Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Chase and Nanaw had a fun day on Tuesday. Chase was in a particularly cheerful mood. When Mama dropped him off, he saw the geese in Nanaw's neighbor's yard, and he came in the house saying, Quack, quack," and his good mood continued from there. Tuesday's adventure was a visit to the Train House. The 9:15 session of the Creation Station was sold out so Chase and Nanaw had to wait until the 10:30 session. Chase had his popcorn and played on the little train table in the cafe. He also ran around the circus train display. Miss Linda was very happy to see Chase and Nanaw, who hadn't visited the Train House last week because of Chase's swollen eyes. Chase and Nanaw had a grand time playing with the trains and track and mega blocks and the kitchen. It was a perfect visit. When they got to the car, Nanaw gave Chase some chocolate milk, and unprompted he said, "Thank you very much." Then when they got home, Chase went to get Tee Tee out of his bed, and he said, "Tee Tee missed me so much." At the end of the day, Chase was sitting on the floor by his high chair playing with the straps on the back of the chair, and Nanaw asked him what he was doing. He said, "Working on the zipline." Who knows where he learns those things.

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