A sad thing happened for Chase on Friday. When Nanaw went to pick up Chase for school, Mama asked Nanaw if Chase needed a jacket, and Nanaw said no, that it was warm outside. But then it got colder and by the afternoon, the temperature was under 60 degrees. The boys and girls can't g outside without a jacket if the temperature is under 60 degrees. So Chase had to stay inside in the afternoon. He said there was another little boy with him, plus two "grils." He said he looked at a picture of a turkey. Nanaw thinks he may have been upset because he kept talking about having to "settle down." From now on, Nanaw will keep his red and black checked jacket in his backpack so this can't happen again. After school, Chase and Nanaw went to the little park, and Brady and Emma were there too. It was very chilly and the slides were wet from the rain earlier in the day. Nanaw had brought along a towel to dry off the slides so that helped. Then Brady decided he wanted to go inside the library to look at books so they all went into the library. On the way out of the library, they saw Miss Candy, and Nanaw signed Chase up for Story Time starting Thursday, December 1. In the evening, Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went to Hooters for dinner. Nanaw had said she didn't want to go but then Chase said he wouldn't go if Nanaw didn't go, so Nanaw changed her mind and said she'd go.
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