Saturday, August 23, 2014

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Nanaw went to visit Chase this morning and playing with him while Daddy was playing golf and Mama went to the grocery store. Chase and Nanaw played with his trains for awhile. Before Mama left for the grocery store, she showed Nanaw and Chase the video of Uncle Joe doing the ice water challenge, and Chase seemed delighted with it. Just as Mama was leaving, she asked Chase if he wanted anything from the grocery store, and he said "Newspaper" to Mama’s and Nanaw’s shock. They had no idea where he learned that word. Nanaw couldn’t seem to get her phone away from Chase while Mama was gone so he played with apps, including the new Elmo potty training app Nanaw bought. In the afternoon, Mama and Aunt Becca did the ice water challenge, and Mama said Chase got a big kick out of it, especially the muddy puddles he could play in.

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