birthday breakfast at his and Aunt Becky's house on Sunday morning. Daddy and Chase couldn't come because Chase had a hockey game. Most of the family was there, including cousin Joe and Julia and Hudson, cousin Kris, cousin Lindsey and Dylan, Nichole and Jon Jon, Irina, and Nyeal. Kathleen, Nick and Carson were also there. The food was delicious: eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy, fruit, cinnamon rolls and pumpkin cinnamon rolls. Aunt Becky grilled some of the cinnamon rolls, and that was a big hit, especially with Nanaw. Chase's team lost their hockey game but Chase did two assists. But he also got a penalty for body-checking a girl hockey player and was in the penalty box. In the evening, Nanaw went to Chase's house for one of Mama's experimental dinners. Mama made spaghetti with chicken, salsa and pepper jack cheese. Nanaw said she would taste it, and she ended up liking it and eating lots. Mama, Daddy and Chase liked it also. After dinner, they watched the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving video, which was great fun. Daddy signed up for a video service that shows videos of Chase's hockey games. He gave Nanaw the login information so she and Chase can watch the video tomorrow.
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Chase had a hockey game early on Saturday morning. Unfortunately, they lost 2 to 0 but Mama said it looked like they were moving pretty well after the first period. For a tournament game in Jefferson City in December, Mama, Daddy and Chase are going to stay overnight, and Nanaw will take care of Sam and Sylvester. After they got home from the hockey game on Saturday morning, Mama dropped Chase off at Nanaw's house on her way to the grocery store. Chase played on the computer, and Nanaw sat in the computer lab with him and played on the laptop. Unfortunately, he was looking at videos on YouTube, which he isn't supposed to do. So Nanaw asked him to switch to YouTube Kids. He also practiced hockey in the hall with his knee hockey net and hockey stick. Nanaw took Chase home at noon and stayed for a few minutes while Mama tested out making a smoothie with spinach in it. Nanaw, Chase and Daddy had a taste and said it wasn't too bad. For lunch, Chase had leftover Chinese from last night: sweet and sour chicken and rice. After lunch, Chase and Daddy were going to open skating with some members of Chase's hockey team. When Chase got home from skating, he played VR, and then he and Daddy went to church. They can't go Sunday morning because Chase has a hockey game. They had Imo's for dinner. Mama had a salad and pizza and Chase had toasted ravioli and provel bites. Mama also made him eat some blueberries. After dinner, Chase played VR again.
Friday, November 17, 2023
Friday, November 17, 2023
On Friday morning, Mama learned from Chase that he was encouraged to bring popcorn to school to watch a movie in religion class. So good Mama went home and got two little bags of popcorn for Chase to take to school for the movie. Nanaw told Chase that they were taking Cole home from school, and Chase told Nanaw his friend Will might come over to play after school. Chase got a 100 on his religion test so now his grade is an A, from a B. Nanaw asked Chase what the religion movie was, and Chase said Prince of Egypt. Good news: Chase didn't have any homework this weekend except for AR reading. When Nanaw and Chase took Cole home from school, Cole played with the car phone and Chase played with his phone so there was no laughing or screaming in the back seat, which Nanaw missed. At Nanaw's house, Will came to visit. He said he rode his dirt bike there instead of his regular bike because he's lazy. Chase and Will played soccer outside, and Nanaw took Hawaiian Punch, Cheez-Its and candy to them. They came inside and played on the computer and their phones for a while, then went back outside to play soccer again. Mama, Daddy and Chase had Chinese for dinner. After dinner, Daddy took Chase for his baseball hitting lesson.
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Thursday, November 16, 2023
When Mama and Chase got to Nanaw's house on Thursday morning, Nanaw showed them Mr. Turkey in her upstairs freezer. She cleaned out the bottom area of the freezer for Mr. Turkey. He weighs 23 pounds and a nice man at Walmart helped Nanaw get Mr. Turkey into Nanaw's shopping cart. Nanaw is also going to get ham for Thanksgiving dinner. Chase had his math test today and when Nanaw picked him up from school on Thursday afternoon, she asked how the test went and he said he thought he did okay. He said it probably wouldn't be graded until Monday. Chase has two tests on Friday -- one in English on pronouns and one in AR on vocabulary. Chase and Nanaw studied the vocabulary material, and he studied the pronouns mostly on his own. He asked Nanaw some of the pronoun questions, and he said he thought that was a good way to study. Chase had a baseball lesson in the evening, and Daddy picked him up early for the lesson. Cole's mom texted Nanaw asking if she could give Cole a ride home, and Nanaw said yes, of course, and that Chase really enjoys taking Cole home.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
On Wednesday morning, Nanaw gave Mama the two calendars she bought for her at Dollar Tree yesterday. One was puppies and the other one was puppies and kittens. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, they went over his list of homework to make sure he had everything. He'd done the science and history assignments in class. He was going to study for tomorrow's religion test with Daddy. Chase and Nanaw studied for tomorrow's math test by doing the practice test at the end of chapter 3. Interestingly, each of them got a couple of problems wrong but not the same ones so they figured out the correct answers for all of the problems. Chase had thought the math teacher was going to send the class the answers to the practice test but she hadn't. So he sent her an email asking about it. Later in the evening she sent the answers, and Chase and Nanaw's answers were correct. Chase also did his AR reading at Nanaw's house. He had to be home by 4 p.m. because Mama was taking him to hockey practice. Nanaw sent home another copy of the math practice test for Chase to do in the evening. Mama said he did the test, and got all the answers right.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
On Tuesday morning, Mama and her friend Becky brought Chase over to Nanaw's. This time, Becky was driving. In January, when they start back in the office three days a week, Mama and Becky will take turns driving. In the afternoon, for some reason, Nanaw thought it was Wednesday and early dismissal. She drove down to the end of her subdivision before she realized her mistake and drove back home. Cole's mom asked Nanaw to give Cole a ride home, and Nanaw did. Chase and Cole had a fun time in the back seat, playing with Nanaw's phone and laughing uproariously. Chase and Nanaw did some studying of the vocabulary words for the Hatchet quiz on Friday. Nanaw told Chase to have Mama go over them again in the evening, along with Chase doing his AR reading. Chase also did his math assignment. He has a math test on Thursday and tomorrow after school, Chase is going to do the practice chapter test. Uncle Mike came over early to cut the grass. At about 4:30, Uncle Mike was ready to go to Walmart with Nanaw to get Covid and flu shots so they took Chase home. Chase was excited about the possibility of staying home alone if Mama and Daddy weren't home from work yet. But Daddy was just getting home so Chase's hopes were crushed. Daddy offered to stay outside for a while so Chase could be home alone but Chase laughed and said no, thank you.
Monday, November 13, 2023
Monday, November 13, 2023
Mama and her friend Becky brought Chase over to Nanaw's house on Monday morning. They were going into the office for the first time in a long time. Starting in January, Mama's department has to work in the office three days a week. Today and tomorrow the department members will be in the office to meet with one of the bosses and to check out their new location. Mama said they were all really happy to see one another, and there were a lot of hugs involved. However, everyone would much prefer to continue working at home. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said he had some math and science homework to do. He has three quizzes on Friday that he and Nanaw will study for later in the week: DLR, Hatchet and pronouns. After school, Chase worked on his homework and showed Nanaw the IXL math homework he did over the weekend. He said it took him a long while, and he missed a lot of problems. Evidently, the math on IXL is getting more difficult. Two of Chase's friends did really well in the Young Author project. Cole won first place and Will was a runner-up in sixth grade. Chase had cookies and cream ice cream for his after-school snack -- that boy really loves ice cream. Daddy was going to take him for hockey practice at 5:30.
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Chase and Daddy went to church on Sunday morning. Nanaw came over to visit after she went to church. She'd brought a bottle of water with her, and the cap was loose so it spilled all over her and her tote bag. She had to carry in the treats for the pets rather than taking them in the house in her bag. For months now, she's been bringing cat treats for Tyler. Then somebody said what about the dogs. So Nanaw bought doggie bacon strips for Sam and Sylvester, which makes them even happier to see her. Chase and Nanaw played with his stuffed animals. Nanaw fixed some of the lemurs' bows that had come loose. They counted the money in Chase's wallet, and he has $170.00. Chase said he got his IXL computer math homework done, and it was medium hard. In the afternoon, Chase was going for a pitching lesson; Daddy was going to take him. Later, he was going to be a teacher at a Learn to Play session for younger players. Nanaw thinks that is so cute, and she's anxious to hear how it turned out; Mama is taking him to that. The first picture below is Chase making snow angels in the snow a year ago today. The second picture is Chase with a hockey trophy he received.
Friday, November 10, 2023
Saturday, November 11, 2023
Mama and Nanaw went to the birthday party in Eureka for Max and Elizabeth on Saturday afternoon but Nanaw was disappointed that Chase didn't go. He had had a 7:15 a.m. hockey game Saturday morning, and he was really tired. His team lost 8 to 2. Mama worked in the penalty box, and the first photo shows Chase in the penalty box with Mama. He got a penalty for body-slamming another player, which he said he didn't do. The referee wasn't sure about it but gave Chase the penalty anyway. Mama and Nanaw had a good time at the party. Max and Elizabeth are really cute. Max is wild and funny. He tore into the presents no matter what his Grandma Judy said. Elizabeth was a little quieter and kept her presents organized. Right away, she started playing with the Barbie spa set Mama and Nanaw got for her. There was a delicious taco bar, which Mama and Nanaw loved. They also loved the CostCo chocolate cake with divine chocolate frosting. At Max's request, there was also a cookie cake. Judy gave Mama, Aunt Karen and Nanaw a tour of her house. It's really cool, especially the huge master bedroom with an office area. In the evening, Mama, Daddy and Chase went to Washy's for dinner, and Mama sent Nanaw a picture of Chase eating fried cheese bites,
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Friday, November 10, 2023
Aunt Becky sent a picture (the first one below) of cousin Natalie's new kitten Lily. It's a tortoiseshell just like Nanaw and Pawpaw's kitties Smokey and Romanian Baby. Aunt Becky was released from the hospital and went home this morning. Everything was taken care of with the kidney stone. When Nanaw took Chase to school, the traffic was all confused. One of the parent's cars was parked in the drop-off area, and no one could get through. Nanaw had Chase get off before the actual drop-off place, and he wasn't very happy about that. Nanaw is looking forward to her shopping adventure at Target this afternoon with Chase and Mama. They had a great time at Target. For Max, they bought Hot Wheels (Chase's suggestion), plus the math/brain game books Mama got from Amazon, and a $45 Robux gift card. For Elizabeth, they got a Barbie spa set (selected by Mama because it has a dog), a Barbie vet set (also selected by Mama because it has dogs), and a $25 Target gift card. Chase also got presents from Mama. The last photo is one Nanaw took of her Halloween decorations and sent to Mama, saying it was time for them to come down.
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Yesterday, Nanaw forgot to put Creeper in the bag of guys so he had an unauthorized sleepover. On Thursday morning when Chase got to Nanaw's house, she assigned him the responsibility of seeing that Creeper always goes home. The first photo below shows Creeper -- he is green and black and looks like Minecraft. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, they went over his list of homework and tests, and Chase had brought everything and didn't have to go back into school. Twice Chase and Nanaw studied his Hatchet vocabulary words for the quiz on Friday, and Chase said he would study them again with Mama in the evening, along with going over his DLR sentences for the quiz on Friday. Nanaw told Chase about the birthday party on Saturday for Max and Elizabeth, his cousins. She showed him a picture of them on Facebook and told them there would be a taco bar and cake at the party. He said he would go if Mama would let him take his phone and maybe play Roblox with Max. Nanaw told Mama about that, and Mama said Max probably wouldn't be able to play during the party. Mama, Chase and Nanaw are going to Target Friday afternoon to get presents for Max and Elizabeth. They're going to buy Barbie things for Elizabeth and Roblox things for Max.
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Chase was very happy that Nanaw found the car phone in her coat pocket and made sure that Nanaw brought it along on the ride to school. Nanaw also tried the charger with the car phone again and selected the right things to make it work again so all is well. In the afternoon, Cole's mom Tanya texted Nanaw to ask if Nanaw could give Cole a ride home from school. Tanya had a conference call at three and couldn't pick Cole up. Chase said the only homework he was going to do was math at Nanaw's and AR reading at home. Both Mama and Nanaw had told Chase to bring his Hatchet questions home today so he could work on them and study for Friday's quiz. But he forgot to bring them and wouldn't go back in to get them because he said they were in his desk, and the classroom would be locked. Chase and Cole had a good time in the back seat playing with the car phone, laughing a lot. Nanaw likes to see Chase happy. At Nanaw's house, Chase did his math and then played on the computer. Nanaw misses doing math with Chase so she did the problems also, but not with Chase.
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
On Tuesday morning, Chase told Mama and Nanaw that he had gotten almost all of his homework done. He just had to color a picture he drew for one of his classes. Being off on Friday for Rockbridge meant he had a lot of homework to do, plus taking three quizzes yesterday. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he said he had very little homework -- just some science, studying for a religion test and AR reading -- so he invited Will over to play. He asked Nanaw if that was okay, and Nanaw said yes. Will arrived out-of-breath because he ran from his house to Nanaw's. Nanaw forgot to ask why he didn't ride his bike or his motor bike. Chase and Will played soccer outside for awhile. Then they came in to play knee hockey. Finally, they played Roblox and had a great time. They play really well together. Will is really a good kid, polite and nice to Chase. Nanaw drove Will home on the way to take Chase home. Mama wasn't there because she had Queen of Hearts tonight. Chase has a religion test tomorrow, and he and Daddy were going to study science and religion tonight, along with the AR reading.
Monday, November 6, 2023
Monday, November 6, 2023
Chase had a lot of homework to turn in on Monday at school. Plus, he had three quizzes to take. He worked really hard on Sunday night on his homework, and then again on Monday afternoon at Nanaw's house. He told Nanaw that maybe next year they could go to Rockbridge in October on one of the Fridays they have off from school. Then he suggested that maybe they could go in the summer. These suggestions were to keep him from having so much homework to do from missing school. Nanaw told Mama about these suggestions, and Mama said she would talk to Daddy about it. Mama and Nanaw would also talk to Uncle Mike and Aunt Becky. Chase got a 100 on his Daily Review of Literature quiz, a 95 on the math quiz, and a 100 on his Sleepy Hollow packet, so he did well on all the work, even though there was so much of it; He stayed home from hockey practice on Monday evening so he could finish all the homework that he had to turn in on Tuesday.