Monday, August 10, 2020

Monday, August 10, 2020

The class list came out on Monday, and Chase has Mrs. Kennedy. Nanaw didn't tell him anything about the class list; she wanted Mama to be the one to tell him all about it. Chase said he wouldn't go to school if Brady wasn't in his class; fortunately, Brady is in his class. But Hunter isn't. Neither is Cole or Audrey. Chase, Connor, Cole and Audrey have been in the same class from kindergarten through second grade. So now it's just Chase and Connor. Chase had wanted Evie to be in his class but she's in Mrs. Wright's class, Among the kids in Chase's class are Sami, Will, Maria, Andrew, both Amelies, Joey, Emmalynn, Jackson P. and Mattie. I hope everything works out for the school year. While they were playing with Chase's stuffed animals, they named the two back-ups B1 and B2. In the evening, there was a tremendous rainstorm; Nanaw was on her way back from Waterloo Walmart and got caught in the rain. It was really rough driving on the highway but she got home okay. Then when she got home, the power went out for about three hours. Nanaw burned candles and read by candlelight. Mama texted Nanaw that their power didn't go out and that Chase was worried about Nanaw. Nanaw is going to get some kind of emergency light for the next power outage. 

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