Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday, March 6, 2017

Chase had the day off from school because it was Casimir Pulaski Day. (He was a Polish-born nobleman who fought in the US Revolutionary War and who is called the father of the American calvary.) Chase and Nanaw went to the Train House for the first time in a month, and everybody who knows them there was happy to see them, especially Miss Linda. Chase played for a long while with the magnetic blocks and then in the kitchen. He and Nanaw also played with the puppets and with the mega blocks. They didn't do any crafts but maybe they'll do them next week. Chase got his usual popcorn, which made him happy. When they got home, Nanaw fixed some peas for Chase, and to Nanaw's shock, he ate them all by himself. She also fixed corn for him. After lunch, Chase and Nanaw worked on one of the pipe cleaner crafts that Mama bought at Toys R Us. Chase had a lot of fun with the craft, and he took it home so Mama and Daddy could see the craft. Chase also played with his alphabet letters (which are spread all over the living room floor), spelling words and lining up numbers. Nanaw still has to pick them up because Uncle Doug is coming first thing in the morning to bring Chase some children's videos on VCR tape that had belonged to Ryan and Greg. When Nanaw took Chase home, he and Mama sat at the kitchen table to put hockey stickers in his hockey book. It was very cute to watch and to see how excited Chase gets about hockey.

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