Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

Today, Chase went to the bank, the library and the train store. He also got to see Uncle Mike. Chase’s first adventure was to go to the bank with Nanaw, and he was a social little fellow there. When they walked in, Chase said "Hi." He got a lollipop from the teller and said "Thank you," and he seemed very interested in the little solar toys that moved because of the light. (Later that day, Nanaw went to Dollar Tree and bought two of them for him.) When Chase and Nanaw left the bank, Chase said, "Bye." Next Chase and Nanaw went to the Frisco Train store where Chase played on the train tables and seemed to have a really good time. Nanaw bought him a train named Diesel, two Thomas board books and a special piece of track for his wooden train table set. There were lots of children at the store today, many more than the other day. After leaving the train store, Chase and Nanaw went to the library where they checked out a Thomas book and Chase played with the games and the puzzles. When they drove into Nanaw’s subdivision, they met Uncle Mike, who was just leaving Nanaw’s house after cutting Nanaw’s grass. Uncle Mike came back to Nanaw’s to visit. Chase seemed very happy to see Uncle Mike and asked him to play trains so Uncle Mike went with Chase into his room to see all his trains. When Chase went home, he and Nanaw forgot to take Tee-Tee so Nanaw returned him in the evening while Chase, Mama and Daddy were at Aunt Becca and Uncle Stan’s house. Mama sent Nanaw a picture of Chase after they got home, holding Tee-Tee and drinking his glass of milk before bed.

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