Friday, January 15, 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016

Chase was happy to go to school on Friday and that made Nanaw happy -- she hopes he always likes school. After school, Chase didn't come out with the other boys and girls. Nanaw asked his teacher where he was, and Ms Merz said it was his turn to hold the door so he would be the last one out. Nanaw asked him about school and he said the treat was for Ethan's birthday and it was cake. He also got a little container of candy, what looked like tiny M&M's. Chase and Nanaw's adventure for the day was going to the Train House. Chase was excited to see that there were new tracks and trains on the train table in the cafe. He had a grand time playing on it, and he didn't want to go to the Creation Station to play and see Miss Linda. But after about half an hour of playing with the table in the cafe, he decided it was time to go see Miss Linda. Miss Linda was very happy and excited to see Chase and Nanaw. Chase played in the kitchen and on the Thomas tables. He also dumped out all the wooden blocks and began to build roads and ramps with Miss Linda and Nanaw. On the way home, chase and Nanaw stopped at Walmart to buy regular corn bread mix and gluten-free corn bread mix for Mama to fix with Saturday's chili dinner for Jackson, Jen and Joe -- and Nanaw. After his nap, Chase had a great time playing in the sink with his changing colors Cars cars.

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