Thursday, July 30, 2020

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Chase wore Nanaw's favorite jammies today, the skeleton ones, so she didn't get him dressed -- she left him in his jammies. Chase and Nanaw got all of the schoolwork done on time for a change -- yay! Today was Mrs. Forth's last original telecast on Room 9; Nanaw recorded Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday's segments; she'll also record the one on Friday but it will be a repeat from earlier in the week. Chase and Nanaw are sad that Room 9 is over. Chase really liked it, especially Mrs. Forth. Tomorrow, Mama has the day off, and Mama, Chase and Nanaw are going on an adventure. They're not sure yet where or what -- maybe the sunflowers at the confluence or the sunflowers at Eckert's in Belleville. Mama thinks rain might prevent them from having a picnic at Suson Park. They're going to decide on Friday morning what they're going to do. In the afternoon, Chase and Nanaw went to the Telegraph Road library to pick up books on request from the curbside service. Sadly for Nanaw, they've closed the library again.

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