Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday, January 11, 2016

Once again, Chase said he didn't want to go to school Monday morning. But when Chase and Nanaw got to school, he was fine. He showed Nanaw the new Storm Trooper toy and the new Batman toy. When he came out of school, he told Nanaw that he had cried in school because Brady took the Storm Trooper toy away from him. But then he said he stopped crying because Miss Merz took the Storm Trooper away from Brady and gave it back to Chase. Chase and Nanaw went home after school and had lunch and played downstairs with a new train track Chase built and the Army guys. In the afternoon, they took TJ to the vet for his steroid shot. When they got to the vet, Chase said that after TJ got his shot, they would go to the dollar store and get Chase a toy. In the vet's office, there was a tuxedo cat named Wynnie that Chase was delighted with. Chase enjoyed watching the Nemo fish in the aquarium. Next. they went to Dollar Tree and Chase got another Hot Wheel car and a noise-making light saber.

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