Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Chase’s adventure today was going to Tot Time at the Columbia Library. He was really well-behaved and engaged. He played with the children, the toys and the puzzles before the program began. During the songs and story, he sat on the chairs, at first, then ran around on the rug for a few minutes. He seemed to have fun at the craft table making the frog headband. He wasn’t very happy wearing the frog headband, and Nanaw took soome photos of him with a pouty face. When Chase and Nanaw left, he said good-bye to Miss Candy. Chase and Nanaw went to the children’s reading room, and he played with Kaleb and Riley. He’s becoming quite the little social animal. After Tot Time, Nanaw took Chase to the park playground next to the library. He seemed to have a great time going down the slides all by himself. All in all, it was quite a successful adventure. In the afternoon, he played with Nanaw’s little houses. Then he went over to his drawer in the roll top desk and got out his colors and paper and coloring book and put them on the kitchen counter. Then he climbed up on one of the tall chairs and began to color – he’s getting so grown up and independent.



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