On Saturday morning, Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house while she did her grocery shopping at Schnuck's. Chase and Nanaw got the crystals ready for the lights/ The crystal lights are very pretty, and Nanaw thinks they make a good night light. In the evening, Nanaw went over to Chase's house for dinner. Daddy had suggested they order dinner from The Beast, a new BBQ restaurant that took over Bully's location in Columbia Centre. Nanaw got ribs, slaw, potato salad, and cornbread. It was all delicious and Nanaw had leftovers for future meals. Chase got pot roast and really liked it. He gave everybody a taste and they all agreed it was good but Mama's pot roast is better.
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Friday, January 22, 2021
Monday, January 18, 2021 through Friday, January 22, 2021
Mama, Daddy and Chase were off for the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Monday. Nanaw was still really sick so she asked Mama to take her to the St. Clare Emergency Room. They admitted Nanaw and she stayed there till Friday. The doctors couldn’t figure out what caused her kidney stoppage but it cleared itself up and Nanaw got to go home on Friday. During the week, Mama sent Nanaw pictures of Chase and let Nanaw know what he was doing. Grandma Pat was in the hospital also --St. Louis University Hospital, also an SSM facility. They both had the same kind of menus, which was funny. Mama picked Nanaw up from the hospital on Friday, and then after she picked up Chase from school, they went on errands to Walgreen's, the library and the cemetery.
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Sunday, January 17, 2021
Very unfortunately, Nanaw got sick, really sick Saturday night and was still sick on Sunday. So much so that she couldn't go to visit Chase. Mama sent Nanaw a picture of Chase playing in the front of the house on the driveway with the helicopter that he got for Christmas. He had baseball practice, and then played with his Xbox and talked to Andrew on Messenger. Grandma Pat had to go to the hospital because she wasn't doing well, and they kept her overnight.
Saturday, January 16, 2021
Saturday, January 16, 2021
On Saturday, Mamacita and Nanaw went to Aunt Joan’s funeral. Nanaw was glad to see everybody again. Nanaw was also happy to see Chase before and after the funeral. In the evening, she came over for the belated New Year’ Eve party Mama planned for after their quarantine. They had shrimp, Smokies in bacon, meatballs, Rotel and a cheese, crackers and sausage plate. For dessert they had gooey butter coffee cake. At about 9 or 10 they had New year’s with Champagne, grape juice and noisemakers.
Friday, January 15, 2021
Friday, January 15, 2021
Nanaw had an appointment with her surgeon on Friday so she couldn’t pick Chase up from school so Mama did. When Nanaw was done at the doctor, she came to get Chase for the afternoon. In the evening, Mama and Nanaw went to the visitation for Aunt Joan. Nanaw was happy to see Uncle Mike and cousins Joey, Robbie and Lindsey at the visitation. Nanaw forgot to take a picture of Chase in the afternoon so when Mama and Nanaw got back to Chase's house, she came in to see him and take pictures.
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Chase and Nanaw made sure to brush his teeth in the morning, in preparation for his orthodontist appoint on January 18 -- Martin Luther King Day. Chase is off from school and Mama and Daddy are off from work. Nanaw went to Dobb's at noon for an oil change, and they said she needed $2,000 worth of work on the Escape. So Nanaw is going to talk to Uncle Mike. It was raining when Nanaw picked Chase up from school, so she brought him his own Cardinals umbrella. He told Nanaw he'd gotten his at-home recorder, and on the way home from school, he played the new notes he'd learned. After school, he and Nanaw played MacDonaldsville on Roblox. It was great fun. They also played Chicken Nuggets. Chase played with the Mario guys and some of his other little figures. When they went home, Nanaw realized that Chase's heavy reading book wasn't in his backpack. Nanaw made Chase tell Mama and Daddy about it, and they said he couldn't play his tablet tonight. They want him to learn a sense of responsibility about his homework and remembering to bring home what he should bring home. Nanaw wanted to try to find the story Chase was supposed to read and study online but Mama wouldn't let her.
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
When Mama brought Chase to Nanaw's house on Wednesday morning, he was lying on the sofa with his pillow and blanket. Mama picked up the bag of his guys (stuffed animals) and dumped them all over him. Nana took pictures of Chase buried in stuffed animals -- it was so cute, and he was giggling. Later, when it was time to go to school, Nanaw timed Chase to see how long it took him to put on his coat and mask -- seven minutes, with all his messing around -- very funny. After school, when Chase came running out to Nanaw, he was clutching a drawing that he made of Super Mario Bros. (he told her that was short for brothers) that he made today. He said it wasn't in art or anything; he just felt like drawing it. He wanted to have Mama make a color copy of it so he could give one to Mama and one to Nanaw. He said if that didn’t work, he would draw another one so each of them could have one. Nanaw brought along the tablet because they were going to the cemetery. At Nanaw's house, they went into Chase's room to watch Chase TV. Chase also played on the keyboard and the tablet. He ate a cheese sandwich and chocolate milk. Later he went to play on the computer. He was excited that William was going to play Roblox with him at 5:30 -- hopefully. It didn't work out on Monday or Tuesday. Nanaw can't wait to find out if they played.
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
After Mama left on Tuesday morning, Chase put Tee Tee in one of his slippers, saying it was a comfy place for Tee Tee to sleep in. He wanted Tee Tee and Creeper to stay home during the day with Nanaw but said they should come along to pick him up from school. Chase and Nanaw remembered to brush his teeth; the orthodontist isn't too happy with his dental hygiene. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her he had only a social studies page for homework. He said some of the boys and girls had math and handwriting for homework but he'd finished his in class. Chase and Nanaw went to the cemetery on the way home; Nanaw had brought along her tablet so Chase wouldn't fuss about the detour. He also played with Nanaw's phone; that morning, he'd had her put two new game apps on the phone, and he wanted to play them. When they got home from the cemetery, he played on the tablet, the iPhone and the computer. He had a ham and cheese sandwich but Nanaw didn't want him to have anymore than that because he might be too full for dinner. Nanaw took Chase home early, at five, so he could get his homework done and eat dinner before baseball practice at seven.
Monday, January 11, 2021
Monday, January 11, 2021
Chase was happy to go back to school, after a week of quarantining and two weeks of Christmas vacation. He was excited that he was going to see his friends, especially William who'd been quarantining all of the school year. When Mama and Chase got there, Nanaw showed them the clear crystal so they could see how much it's growing. Nanaw packed up Chase's box of school books and papers. When they got to school, Nanaw got out of the car to help Chase with the box. He had his backpack with the heavy book in it, and the boy was burdened down. When Nanaw picked Chase up, she forgot to turn into her regular row in the parking lot. So she parked closer to the front in one of parking spots reserved for senior citizens. On the way home, they went to the library. Nanaw had brought along her Fire tablet for Chase to play on. Chase played on the computer when they got home. Nanaw looked in Chase's backpack for the reader's notebook that he said he had to do for homework but she couldn't find it. They decided that Chase had forgotten to bring it home. But in the evening, Mama found it in Chase's binder so everybody was happy.
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Sunday, January 10, 2021
On Sunday afternoon, Nanaw went over to Chase's house. Chase was at baseball practice at Powerhouse with Daddy. Mama and Nanaw went on a reconnaissance adventure to St. Clare Hospital so that Nanaw knew where to go for her appointment on Friday. Mama and Nanaw also drove to the end of highway 141, wanting to know where it stopped. The answer is JeffCo Blvd. On the way home, Nanaw wanted to look at the place they think Aldi will be built, across from Dairy Queen in Columbia. When they were turning from Route 3 onto Main Street, Daddy and Chase were coming from the opposite direction. Mama and Nanaw followed behind and finally Daddy and Chase saw Mama and Nanaw following behind them, and Chase waved. When they were all back home, Mama, Chase and Nanaw sat at the kitchen table and Chase did his spelling words for Mama. Then they all played a Roblox game together on their devices. Then Mama took Sam and Sylvester for their walk. Chase and Nanaw went into Chase's room and played hide and seek with his stuffed animals on his bed. They made quite a mess of his bed so Nanaw fixed it. Nanaw left when Mama got back from the dog walk. They were having salad and French bread for dinner. Daddy and Chase were going to hockey practice at 5:40 p.m. in Affton.
Friday, January 8, 2021
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house on Saturday morning while she went to the grocery store. She was very excited to get to go to the grocery store. Her grocery delivery experience last week wasn't the greatest. Chase and Nanaw had some adventures. First, they got out the crystal growing kit that Nanaw gave Chase for either his birthday or Christmas. Chase helped stir the crystal containers and was fascinated with the idea that crystals were going to grow. He also like the light-up base that they'll put the finished crystals on. It's going to take a week for the crystals to grow. The other thing they did was for Chase to play in the sink in the water with his Mario guys and Loki and a few of his other figures. After those activities, Chase wanted to put the Robux he got from Nanaw for his birthday into Roblox so they did. Then he wanted to play a Covid Roblox game with Nanaw. Nanaw was a doctor and wore a white outfit and a mask. And, of course, she had her rat on her shoulder. Chase was a patient and was wearing a piece of pizza on his back and his antlers. First Dr. Nanaw did a Covid test on Chase's avatar. Then she gave him a Covid vaccine shot. Very fun and funny. When Mama got there, she told Chase he was going to have Mozzarella sticks and little smokies for lunch. I think Mama's plan was to have Top Shooters wings for dinner -- now that the quarantine was over, Daddy could go pick them up. Nanaw forgot to take pictures today so she's going to use a Facebook memory picture from four years ago that Mama sent to her today. It was from the time Daddy, Mama, Chase and Nanaw went to the movie theater to see Finding Dory. Chase posed in a special area they had set up for photos.
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Friday, January 8, 2021
Happy Birthday to Mama!!! Mama had the day off for her birthday but she brought Chase over at the regular time. She was going to take down the Christmas tree in the living room, Chase's Christmas tree in his room and the Christmas decorations. Friday was Chase's last day doing Zoom classes at Nanaw's house. It was pajama day if you made a donation. Chase wore his Black Watch tartan plaid little old man jammies. Chase did really well on his last day. He was very self-sufficient in finding the Zoom links and the books and papers he needed for class. Amelie was the only other student doing Zoom with Chase. One of the best parts of the day was a Zoom session with a police dog and his policeman. Ms. Kennedy arranged for a policeman in Kentucky to do a Zoom presentation for the class. The dog is ten years old, is named Fox and is a Belgian Malinois (he looks like a German Shepherd). Chase loved watching the dog and is excited that next week, a Columbia policeman is bringing his police dog to Chase's class in person. Chase said he's looking forward to going back to school and to seeing his friend William, who's been doing Zoom for the whole school year but who is now back at class. Nanaw baked Mama's birthday cake and wrapped her presents (mostly Jack Skellington presents). After school, Nanaw and Chase tried again to make Mama's birthday game work but they couldn't. They'll keep trying because Mama really wants the game. At five o'clock, Chase and Nanaw went to Chase's house, with the birthday cake and Mama's presents. For dinner, they had Arby's. Daddy went to Waterloo to get their order. Nanaw had delicious chicken tenders. After dinner, they had super fun playing The Game of Life. Daddy was the banker and he won the game. At first, Nanaw went bankrupt and had all kinds of promissory notes. Then things turned around for her, and she ended up coming in second in the game. After the game, Mama opened her presents from Nanaw. After presents, everybody had cherry chip cake and dark cherry with chocolate pieces ice cream that was delicious.
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Thursday's Zooming day was a little different than the others. Nanaw's cleaning lady was coming so she and Chase would have to go downstairs while the cleaning lady was there. The first thing Chase had on Thursday morning was the all-class mass. The smart little fellow went to the ICS website and found the streaming link for the mass and opened the link and watched the mass. Nanaw was so proud of Chase. When it was time for recess, Chase and Nanaw carried the laptop, all his books and papers, and everything for lunch (plus Tee Tee and Creeper, of course) downstairs. Once again, Chase was very self-sufficient with the Zoom links and the papers he needed. For Physical Education, Chase walked on Nanaw's treadmill and rode on the exercise bike. It was very cute to watch, and Chase had a great time. At lunchtime, he came to sit with Nanaw and eat his ham and cheese sandwich. After lunch, Chase played with the toys in the playpen, one of his favorite activities when he was a little boy. Music class didn't work out very well for the Zoomers (Chase, his friend Will and Amelie). They were supposed to play their recorders (Chase has a beautiful blue one) but the Zoom link didn't work so they're going to try again tomorrow. After school, Chase and Nanaw tried again to make a ROBLOX game for Mama but again their games would not work. So tonight Nanaw is going to read the ROBLOX books and do the ROBLOX tutorial and figure out what they're doing wrong.
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Nanaw is liking having Chase Zooming at her house. He'd probably rather be back in school with his friends but Nanaw is happy to have him with her. They ran into a Zoom issue in the morning. Nanaw wanted to put in a multiple outlet so she unplugged the laptop, thinking the laptop would use its battery. But it didn't. It turned off. Then it took a long time to get it up and running and Zooming again. Chase is very self-sufficient with the Zooming and remote school. He goes into the email with the Zoom links and finds the right one. He and Nanaw look through the papers to find the ones he needs. He watches the clock and knows when each new Zoom starts -- very impressive. Chase and Nanaw keep trying to make Mama's birthday ROBLOX game but so far no luck. They'll keep trying.
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Chase and Nanaw had a good day on Tuesday doing Chase's Zooming. At first, they were in the dining room but the sunshine kept getting in their eyes. So they moved the laptop back into the computer lab. Chase had vocabulary review in Spanish. In Science, they're studying ecosystems. In Social Studies, they learned about American symbols, like the Pledge of Allegiance, the national anthem, the American flag, the Statue of Liberty and the White House. He had Fundations, which Nanaw doesn't understand and then PE. For PE, Chase and Nanaw did some touching the toes, picking up the Mario guys. Then they tossed the Mario guys down the stairs and went down to get them. Lastly, they jogged around the house. Then he did a multiplication worksheet in Math. He also colored a multiplication design for Math. In the middle of Math, Chase was supposed to print out the multiplication worksheet, and the printer ran out of ink. Nanaw changed the ink cartridge but had some problems with it so it took a couple of minutes. Chase asked the teacher and the class to wait for him while his Nanaw fixed the printer. Nanaw thought it was sort of funny. At the end of the day, Chase started to work on the Roblox game for his Mama as his birthday present to her (Mama's birthday is Friday, January 8). He named it Shy guy and the dogworld (EARLY RELEASE). He put lots of dogs in the game, along with Shy Guy from Mario's guys, Jack Skellington, Pepsi, and a book. In the evening, Nanaw tried to play the game but couldn't get it to open.
Monday, January 4, 2021
Monday, January 4, 2021
Today was Chase's first day of his week of Zooming for school. Mama brought Chase over to Nanaw's house at the regular time. Then she went to Chase's school to pick up all his books that he'll need this week. She brought the books back to Nanaw's house. Chase's Zooming didn't start until 9 a.m. because his class had mass first thing this morning. First came reading/spelling/English. They had their weekly spelling test, and Chase got all the words right. Ya, Chase! Next came reading and vocabulary words. Recess was next, and Chase played with Nanaw's tablet. Computer class came next; Mama came back to Nanaw's house in the middle of computer class. She was going to stay with Chase while Nanaw went to have a biopsy. Nanaw got back home about 3 p.m. Mama said things went well, except for the chaos the children in the schoolroom were causing. Ms. Kennedy had to keep telling them to sit down, to put their masks back on, to quit talking. Mama said it was really bad. She said the teachers have huge amounts of patience. Mama went home and Chase stayed till 5. In the evening, Mama called to ask if Tee Tee was at Nanaw's house. Nanaw found him on the floor of the car and took him home.