Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday, December 18, 2020

Mama had the day off on Friday so she took Chase to school. Mama and Nanaw spent the day together. First, they went to Waterloo Walmart and did a lot of shopping. Then they came home for their movie adventure. They were going to watch a Hallmark movie -- A Shoe Addict's Christmas -- and Mama was going to make movie popcorn. She bought coconut oil and FlavaCal from Amazon, and supposedly those things would make popcorn that tasted like movie popcorn. And it did! It was yummy and Mama and Nanaw were very happy about it. Nanaw built a fire for them to watch the movie by. It was a delightful interlude. After the movie was over, Mama and Nanaw went to Walgreen's to look around, one of their favorite things to do. They went together to pick Chase up from school. Tanya was there waiting for Cole and they got to talk to her. They also talked to Ron and Chris, who got a new collie puppy named Mac. Mama was very excited about the puppy. After they got back to Nanaw's house, Mama went home, and Chase played on the laptop.

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