Friday, March 31, 2017

Friday, March 31, 2017

On Friday morning, Chase was excited about wearing his new Mario tee-shirt. Mama washed it Thursday night so he could wear it to school on Friday. When Chase went into the classroom, he told Ms. Merz about his new Mario shirt, and she told him it was great. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, they got to talk to Alaina's grandparents and Alaina. Her grandfather showed Chase a picture of Alaina on her birthday; she was dressed as a princess, with a sparkly dress, a crown and a scepter. Chase and Nanaw played school downstairs when they got home from school. Once again, Chase took his "amamals" downstairs with him so they could play school also. He also played with his microphone. Chase told Nanaw he had new "moves" to do to the song Cake by the Ocean. Nanaw wanted to see the "moves" but Chase said he wouldn't do them till he got home to show Daddy. When Nanaw took Chase home, Daddy wasn't there yet -- he had to work late. Mama and Nanaw wanted Chase to practice his "moves" for them but Chase said he would wait for Daddy. Nanaw called Mama in the evening to see if Chase ever performed for Daddy, and she said he did it for about two seconds and then he wanted to play hockey -- what a kid.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Chase's first adventure of Thursday was playing with a mountain of mega blocks in Nanaw's living room. He was very cute about looking for the mega block farm animals. (Note: At the end of the day, Chase did a good job of helping Nanaw pick up all the blocks, and Mama agreed to give him a point toward toys for his efforts.) The first place Chase and Nanaw went was to the Train House. Miss Lynn and Miss Linda were happy to see them. Chase went around to all the different activities, taking Bill the owl and Nanaw with him. Chase got his regular treat of popcorn and was quite happy about that. After the Train House, Chase and Nanaw went to the Magic House. As in the past few weeks, the Magic House was very crowded because of all the spring breaks in the school districts. Chase had a great time, going to his various favorite displays: the craft room, the still life drawing area, the glass painting, the hockey room, the secret slide, the train, the ball loops, the shadow wall, and the air balls. When Chase and Nanaw got home, he spent time with abcmouse and then playing with his Hot Wheels. When Nanaw took Chase home, he and Daddy were going to play hockey in the garage, and Chase was very excited about that.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Chase and Nanaw walked into school with Jackson and his dad, and he told Nanaw about a neat hockey learning thing in Affton. Chase would really like it, Nanaw thinks, but it would probably conflict with tee-ball. Ms. Carrow told Nanaw that the song the class is practicing -- Can't Stop the Feeling -- is for their end of the year picnic and talent show. And Ms. Merz did teach them the "moves." When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he demonstrated what he'd done on the playground: walking like a penguin. Nanaw took Chase home, rather than to her house, because he had a dentist appointment for teeth cleaning. Mama found out that he needs a special mouth piece to wear at night to push his teeth apart so his permanent teeth have room to come in. Mama and Daddy are concerned that he won't keep it in and won't use it -- and it will cost $500. Mama texted Nanaw that tee-ball practice was cancelled and that dinner would be at 5:30. Dinner was delicious bacon wraps -- yum, yum.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

First thing Tuesday morning, Nanaw took Chase to the pediatrician for his ear infection. He was unbelievably good while they were there. He and Nanaw took along the red and blue horseshoe magnets so that he could move the frogs around on the play table. He weighed 43 pounds and did his flirting thing with the nurse and was very patient about getting blood pressure and temperature taken. The nurse showed him how to find his pulse on his wrist and he liked that. The doctor found an ear infection in Chase's right ear and fluid on his left ear and prescribed amoxicillin. Chase got two cookies and a Paw Patrol sticker. Nanaw took Chase to Walmart to buy toys for him because he had been so spectacularly good at the doctor's office. They bought a flippity-do that's a giraffe and a hippo; five Batman Hot Wheels cars; and a Cars car Raul Carole. Next, they went to Walgreen's to pick up the medicine. Chase really liked the bubble-gum flavor amoxicillin; he said "Yum" and asked for more. Chase and Nanaw spent the rest of the day at home, playing with abcmouse, and then playing school downstairs.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday was a rainy day, and Chase was happy to use his Paw Patrol umbrella. But Nanaw did not leave it in his locker when she took him to school --- who knows what he would have done with the umbrella at school. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he told her about an activity he and Andrew did together -- sliding on the floor and chasing balls -- very confusing. Nanaw heard Ms. Carrow talking about a veterinarian visiting the class that day so she asked Chase about it. Chase said it was a vet who worked with farm "amamals" like cows -- it was very cute to hear him say that. When Chase and Nanaw got home, Chase wanted to go downstairs and play school. He took along the "amamals" he brought from home so they could be his classmates. He started talking about centers -- so there was the alphabet center, the number center, etc. Chase also told Nanaw Ms. Merz taught his class the "moves" for the Can't Stop this Feeling song. Nanaw played the song for him, and he showed the movie to Nanaw. He also showed Mama and Daddy the "moves" when Nanaw took him home.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Nanaw went over to Chase's house to play with him and to have dinner. When she got there, chase and Daddy were playing with Chase's alphabet-themed zoo in Chase's room. Chase told Nanaw what alphabet letter each animal's name began with. Then chase showed Nanaw his two new hockey sticks and the new blue puck he got at Dick's on Sunday, before Daddy went to play golf. Chase wanted Nanaw to play hockey with him but Mama said he had to put his zoo animals away before he could play hockey so he did -- he's a very good little boy. Dinner was burritos with white corn tortillas -- delicious! After dinner, Mama, Chase, Sam and Nanaw went for a walk. As usual, Chase was Mr. Wild Man. He wanted to played red light, green light. Then he added purple light, for which he jumped up and down. Then he added blue light for which he turned around in a circle. Lastly came rainbow light, where you're supposed to do everything. It was a fun, unusual walk. It had been awhile since they all went together, and Nanaw decided Chase definitely gets more interesting the older he gets. Uncle Mike sent Nanaw pictures of his work on the kitchen at the little house -- making Nanaw very happy.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Chase and Nanaw had an exciting evening of adventures on Saturday. Mama and Daddy went out to dinner in Belleville with Jackson's parents, and Mama and Daddy dropped Chase off at Nanaw's house at 5 o'clock. First, Chase and Nanaw went to tunnel McDonald's by Walmart. When they got there, no boys and girls were in the play area. But soon, about half a dozen kids showed up, and Chase was excited about that. It was the loudest bunch of kids Nanaw has seen there. They screamed and yelled, and Chase joined right in. After McDonald's, they went to the Keller Cinema to see the movie Sing. Nanaw took a picture of Chase in front of the Sing poster because Chase wanted Nanaw to text Mama and Daddy. Chase and Nanaw both really liked the movie -- and the popcorn. After the movie, Chase asked Nanaw who her favorite "amamal" was. Nanaw said the pig and asked Chase what his favorite was. Chase said the squid. Nanaw took Chase home after the movie and gave him a bath. It was late -- 10:30 -- when he was finally in bed.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday, March 24, 2017

Chase brought his big yellow container of Legos over to Nanaw's house and started to play with them on the kitchen counter before school. It was very cute to watch him put together the little Lego animals. When Nanaw took Chase to school, she asked Ms. Carrow about the vegetable soup the class is going to make. She explained that she was going to read a book to the class about vegetables. Then she would put her favorite vegetable, tomatoes, in the soup pot (crock pot), followed by the boys and girls putting their favorite vegetables in the pot. The soup will cook all day, and in the afternoon, the boys and girls will taste the soup. Nanaw is anxious to hear whether Chase ate any of the soup. When Nanaw picked Chase up, she asked about the soup, and Chase said it was good. Then he volunteered that he tasted broccoli and that it was good. How amazing! When they got home, chase asked Nanaw if he could get a point toward his 10 point program to get toys for putting away his Legos from the kitchen counter. Nanaw called Mama to ask her that question, and Mama said yes. When Chase got home, Mama gave him a "mini winebag," as Chase calls the mystery bag -- it had a cannonball Mario (whatever that might be). Mama, Daddy, Chase and Nanaw went to Merz on Main for dinner. Chase was a quiet little fellow -- he may not be feeling well.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Thursday, March 23, 2017

On Thursday, Chase and Nanaw had a day without outside adventures. They spent the morning drawing pictures and pasting them in Chase's "notebook." Nanaw did most of the drawing, at Chase's direction, and most of her drawings were just barely recognizable -- Nanaw is definitely not an artist. Chase also played with abcmouse for awhile. Then Nanaw spent some time straightening up the house for the cleaning lady. At noon, Chase and Nanaw went to Chase's house while the cleaning lady was at Nanaw's house. At his house, Chase did the cutest thing, playing with Legos on the hearth and making up all kinds of pretend games. He played with his Kindle Fire for awhile and fell asleep on the Gascar chair. When they went back home, Chase again played with abcmouse -- he really likes that program, and it's really good for him. From a combination of abcmouse and Pre-K, he's really interested in letters and words and spelling and writing. Every once in awhile, he'll call out, "I'm getting ready for kindergarten!" When Nanaw took Chase home, he gave her a homework assignment: Chase told Nanaw to draw a picture of a penguin and to put it in his notebook. So that's what Nanaw did. Once again, the drawing is just barely recognizable.