Thursday's adventure for Chase and Nanaw was a visit to Powder Valley. It rained all day so Chase got to use one of Nanaw's Cardinals umbrellas. The first thing they saw at Powder Valley was Peanut the turtle, returning from a visit to an elementary school. The Powder Valley lady said they take him to schools to impress on children the importance of not littering. Peanut got caught up in a plastic rig that had soda or beer cans in it. The rig stayed on him and gave him a pinched waist, hence the name Peanut. Chase and Nanaw did the scavenger hunt again, and Chase had a great time with it. There were lots of school children at Powder Valley, and Chase followed them around -- he's quite the social little fellow. Chase stayed for dinner at Nanaw's house because Mama and Daddy were going to separate happy hours. Chase and Nanaw enjoyed a fire during dinner. After dinner, Nanaw saw Chase walking down the hall with his stuffed "amamals" in his arms. Nanaw asked him if he was packing up his "amamals" and he said, "No, I'm organizing them." He's such a funny one.
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