Monday, June 30, 2014

Monday, June 30, 2014

Chase and Nanaw went for a morning walk in Nanaw’s subdivision before it got too hot. As usual, Mr. Friendly Chase said Hi to everyone they passed on their walk. During the morning, Chase and Nanaw played with his trains, and Chase watched Peppa Pig on the DVD player. When Chase woke up from his nap, he was lying in bed and he said to Nanaw: "Help, help. Messy diapy." Very cute – and indeed there was a very messy diapy. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw went downstairs for school and to play with the trains.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Chase had an exciting adventure on Sunday: He and Mama went swimming in Waterloo with Mama’s Wells co-worker Aunt Jane. Mama said Chase had a really good time in the little children’s swimming pool. Aunt Jane gave Chase some of the toys her boys had outgrown, including a big boat, a small boat and an airplane. In the evening, Nanaw came for dinner of delicious brisket, fry-fries and toasted ravioli. Before dinner, Chase and Nanaw had a yummy snack of pretzel crackers. After dinner, Mama, Chase, Sam and Nanaw went for a walk and Nanaw pulled Chase in the wagon.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Nanaw went to visit Chase this morning, and he played with lots of his toys in his room and in the living room. One cute thing he did was when Mama showed him a picture of a shark ornament in a Hallmark ad and asked him what it was. Chase very clearly said "I don’t know." Very cute. A little later, Chase came back to Nanaw’s house to play while Mama took Mufasa to the vet. Chase and Nanaw played with his Thomas and James trains and with other toys in his room. At one point, Chase was playing with Nanaw’s Christmas houses on the hearth, and he knocked one of them over and broke a piece off of it. Chase very clearly said¸ "I’m sorry, Nanaw." Mama told Nanaw about what happened later in the afternoon. She bought French fries for Chase at McDonald’s, and she gave him some to eat on the way home. He said, "Thank you, Mama," and then he said, "Love you, Mama" That was the first time he said an unsolicited love you to anyone.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday, June 27, 2014

Daddy brought Chase over to Nanaw’s house a little after 8. He took the day off to work on the new patio expansion. Home Depot delivered the patio stones before Chase and Daddy left for Nanaw’s so Chase got to see the forklift unloading the patio stones. Chase and Nanaw went for an early morning walk in Nanaw’s subdivision. Then they went to the Ford dealer in Waterloo and to the Waterloo Walmart. Chase rode on Dino the Dinosaur and seemed to have a good time. But when Nanaw tried to get him to ride on the Alvin the Chipmunk trolley or train, he wouldn’t ride on it – it was as though he was scared of the Alvin figure in the driver’s seat. After his nap, Chase and Nanaw played with the trains. Chase finally let Nanaw put batteries in the new James train. He put both of the battery trains on the track and had a great time watching them go around the train. Mama picked up Chase on her way home from work so they could go to Red Bud for a big adventure – a Color Run. Mama said Chase had a great time. The first thing he did when they got there was ride on a little train with Taylor, Aunt Becky’s little girl. He got covered with colored powder and seemed to really enjoy it. On the way home, Mama stopped at McDonald’s to get fry-fries for Chase, and that was probably his favorite part of the evening.



Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Chase’s adventure today was going shopping with Nanaw at Walmart. Nanaw bought him another train to go with his Thomas set – it’s a red train engine named James and it has a red coal car. He clutched it happily the whole shopping trip. At the end of the shopping trip, he rode on the horsie and then on Elmo – those were his highlights of the day. He said "Yee-haw" when the horsie started moving, then said good-bye to the horsie. He also said good-bye to Elmo. When he got up from his nap and Nanaw was carrying him into the living room, he started to sing "Tick Tock, I’m a little cuckoo clock" – very cute. When it was time to go home, Nanaw said "Do you want to go home and see Mama and Daddy?" and then turned around to look at Chase. He was at the front door, manfully carrying his red bag. The bag is almost as big as him and he was struggling with it, and it was the cutest thing.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Chase’s big adventure for the day was visiting Mama at Wells Fargo. However, silly Nanaw forgot to take any pictures. Chase seemed to have a marvelous time. He saw a helicopter on his way into the building, and then another one of his way out – so Mama says he probably thinks Mama works at an airport. His first stop was at Auntie Ann’s office, where he had two brownies, and Auntie Ann gave him a yellow biplane with Mickey Mouse in it. He played with it the whole time he was there, running up and down the aisles and saying "Zoom" and then sliding like he was a baseball player sliding into base. He also played with Power Rangers from Jane and Wells Fargo stagecoaches from Mama and Aunt Becky. Chase was his usual social self, saying hello to people and being very friendly and outgoing. He had snacks and a juice box in Mama’s cube. All in all, Chase’s visit to Mama’s work was a great success – until the end when it was time to go, and he didn’t want to leave. He started to cry so Mama rushed him out of there. He had such a busy morning that he fell asleep almost as soon as he was in the car. Mama picked up Chase on her way home from work, and they went to two parks for Chase to play in. for dinner, Chase had McDonald’s, and Mama and Daddy had Subway.