Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Mama brought Chase to Nanaw's house early so she could go vote before work. Nanaw told Chase they were going to the voting place, and Chase thought she was saying boating place -- very funny. He decided he didn't want to go there and started crying about going. But by the time they got there, he had stopped crying and was fine about going, especially when he saw the plate of cookies the church had put out for voters. Chase did his shy act with the people at the poll who said hello to him and tried to do high five. But he was very happy to take a chocolate chip cookie with M&M's. After voting, Chase and Nanaw went to the Magic House. Unbeknownst to Nanaw, the Magic House had a special election day event , and it was really crowded. But Chase enjoyed having so many boys and girls there. He played in the tech area with the musical balls, played in the craft area, played with the Lego cars, played in the water works, went to the bank and the electric company, played with the bubbles and went down the rope ladder. On the way out, he spent time with the air ball gadgets. Chase had a great time -- he really loves the Magic House.

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