Friday, February 26, 2021

Friday, February 26, 2021

Chase wore a pair of his cute Halloween jammies this morning, the ones that say Boo. So Nanaw took pictures of him. Then when he was brushing his teeth, he decided that Tee Tee needed to brush his teeth with the vibrating toothpaste, and Nanaw took pictures of that also. Nanaw had a horrendous breathing test today at St. Clare -- bad experience. She couldn't do one part because of her claustrophobia; they had a glass box where they closed the door. Nanaw told the technician she couldn't do the test. Nanaw was very happy to get out of there. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, she told him they were going to the library to pick up a book for Mama but that Nanaw had brought along the tablet for him to play with. When they got to the library, Chase said, "Nanaw, I have something to tell you." Then he told Nanaw that his teacher is pregnant. He said Sami told him. Nanaw called Mama to give her the news. At first, when they got to Nanaw's house, Chase wanted to draw pictures. He gave Nanaw a picture of a penguin he drew at school -- it was really cute. Then he changed his mind and wanted to play on the computer. Nanaw had to have Chase home by five (she was five minutes late, unfortunately) because he had baseball practice at 5:20. The coach was having 4 or 5 of the players come to the big park to practice pitching. Nanaw's deck is almost done; just one more railing to put up. Right now, there's cool caution tape.


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