Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday, August 25, 2017

On Friday morning, Chase had a meltdown before school. He felt warm and said his head hurt but Mama said he should go to school. Nanaw gave him some Tylenol and managed to get him into the school. He wouldn't go into the classroom so his teacher Mrs. Hermann came out into the hall to talk to him. She told Nanaw it would be all right and evidently it was. When Nanaw picked Chase up after school, Mrs. Hermann told her he had eventually calmed down and was fine. So Nanaw felt very good about that. She had planned to take him to the Magic House after school but he still seemed warm so they went home instead and watched a movie. Then they went to Tunnel McDonald's where Chase played with other boys and girls for a long time. He finally said he wanted to leave because the boys and girls were screaming and shouting very loudly. Next, Chase and Nanaw went to Walmart where Nanaw bought Chase a basketball set that she was unable to put together. Chase was having a sleepover with Nanaw while Mama and Daddy went to Mama's 30th high school reunion. Chase took a bath, and Nanaw read his three books to him while he was in the tub. Chase and Nanaw slept in Pawpaw's bed; Chase only woke up once to have Nanaw find lost Tee Tee for him.

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