Chase and Nanaw made sure to brush his teeth in the morning, in preparation for his orthodontist appoint on January 18 -- Martin Luther King Day. Chase is off from school and Mama and Daddy are off from work. Nanaw went to Dobb's at noon for an oil change, and they said she needed $2,000 worth of work on the Escape. So Nanaw is going to talk to Uncle Mike. It was raining when Nanaw picked Chase up from school, so she brought him his own Cardinals umbrella. He told Nanaw he'd gotten his at-home recorder, and on the way home from school, he played the new notes he'd learned. After school, he and Nanaw played MacDonaldsville on Roblox. It was great fun. They also played Chicken Nuggets. Chase played with the Mario guys and some of his other little figures. When they went home, Nanaw realized that Chase's heavy reading book wasn't in his backpack. Nanaw made Chase tell Mama and Daddy about it, and they said he couldn't play his tablet tonight. They want him to learn a sense of responsibility about his homework and remembering to bring home what he should bring home. Nanaw wanted to try to find the story Chase was supposed to read and study online but Mama wouldn't let her.
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