Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Chase’s big adventure for the day was visiting Mama at Wells Fargo. However, silly Nanaw forgot to take any pictures. Chase seemed to have a marvelous time. He saw a helicopter on his way into the building, and then another one of his way out – so Mama says he probably thinks Mama works at an airport. His first stop was at Auntie Ann’s office, where he had two brownies, and Auntie Ann gave him a yellow biplane with Mickey Mouse in it. He played with it the whole time he was there, running up and down the aisles and saying "Zoom" and then sliding like he was a baseball player sliding into base. He also played with Power Rangers from Jane and Wells Fargo stagecoaches from Mama and Aunt Becky. Chase was his usual social self, saying hello to people and being very friendly and outgoing. He had snacks and a juice box in Mama’s cube. All in all, Chase’s visit to Mama’s work was a great success – until the end when it was time to go, and he didn’t want to leave. He started to cry so Mama rushed him out of there. He had such a busy morning that he fell asleep almost as soon as he was in the car. Mama picked up Chase on her way home from work, and they went to two parks for Chase to play in. for dinner, Chase had McDonald’s, and Mama and Daddy had Subway.

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