Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

Chase’s adventure today was going to Babygarten at the Columbia Library. He ran around the room a lot, although he did sit on Nanaw’s lap for story time. He played with the toys and the other girls and boys. After Babygarten, Chase and Nanaw went to the children’s room in the library. Riley was there and she and Chase played with the toys and posed for a picture. After his nap, Chase and Nanaw played in his room, and Chase colored at the kitchen breakfast bar. Then they went downstairs for "school." Chase played with the alphabet letters and did a good job of identifying them. Then Nanaw let him play with the parts of the huge train set that Mama’s friend Jane from work gave him. Nanaw tried to put it together but the track is very complicated. When Chase went home, Nanaw realized she’d left Tee-Tee somewhere at her house. She went home and searched a long while for Tee-Tee and finally found him in Chase’s room, in the arms of the Lazy Boy raccoon. She took Tee-Tee back to Chase who was very happy to see his friend.

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