Saturday, March 31, 2018

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Nanaw went to visit Chase on Saturday morning. Grandma Pat was making ambrosia salad-- yum!! When she was done with it, she offered some to Nanaw and of course Nanaw had lots. It's so very good. Nanaw brought along some of Chases easy-to-read books and his workbooks. Chase and Nanaw read one of his books -- the Dory book. Then they got out one of his workbooks and completed some of the assignments in the workbook. Then they used some of the stencils in the notebook that Grandma Pat gave Chase in all his Easter goodies. Chase told Nanaw to draw the bow and arrow, and she did. She showed Chase the picture of the Lego tower she built for him last night. While Mama was at the grocery store, Daddy and Chase went out into the garage to play hockey. Nanaw went along to be their audience and their cheering squad. Mama got pineapple slices for Nanaw to put on the ham for Easter dinner.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Friday, March 30, 2018

Daddy had the day off from work on Friday because it was Good Friday. Chase stayed with Daddy until noon, then Daddy dropped him off at Nanaw's while Daddy went out to Wentzville to pick up Grandma Pat. Daddy had brought a fish dinner from the firehouse for Chase, and Nanaw was able to get him to eat two pieces of the fish. Grandma Pat was going to spend the night at Chase's house and go with them to Aunt Becca's Easter dinner on Saturday. Then Daddy would take Grandma Pat back home to Wentzville. Chase and Nanaw went to the bank (where Chase got a green sucker as usual) and then to Dollar Tree on Lemay Ferry. At Dollar Tree, Chase got red and blue Legos, a blue Lego base, a stuffed duckling that Chase named Plush (from the tag on the duckling) and a surprise for a boy bag that contained a gun, three snakes and two nets. Next they went to the library where Chase got some fruit strips from the "bending machine." When Nanaw took Chase home, Grandma Pat gave him two big Easter buckets stuffed with Easter candy and toys. He had a great time unloading both of the buckets and was very happy with everything he got. For dinner, Daddy went to McDonald's, and Chase got a very cute Snoopy toy in his Happy Meal. In the evening, Nanaw made a tower for Chase out of his Legos; he had asked Nanaw to build something for him so she did.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Thursday's adventure for Chase and Nanaw was a visit to Powder Valley. It rained all day so Chase got to use one of Nanaw's Cardinals umbrellas. The first thing they saw at Powder Valley was Peanut the turtle, returning from a visit to an elementary school. The Powder Valley lady said they take him to schools to impress on children the importance of not littering. Peanut got caught up in a plastic rig that had soda or beer cans in it. The rig stayed on him and gave him a pinched waist, hence the name Peanut. Chase and Nanaw did the scavenger hunt again, and Chase had a great time with it. There were lots of school children at Powder Valley, and Chase followed them around -- he's quite the social little fellow. Chase stayed for dinner at Nanaw's house because Mama and Daddy were going to separate happy hours. Chase and Nanaw enjoyed a fire during dinner. After dinner, Nanaw saw Chase walking down the hall with his stuffed "amamals" in his arms. Nanaw asked him if he was packing up his "amamals" and he said, "No, I'm organizing them." He's such a funny one.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Chase had the day off on Wednesday for his spring break. He'll also be off Thursday, Friday and Monday. On Friday, Daddy has the day off also so Chase will probably get to spend the day with Daddy. In the morning, when Mama brought Chase to Nanaw's house, Nanaw asked Chase where he wanted to go for the day's adventure, and he said "Powder Valley." But later, when it was time to go, Chase said he wanted to go to the Magic House so that's where they went. Chase said they could go to Powder Valley tomorrow. So then they can go to the Science Center on Monday because Powder Valley is closed on Mondays. Chase and Nanaw had a great time at the Magic House and stayed for more than two hours. Chase visited most of his favorite places: including the bubble room, the Blues hockey room, the trains, the kaleidoscope, the jack in the beanstalk climbing thing, the courtroom, the president's office, the meeting room, and the construction zone. They stayed in the construction zone for almost an hour, the longest time they've played there. Later in the afternoon, Chase played abcmouse. Nanaw talked to Mama on the phone, and Mama said Chase's baseball practice was cancelled because the field was too wet from so much rain.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

When Nanaw took Chase to school, she told Mrs. Herrmann that she wouldn’t be able to help out in class because she had a doctor's appointment. When Nanaw picked Chase up, he was so excited about the blue Easter egg he'd dyed in school and his little white bunny Easter bag. He told Nanaw she had to staple it. Chase and Nanaw had two Easter egg hunts when they got home. First, Nanaw put the candy Chase got from school in plastic eggs and hid them. Chase had a great time hunting for them. Next, Chase hid the eggs, and he and Nanaw both hunted for them. Chase found three, and Nanaw found two. Then Chase ate his candy. Nanaw took some red licorice to Mama because she said she wanted some. Daddy took Chase to get a haircut, and Nanaw is looking forward to seeing it because he always looks so cute with a new haircut.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Chase and Daddy went out to Wentzville on Sunday afternoon to visit Grandma Pat. Nanaw was in Wentzville also, having lunch with her friends from UMSL, Mrs. Betty and Chief. Mama told Nanaw that Chase had a great time on Saturday night playing games with Jackson and teenaged girl named Kelly. (The first picture below is a surprise photo of Robbie with Auntie LaLa. Somehow he and a friend ended up at their house, and Auntie LaLa insisted on a picture that she sent to Mama. The second picture is Chase and Daddy on Saturday night at the game place.) Nanaw went over to visit Chase after she got home from Wentzville and the A-frame (she took frozen turkey carcasses from Thanksgiving and Christmas out to the raccoons). Chase and Nanaw did some pages in one of his workbooks. Then they played soccer, mostly in the hall but partly in the kitchen. After Nanaw left, Mama gave Chase a shower. Mama texted Nanaw a funny thing that Chase said and did during the shower. He told Mama he needed his stuff, meaning his toy shaving kit. Nanaw told Mama Chase is a riot, and Mama said she and Daddy were cracking up.