Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tuesday. June 30, 2015

Chase's adventure for Tuesday was a visit to the Animal Protective Association for Tuesday Tails. As usual, Chase sat and laid on the big stuffed shaggy dog in the middle of the floor. He also jumped on it a bit -- it was very cute. Today's story was about a dog who wanted to be good but was having trouble doing it. The main attraction was a visit by a lady who has three Chihuahuas. She brought them into the room in a dog stroller, very similar to the cat stroller that Nanaw has. The boys and girls got to pet the Chihuahuas, who were named Hershey, Nacho and Opal. Chase really liked the puppies and liked petting them. When everyone went to visit the kittens, Chase had a great time playing with the kitten toys in the visiting rooms. There were about 20 baby kittens there today and half of them were black. But Nanaw restrained herself and did not get a replacement for Tyra -- at least not today. Chase fell asleep on the way home, and when he and Nanaw went into the house, for the first time ever, Chase told Nanaw he wanted to take a night-night nap. So he took a 4 1/2 hour nap in the afternoon. By the way, Mama called Nanaw to tell her that Tyler has a middle name, courtesy of Auntie La-La's visit Saturday night -- Tyrone.

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