Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Wednesday was a big day for Chase: his first day at T-ball. Mama and Daddy said he started talking about it first thing in the morning. He wanted to play T-ball right then; he didn't want to have to wait till 5:30 p.m. When Nanaw picked Chase up from school, he and Brady told the class about T-ball and that Chase's Daddy was the coach. Nanaw took Chase home at 5 and then followed them to the T-ball field. There were about 10 or 15 boys and girls there at the field, with their parents. Nanaw was pleased and surprised to see that there were two girls on the team: Layla and Cathy. Brady was there with his Mama and Daddy, his grandma and his darling baby sister Emma. Chase took his baseball glove with him, and he was so excited about the whole thing. First, the boys and girls ran the bases; then they practiced playing catch with each other and with the parents. Finally, they practiced hitting the ball on the T-ball setup. Everybody got to hit the ball 10 times. Chase did fairly well hitting the ball, as did most of the boys and girls. It was really cold outside, and Mama and Nanaw wished that they had brought blankets to snuggle in. Nanaw is looking forward to going to Chase's T-ball games.

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