Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Chase had a grand adventure today at the Powder Valley Nature Center, run by the Missouri Department of Conservation. First, Chase and Nanaw went on the 2/3 mile trail. Chase seemed to have a wonderful time, running ahead of Nanaw on the asphalt trail. Each of them picked up a stick to take on their hike. The trail had benches along the way, with numbers on them. Chase seemed to take great delight in announcing the numbers of the benches to Nanaw. When they finished their hike, Chase and Nanaw went inside the Nature Center building. Chase seemed to have a super time running around the building, looking at all of the displays. He went into the puppet room and looked at the fish tank there and played with the frog puppet. They went downstairs and Chase looked at the fish in the aquarium for a long while. He met a little boy his age named Evan, and they played together in the tree house for awhile, seeming to both enjoy the snake display. Chase didn’t want to leave the Nature Center building but Nanaw promised that they’d go on another trail. They walked on the 1/3 trail, and Chase ran the whole way, except for brief stops to visit the numbered benches. Chase didn’t want to leave but Nanaw promised they’d return soon.


Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday, September 29, 2014

Daddy was off work today, and he and Chase went out to Wentzville to pick up Grandma Pat and bring her back to Columbia for her dentist appointment. Chase threw up while he was out there and had to wear one of his cousin Zander’s big tee shirts. Grandma Pat brought Wesley, Chase’s 9-month-old cousin, with her. The two boys sat in their car seats in the back seat facing each other, and Grandma Pat said they were chattering to each other. When Chase got to Nanaw’s house, she put a tee shirt and shorts on him. In the morning, Chase played downstairs with his trains. Then Chase and Nanaw played school. Chase also colored and watched Phonics Farm. Before Chase’s nap, Chase and Nanaw put up some Halloween gels on the front door. Unfortunately, Nanaw put them up within Chase’s reach and he took them all down. So Nanaw put them back up higher so that Chase can’t reach them.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Chase went to visit Grandma Pat today with Daddy, and Daddy said Chase seemed to have a good time. While they were there, Daddy and Chase went to Walmart, but Daddy said he didn't see anything for Chase to ride on so no Elmo or horsey. In the evening, Nanaw came to visit as Chase was finishing dinner. He ended up eating some Munchies. He kept asking for pretzels. Nanaw didn't 't know he knew the word. Mama tried his Minion Halloween costume on him, and he seemed willing to wear it as long as he could wear the Thomas backpack at the same time.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Chase had a major, major adventure today: He went to Grant’s Farm for the Edward Jones Founders’ Day with Mama, Daddy and Nanaw. He got to go for a really long train ride up to the Grant’s Farm area and saw lots of animals on the way, including deer, buffalo, geese, goats, swans, and ducks. He rode the carousel, at funnel cake, rode on a camel with Daddy, fed the goats, fed the parakeets, fed a camel, ate lots of potato chips, got a huge red balloon, and sat on the grass to eat lunch. On the train ride back to the parking lot, a man sitting in front of Chase taught him to do a fist bump, and now this seems to be Chase’s new favorite thing to do. On the drive home, Chase noticed a red mark on his knee and said to Nanaw, "I need a Band-Aid." Very funny. Nanaw didn’t realize he even knew the word Band-Aid.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday, September 26, 2014

Today was a day of adventures for Chase, Mama and Nanaw. Mama took the day off and first, they went to Walmart where Nanaw bought the Halloween shirts for Mama and Uncle Mike. Then they went to Toys R Us, where Santa Mama and Santa Nanaw bought presents for Chase. Mama also bought another train for Chase to have right away: Bash and the tree. Next, they met Aunt Becky, Kole and Taylor at The Office restaurant in Red Bud for lunch. Nanaw had a funnel cake and she shared it with Chase and Mama. Their next major adventure of the day was visiting a pumpkin patch named Pumpkin Blossom Hill. Miracle of miracles, there was a life-sized wooden Thomas the Train there for the children to climb on. There was also a yellow submarine, a corn maze, swings, slides, see-saws, a tub full of corn to scoop, and a huge tub full of balls the kids could jump in. It was a super fun area and everyone had such a good time. There’s also a gift shop and Nanaw bought a ghost and pumpkin knick-knack for Mama to put on her desk at work and a white scary pumpkin for Chase. On the way home, they stopped at Great Clips in Columbia and Chase got his first non-Daddy hair cut. He was incredibly good and charming, smiling and laughing and entertaining everyone – amazing! He looks super cute with his new do.